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Step up/going back in cage ect. ect. what to do?


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I have had my grey for a week. I think hes 6months - a Year old, I dunno.


I come home from work and I leave his cage door open and he pretty much comes out immediately or within 5mins and just hangs out on top of his cage.


Sometimes randomly he comes up on me but it seems like for the wrong reasons, he just climbs straight to my shoulder and I do not want him there for my own safety cause he has bit my ear before.


So I am able to get him onto my bed from my shoulder where THEN he goes straight to my bed post which is a black round bar small enough for him to fit his feet around so he uses it as a perch.


From the bed post perch I can not get him off of it, or like before ever so often he will come onto me and go straight for my shoulder. I can sometimes get him to do the hand walking and he will stop and not go for my shoulder for a few and I praise him ect. ect. (Hes got a long reach with his neck lol so its hard for me to not keep him from clipping onto my collar and pulling himself up)


Note: I work until 6:30 pm home around 7pm where I let him out. He usually doesn't climb onto me for a while and by 10ish hes on my bed post and won't come off. By that time I need to start getting him into his cage for bed.


I can usually only get him to come up when he comes onto my shoulder, but isn't that kinda *un-teaching* him not to go to my shoulder? and I would not like to go about getting him up that way.


Any time I go near him he goes to try and bite me. So what are some suggestions for me to do to get him to come up on hand (without biting) so I can bring him to bed and learn step-up in general. Is this something I just have to deal with for the time being and let him go to bed when he wants, or just do the shoulder thing? *confused*


Any suggested e-books/free sites (along with these forums) on bird training and how to go about it, I feel like I need to have a fresh start with him cause its been back and forth this whole week =/


Hopefully this rant made sense to whomever responds, and I know its only been a week. Any suggestions are appreciated.



Edited by rEsage
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Sound like you are frightened of him!




I do not even think he was trying to bite you, more of reaching out to you.

Your own fear inteprete that reach out as attempt to bite you.


Maybe " Understanding the mentality of your grey" might be of help to you.


What I wrote in that thread is only the tip of the iceberg. The iceberg will be the URLs embedded there.

May that led you to a more fun filled and magical relationship with your grey. It helps too if you give him a name

and let us know.

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One thing that some here do when they have to get their grey to step up is to offer a closed fist for with the skin pulled taut they have a harder time getting a grip to bite so try that.

If you don't want him climbing to your shoulder then you will have to use your other hand to block his way and keep doing it to keep him down, you may have to do it a hundred times or more but keep doing it until he stops. I allow my grey on my shoulder as do some others but I know my bird and she comes down when I ask and as long as she behaves herself then she has that priviledge, she has earned it as it is not freely given.

You can also put a treat he cannot resist in his cage when you want him to go inside, let him see you put it in his cage, he will eventually go inside to get it and then shut the door.

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sounds like these guys are pointing u in the right direction. Dont act scared and just man-up to the bird and yall will both gain respect for each other, and just chill out and take your time...time is the key I think! Good luck!


Seems like you benefited more from what I said then the original poster.

My tilting at windmills yet again as those who do not wish to know will never get to know.



And sadly hammco, you probably did not need what I wrote as you likely been doing what I have done anyway.

Go and have fun and magic with your birdie as life meant you to have.


While others will continue to run scared and chomped on.

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You need to let your bird know early on, with LOVE & CONSISTENCY, that YOU are the boss. I don't mean you are to bully him, just be strong, don't show any fear of getting bit. Be confident and not wishy washy, you can let him know with love and tlc that you expect him to do what is in his best interest, sleep is one of those things. :)


All of us here on this forum have at times been bitten, some more than others. I have 2 greys and an amazon. Bites on our hands and fingers when they don't want to go to bed are common in my house, BUT......I never let their bite change the intention I have of putting them to bed. As Judy said, it can take 100 times and then some....I lost count after 39....:(

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