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Tremendous progress! (pics!)


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Our foster, Dorian, has progressed by leaps & bounds in just the past 2 days! After 4.5 mos, he again came out of his cage the past 2 evenings ... only the 4th & 5th times since he joined us. He's our Grey who came from less than a happy background & had lost all trust. This evening, he not only climbed out onto his door but he flew down to the floor & immediately climbed up on my hip where I was laying!! Oh, happy day!! As he was being given lavish praise, he lowered his little head for more rubs.


Guess since I went back to the floor playing with Toby rather than still standing by his door giving him scritches, he wanted more. It's been a long road trying to regain his trust in humans ~ but it looks like patience has its reward. He's in just the past month allowed me to scritch his head with my hand inside his cage. Now he came out & down to me for more. Just wanted to share his progress & remind anybody who is doubtful that their patience WILL pay off.







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The proof is in the pudding or in this case the pictures, patience has worked wonders, he would come out on his own when he felt he was up to it, good for you on letting him make the decision and not forcing anything, you have come a long way and its hard to tell how far you might go with him, thanks for sharing the pictures with us, Dorian is a greyt looking grey.

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Can y'all believe that he was deemed 'unacceptable' by his former owner when he began to pluck his chest?! He's told numerous times daily in our home just what a handsome boy he truly is. Meanwhile, my little Sweetie Pie still keeps herself well plucked ~ but is still precious, despite the lack of being fully feathered.



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