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Testing my Patience


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David is gone for the day so I thought it would be a great time to fully clean the cage. Well I never realized the need for a little temp cage before today :( Rorschach has tested my patience big time. He would not stay perched on anything and would keep flying to my shoulder or head and then he would get a nice chomp out of my ear. When I finally finished the inside I had to lock him back up to take a breather.


They are SOOO much like toddlers and any non bird owner truly could never understand. I was telling my friend about it and she suggested I lock him in the bedroom until I was done. I should have asked her if that would work with her 2 year old.

I think I will be calling my mom to get that spare cage back. It’s not the nicest but it will do for the time it takes to clean his cage.


Sorry I just needed to vent, I still love the little devil!




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I hear ya Theresa but maybe what you need to get is a travel cage, I use one for each of my 3 birds when I need to take them out of the room to clean, to the vets and on excursions in the vehicle or just outside for some fresh air and sunshine. You are right that is like having a perpetual toddler in the house who will never grow up but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Thanks for sharing your story with us.

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yeah we are looking around for carriers. We seen an awesome one online that is like a backpack (you may have seen it) it would be great for walks with Rorschach. It is a bit expensive and money is tight so we have to wait on ordering it. The spare cage is actually a pretty good size, we bought it before we had Rorschach when we were planning on getting a bird. My mom and her hubby were wanting to get birds too so we gave them the cage. They don't use it because they decided on lovebirds and of course the cage is way to large for them. It will do until our finances are back up to par and we can shop for a carrier.


The fact that they never grow up is the main reason why I wanted a parrot in the first place. I completely love the toddler stage because they are clumsy, funny and always learning new things.

I wouldn't trade Rorschach in for anything either, his pros definitely outweigh his cons (cons being he likes to bite for fun)

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Your messing with Rorschach's home. :P


I don't cage day while cleaning his cage and just shoo him off when he tries to land on me. I must admit though, he is fast and deadly at times. :P


You situation will improve if you get a temp cage while you clean. :) All though, it may be a chore to get him in it once he figures out the routine.


In the summertime, I just roll Dayo and the cage outside and they both get a bath and cleaning.

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haha yeah well if he cleaned his own home then I wouldn't be invading lol these fids not cleaning up after themselves tisk tisk :P Normally he is pretty cool and just watches either from his perch or my shoulder. It's pretty funny when he jumps on the top tray when I am trying to slide it back. Today he was just being a little brat biting my ear. He has since calmed down and is happily sitting on my head singing.


Even in the summer I will not have that luxury, there is no way I will be able to carry his cage down the stairs without taking it to pieces and I am still not sure if there is a hoes hooked up to the building.

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So far I have been lucky. Ana Grey and Louie immediately get out of their cages when I open their doors. They just rush out and onto their door top. Ana Grey enjoys watching me clean her cage and she will observe the whole time. I am waiting for her to go tsk, tsk, you missed a spot!!!! LOL!!

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oh Rorschach is out of the cage, he isn't protecting his turf he was just being a brat. LOL He was out of the cage and I had taken the grate out and was cleaning that when he decided to bite. Another bite came when he was watching me shred paper. He has never had a problem with us being in or around his cage even when cleaning. The only thing he would do was try to get the cloth out of my hand when I was cleaning the bars. He gets in his little saucy moods as you all know can come and go. It could also be because I was paying attention to something other then him, he is rather needy. HAHA

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OMG, some of these are so funny. I just have to add. It seems as Prince, never wants to come to me until I am cleaning. It is so hard to get anything done with a birdie on your shoulder or arm. He stay on his cage or gym most of the time, but when I pick up the broom its like an open invitation. I take him back more than I clean.

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HAHAHA! yeah Rorschach is pretty much like that ALL THE TIME! It started with me leaving the room to go to the bathroom... you know I can't go alone? I mean I never was able to before because I have 2 cats who are pretty much the same they have to always be in the same room as me. I don't know what it is with me and animals but pretty much every pet I have ever owned since I was a child has always been stuck to me. I remember being little in a twin bed with a cat, a poodle and a golden retriever... not a lot of room left for me lol I have 4 other siblings and our pets always chose me over anyone else.


Today I was just frustrated because of the biting, normally we can work together and get it done but not today lol

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From what we are told he will be 2 in June.


I just read your post on biting, we had only gotten Rorschach in August and has always been a nipper. He bit me pretty bad the first day he was home I had the imprint in my ear for about a week. Since we didn't have him since he was a baby I don't know if he always did this or if it was learned. I think I am mainly at fault though because I find it very hard to contain myself from saying ouch, he now finds it fun to bite me. When he bites David it is usually because he doesn't want him to touch him, when I am around he only wants his mom. He has showed a bit of aggression towards David a few times since February so I think it may be the time of year.. but usually David is asking for it because he fails to read his body language. It is touch and go with Rorschach, he can be the sweetest bird one second and then the next he is chewing on your hand. We deal with his mood swings, if it gets too much I will put him away the last thing I want is to get super frustrated with him.

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