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What do you think about this mix?


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Hi everybody.... for those who remember me, I'm still around, but I just kinda lurk in the shadowspost-4375-1180208128.gif


Anyway, I've been buying Gina a dried fruit and nut mix at my local favorite pet store, and it seems to be her favorite. It's got all kinds of stuff in it from dried bananas, to pineapple, raisins, carrots, mango, papaya, brazil nuts, peanuts, the list goes on. I've been mixing it with her pellets and a small amount of seed mix. Only thing, it's $11 per pound, and with the amount that ends up on the bottom of her cage, it's kinda expensive. She doesn't like the raisins, carrots, or a few of the other ingredients.


Therefore, I've been thinking about mixing my own special blend catered to the brat. :P I found a online store that stocks all kinds of stuff that seems to fit what I need. And I can mix my own for less than 1/2 the price of what I'm paying now. I like buying stuff in bulk, so if anything comes up, I've always got extra.


This is what I'm thinking:

1 pound of shelled pumpkin seeds

5 pounds of this:


5 pounds of this:



11 pounds total, $48.10 + shipping = less than $5 per pound.

I might add a pound of dried grape tomatoes to the mix too. ~$5


And I may throw something else in there for flavor.... is Wasabi OK to feed?


This would also make a hell of a snack mix for me too.tempted.gif

BTW: this is the website: http://www.fruitsstar.com/index.php


Any opinions?


Post edited by: Number6, at: 2007/08/30 02:38<br><br>Post edited by: Number6, at: 2007/08/30 02:40

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Michael, I buy a fruit and nut mix at Walmart that has pretty much the same stuff, its called tropical trail mix, 1 lb, 12 oz for $4.98 and both my grey and sun conure eat it. Thats a lot cheaper than $11 a lb.


And the wasabi would be a fine addition since they like a spicy or hot flavor.

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The stuff I looked at at Wally-World seemed like it was loaded with sugar (it's been a while since I checked)I also don't remember the "preservatives" and such that was in there. I'll have to go look again.


I've just been making a point every 2 weeks to go stock up on the mix I've been getting. I'm getting old and set in my ways and don't like to shop anymore, crazy huh screwy.gif


As for the wasabi, they have all kinds of wasabi coated stuff. Peas, almonds and cashews are what I saw

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Judy Judy I saw that Tropical Trail Mix to I was going to buy it for myself and share w/ Alcazar when he gets here I was wondering if it was ok to feed him. Just wanted to make sure no sugar or anything in it that will harm him. I didnt have time to read the ingredients because at our Walmart they have it in cashier line. Can you please let me know if its ok?

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Hi number6,

The mix of fruit,berries,nuts etc is all fine for your grey.I agree buying the ingredients separately & making your own is cost effective, doing it this way you can add things you know your bird will eat & there will be no wastage compared to a premade pack they may contain certain items your grey doesnt like.


If you buy fruit/nut mixes from the shop you can always add items like dried pumpkin seeds etc..

Do you have health food stores near you ? These are great for getting bits to add to your mix.


Wasabi is a member of the cabbage family. Known as Japanese horseradish, its root is used as a spice and has an extremely strong flavor. Its hotness is more akin to that of a hot mustard than the capsaicin in a chili pepper.Wasabi coated products are fine in moderation.

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Number6 - That looks very yummy , I would eat it along with Dayo :-)


I buy dried fruits, nuts and seeds in bulk from a store called "Winco". I am not certain if they have one in your area. But, they are a huge grocery store with an entire section of 55 gallon barrels of every seed, nut, dried fruit etc with NO ADDITIVES and it is VERY cheap compared to any place else I have found online or local.


You are right though on the waste on the bottom. It's almost as though they enjoy throwing the mix around as much as they do eating it. :woohoo:

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its the truth! parrots/ tree birds are known to be "drop feeders". they drop half their food to predators below them so as to keep them occupied and satisfied. smart smart.

roxy does this with jazz (my jack russel terrior) jazz sits patiently at the bottom of roxy's perch and waits for hand outs. i'm dying to get a picture of it one of these days.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to order it after I get back from San Diego. I'll leave Wed. night and be there till mid next week. It's a top priority now becaue the mix at the pet store went up to $13.99/lb. Ridiculous........

I'll post pics and prices when it arrives, now I have to find a container to keep 12lbs of mix at a time :laugh:

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Wait. Dried fruit? I didn't think you could give them dried fruit. The guy I bought my grey from didn't think it was a good idea. I was going to let Klaus try raisins anyway because technically they're not that dry. But I like the convenience of dried fruit. Less messy. Hmmm...

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Monique wrote:

Very smart to make your own. The birdie companies definitely make a bundle on those pre-mixed foods which is just a really easy recipe .... !! :)

Yep, getting real tired of paying the $11/lb (now $14/lb) for her fav food. Plus, it makes a tasty treat for me at work... for some reason, people always look at me funny when I eat Gina's bananas :laugh:

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Laurie wrote:

Wait. Dried fruit? I didn't think you could give them dried fruit. The guy I bought my grey from didn't think it was a good idea. I was going to let Klaus try raisins anyway because technically they're not that dry. But I like the convenience of dried fruit. Less messy. Hmmm...

Dried fruit is good for them, not quite as nutritous as fresh, but it's the next best step. I used the fruit to move Gina from seeds as a dependency. She's healthier now and much more active than she used to be. I still give her fruit juices occasionally though. (watch the sugars)

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