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'Grey' is dying


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I think 'Grey' is dying....


We were caught by surprise. She was ok last night and now, Doctor said, There is a high percentage of losing her.


For the past days, we've noticed that grey is itching heavily. She has a rash on her upper eye lid (it looks like a pimple w/o an eye) which we treats with aloe plant. Yesterday, we decided to give her a quick shower (water and aloe juice) around 6.30pm.


This Morning, we noticed something wrong, usually she starts to make sounds / noises the 'second' we stand out from our beds. This morning.... There was no reaction...


She ate for a while and stood up her perch and thats it.... few minutes after, she is down on the cage floor (standing), feathers fluffed. We also noticed that there are grean peas on the cage floor and there are some greeny things on her beak. We assume she vomitted.


My initial prognosis:


1. it is because of the late shower

2. it has something to do with itchy thing

3. it has something to do with the green peas she ate (maybe it was not fresh?)


At 1 pm we decided to bring her to British Veterinary Clinic in Abu Dhabi. The doctor said she is in Bad shape. She even mentioned that there are same cases in the past three weeks. Doctor is talking about a viral thing.... PBFD.... She said she's not sure if it's the same thing that strucked 'grey'.


Now, 'Grey is confined in the clinic. Blood & Fecal tests will be done.


Some "fluids" will be given to her as the doctor informed.


'Grey' is damn weak... Standing, head bowed down, not moving, fluffy feathers, eyes closed.


The Doctor said, there is no assurance that she will survive. From her tone of voice, it is down to 2-10 ratio.


Every immediate family member is now crying. Me myself have been holding back my tears since i am in the office.


Life is really mysterious... It is SO mysterious that sometimes it becomes questionable...


'Grey' is not a pet.... 'Grey' is FAMILY to us. She has been with us roughly 1 month and few weeks only. But the bond and love felt and given to us and vice versa was beyond that.


Now we are so Sad... We cant do anything but pray.


I hope she makes it....


If not, i am sure that the amount of sadness cannot be measured.... It is like losing a 'human' family member.


Will update you guys on the development.... Positive or negative...

Edited by dubaighost
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Just got an update from the Doctor...


'Partial' Blood results arrived....


White blood cells count: Normal count is 10 - 18....


Grey's wbc count......... ZERO..... it means.... She has ZERO immune system.


Doctor confirmed that it is the same virus that hit the CAGs in UAE for the last months... They had several cases of such desease... Will get full blood results later....


Survival rate is down to 5%.... They gave us options... Put her to sleep.... OR let her die on her own.....



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This is hard news for your family. I believe no matter how short your time with Grey, you have been with her for a lifetime. You brought her to a loving home, you gave her every good thing she has had in life up to now. While this is so difficult for your family, it has been so much better for Grey to be in a place with such caring people, even for a short time. I am so sorry all of you are going through this sad sad time.

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She knows she is loved hope they allow you a visit so she know she is still loved no matter the outcome. Viruses ar such sneaky things, she was most likely infected before she came to you. Hugs and love we all share the love of these marvelous creatures and share some of your pain.

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Your baby is moving on to the blue skies over the rainbow. This is not your fault. What you have done is give the baby all the wonderful love and peace of a true companion. You must remember, not only will you be thinking of Grey, but Grey will be thinking of you so please make the thoughts good. Some angels are only put on the earth for a short time. You and your family must rejoice in the fact that you gave her so much of your hearts. Send out warm thoughts of what Grey has meant and still means to you. No one can ever take away this love that you have given and shared with your feathered friend. If she is not suffering, then let her spend this time with you. Keep her warm. If she has pain, then your other choice might be desirable. Touch her for me...and send her our love...


Edited by Jayd
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Your strength is what is needed now, for Gray your family and yourself. Gray can feel and sense your emotions, let Gray feel the full impact of all your love, he will return it to you ten-fold. No one could have done more than you have, Gray and every one knows this. Be his light and shine for him now, he can feel your warmth and all our loves and prayers..

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Thank you for wishes and prayers...


Yesterday afternoon, right leg started giving up... We still had hopes that she will improve.


Evening, Family was in the Clinic to check her. The minute she saw us, she chirped!


left leg gave up as well. Few minutes before that, we were ready to take that 5% chance and go for a rigorous medication.



At that time, she can no longer move her legs. she is just bitting the cage railings to keep her in an upright position.


I carried her.... Head & neck was strong... trying to hold on to my shirt to climb up my shoulder. At that time, it seems like she's gonna make it...


We talked to the Doctors, nurses and watchers.... Same prognosis.... She will not make it.... They have 10 cases before but ZERO survival rate.


All of us was devastated. My 9yr old son keeps on asking.... "is she going to make it? is she going to live?"... He was crying since afternoon.....


at 11 pm, we decided to give it a shot (overnight) to check if there will be any development.


8.30am today, Doctor called and informed us that it is getting worst. Two legs are fully not functioning. She's on her side... eyes closed... feathers fluffed... The doctor recommended to put her to sleep to reduce the agony..


We decided to say 'yes' to the doctor's recomendation. WE don't want 'grey' to be in pain.


My wife immediately left the office to see off 'grey'....


My wife said, "i want 'grey' to see me before she goes... i want her to know that i was there until the end... i want her to know that i love her..... "


This virus is so wicked..... i hope, one day, they'll find a cure for it.......


I hope 'grey' is in a better place now.....

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