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Sunny Wanted to BITE Me!


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Sunny did not want me to pick him up or even play with him. He was trying to bite me is this a normal behavior? After a while I left him alone and then I tried again this time he went with me as like if it never happened. Please advise thanks....

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You have to respect Sunny's wishes if he doesn't want you to bother him at a particular time, they usually like things on their own terms and like us we have times we don't want to be bothered with, since he later acted as if it never happened he was more receptive of your advances. This is all perfectly normal grey behavior, just pay attention to the body language.

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You kinda have your answer right in the first sentence: Sunny did not want me to pick him up or even play with him.

As Judy already said, you have to respect their wishes or you'll get hurt. IMO, when they are unable to communicate their wishes there is nothing else then to give you a bite as a sign of their disapproval. Pay attention to the body language.

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ruby will get like that too sometimes. at first usually she will give a warning nip that doesn't hurt. it just means if i don't leave her alone, then she's really gonna bite! after awhile she'll act like nothing happened, and i can pick her up no problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back to the drawing board! Sunny bit me hard this time gave me a good bruise. I have a question maybe someone can Help? I never saw this type of behavior before is it that he is maturing he just turned one year? I do pick him up everyday and he lets me even play with him, however lately he just don’t want me to even take him out of the cage. If I tell my wife she definitely would want me to get rid of him. Sunny does not get along with no one in my home I am the only one that handles him. Everyone in my home has stop trying to pick him up or even try to play with him for this reason. I really do not want to get rid of him I really like Sunny. Anyone please advise thanks in advance…..

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Sorry to hear this but instead of trying to get him out of his cage allow him to come out on his own then ask him to step up, some get territorial about their cage and do not like even their favored person to put their hands inside to get them, try that and see if it helps.

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All I can really say is welcome to the club, we get bitten daily, Rorschach isn't vicious or territorial he is just moody like a lot of grey's can be. Now we don't have any kids to worry about but when anyone visits with their children we take extra precaution so they don't get their little fingers bit.


The biting was one of the main things we were expecting when we decided to get a grey. It would be nice to never get bitten but I don't think that was in the cards. I can't really suggest anything more then what everyone else had said, be patient and pay attention to body language. If they don't want to interact they will let you know prior to biting so you could avoid a bite. OR you could have a saucy brat like we have and just get nipped just because he thinks it's fun. lol

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I think it is purely territorial for he is asserting his independence now that he is about 1 year old, he is too young for it to be anything hormonal. He wants some control over his life and wants to make some decisions for himself and he is telling you in the best way he knows how so give him some space and when he doesn't want you messing with him then respect his wishes and try later, if you force yourself on him then he will bite, heed his warnings, watch his body language and you two will get along better.

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