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Rehomed Status @ 3 Months....


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Well, ole Timmy has been here for over 3 months now, and for a rehomed 4yr old that was mean and a non-speaker and deprived of attention from previous owners, I feel that we have made GREYT progress! Timmy is my first bigger sized parrot and I have really put in the time with him he needs to be happy, and with the other keets/tiel/dogs in the same room (100% sunlight vs the dark corner he was in at past home) he really likes his new home! Im amazed at how we have made it this far, and he amazes us every day, learning new words and tricks on a whim!


Timmy was really a "Diamond in the rough" as yall remember from eariler on but he is polishing up like crazy! I now realize that he is a bird that likes to be held, sit on shoulder, and talked to...I ALSO realize he does NOT kiss, cuddle, or EVER want to be petted...thats the bottom line, but he will not bite unless I force him to do something he dont want to, haha.


His vocab and Cognition and language abilities are growing by the day! He says about 20 words, a dozen phrases (mixes them up too!), and over a dozen household sounds (beeps, phones...etc), and if he likes what he hears he will master it in a couple days. He knows that "want a grape" means come out of the cage and sit on top or he aint getting it. I know that when he is hanging upsidedown in the cage means "back the hell off" or I WILL BITE HARD!!


To sum it up, Timmy is (excuse my language) "Bad A$$" and I thank all of yall for the help and information over the past 3 months. I hope my posts will help at least one person who went thru what I did at first!!!!

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Thanks for sharing the update. Sounds like you are building a relationship with Timmy based on respect. He seems to be happy and making his way in the "flock". I look forward to hearing more about him in the weeks and months to come.

Edited by JeffNOK
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Thanks for sharing the update. Great progress! :-)


I ALSO realize he does NOT kiss, cuddle, or EVER want to be petted...thats the bottom line...



Never say never!:-D My Zak was afraid of his own shadow for nearly 8 years and he wouldn't cuddle much. Then one day, something in me changed, I changed, my relationship toward him changed and now he cuddles a lot (still a bit cautious sometimes), even let us hug him. I pet him on his back and wings whenever I want, kiss him pretty much anywhere whenever I want,and a lot more..and, of course, he enjoys it! We share a lot more trust than we did before. I understand him much better so I respect his mods, wishes, problems more. If I see he doesn't want me to touch him or something, I back off.

Don't give up on kissing and cuddling just yet. I now know, everything is possible! :-)

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You and Timmy have been such a good fit. He has come a long way and no doubt appreciates your care and attention. He knows he has it good now and he has been successful so far in his mission of training you properly. LOL. I am happy to read your update and know you and Timmy are together forever. Congrats on your ability to be a quick study for him. LOL.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for posting this update! It's really a comfort to hear your story and I hope my soon to be situation develops just as well. I also am soon welcoming a 4 yr rescue CAG into my home and am very nervous since he'll be the first "large" parrot I've had!

I'm happy for you and it sounds like he fit right into the niche he needed

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