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Cage cleaning....phew


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Just finished cleaning Cleo's massive cage. Decided to cheat and borrow my father's water blaster. I must say, that was one of the better ideas I've had in my life time!


The cage is spotless, even all those hard to reach places and tiny gaps between the bars and the actual cage frame. No chemical used, so no worries about poisoning or residue.


I think I'll do a BIG clean like this every month, with ordinary cleans regularly.


Madam was a bit perturbed when I put all her things back in the cage, because they aren't in exactly the same spot, and there are a few extra small perches here and there. Still, she is nibbling on a piece of silverbeet, so she can't be too upset right?


I'm feeling very fulfilled and satisfied, having done the big cage clean. Phew! :D

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Unfortunately I have to wash our cage by hand which isn't an easy task... I am not sure if our building has a hoes which would make it easier when the weather warms up.


While we are on the subject of cleaning, do you guys have any recommendations of cleaners that is safe to use around the house? (not on the cage) I mean for doing floors and whatnot

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Butttaxi, For carpet fresh I use baking soda. I have hard wood floor, so I use a steamer, when its time to mop. I clean a lot with vinegar and water about half and half. My breeder told me that she uses orange cleaners on her floors and wood. I haven't yet, still researching that. I use bleach wipes in kitchen and bathroom, but don't let the birdies out until all is dry. If you take a fresh lemon and rub it over the bars of the grate, poo won't stick as bad. I clean the windows with v/w mix. I dust with a swifter. I have used a little olive oil on some of my woods that needed a shine. I am sure I left something out, but here is a little to get you started.

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Judy, I would seriously recommend investing in a water blaster. Cleaning this cage was actually fun, and it was amazing to see how dirty it actually still was, in spite of my best efforts to do manual cleaning on it. And as I said, I used no chemicals what so ever, and the cage looks like new.


I used a regular flat spray first to get into all the cracks and bits, then used this humongous brush attachment to properly clean the bars.

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**Cleaning this cage was actually fun,***


Hmmm, Really, is that so? Did you get very excited and stimulated. Another thing --- was it as good for Cleo as it was for you? Do you feel closer to Cleo now?

Edited by Dave007
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Cage cleaning at its finest. What efforts we go through to keep our standards up for our feathered friends. I like Ray's idea. I like Dave's idea too, but cleaning has never been quite that much fun. Good idea on using the pressure washer though.

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