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heyy guys,

insomnia has gotten the best of me. i cant sleep because of this cold. my babygirl is asleep downstairs but i've been a little concerned..i just changed her cage around and she's definitely not used to it yet..so i know theres some stress coming from that, but also..i've given her a few kisses (i cant help it!)/ have been around her 24/7 with this virus. i just hope shes getting enough sleep and isnt stressed out enough to the point of getting sick..not to mention my germs.

she's eating great..the only scary thing (to me) is that birds keep their guard up and don't really show when they aren't feeling well. does poop tell me everything or should i get her checked out

wadda you think?

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Guest briansmum

tari makes a good point, a well bird check up is a must. also do you weigh your bird, if not you need to start as birds can hide illness very well, but they cant hide losing weight so this is a good way to tell if theres something p with your bird. i wuold also say you need to keep your distance with being sick it's hard to say whether a virus can pass from human to bird or not, but it's not worth the risk. kisses are risky enough from a well person, so no more of those for a while, ok? :)


i hope you get better soon

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I would advise you not to kiss your grey,especially if you have a cold virus, have a ead through this link




Has she shown any outward signs of being ill ?

ruffled plumage, listlessness,swelling of the eyelids, rasping, difficulty breathing, excessive saliva, dirty vent,etc..

Any change in the feces which is not apparently diet related is worth getting checked out.

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she has had about 3 wellness checkups in the past. the last one was 2 years ago...altho we had an incident about 5 months ago where i took her in to angel memorial..she nicked her wing on a table when she was trying to fly to me. the avian she saw was the best vet i've probably ever seen. very thorough..and she actually didnt recommend clipping roxy's wings surprisingly. but anyway, i would count that as a checkup


thank you for the advice btw...i'll definitely lay low around her. no more kisses i guess :dry:

she doesn't seem to be showing any signs of weight loss altho..how should i weigh her?? and i'm familiar with leaving feathers puffed as a tell tail sign and she hasnt been doing anything like that either.

i'll keep updated..thanks guys! prob me just being a neurotic mother lol

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You really should have a gram scale to weigh her on. They are cheap thru ebay.

Birds really can't catch a virus from us, and a cold being a virus is not contagious to them . If she is acting fine, I wouldn't worry about her, seeing as you have recently taken her to the vet. Just keep watch on her.

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Yes you really should get a gram scale for daily weighing, that way you get accustomed to what her normal range is and if there is a significant drop in weight then something may be wrong.


You are not neurotic, you are just a concerned mother to your baby, and no one faults you for that. But you take care of yourself too and get over that cold so you can enjoy life.


On another note, why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and your grey. What is her name, how old is she and how long have you had her, things like that. You can also post a picture of her if you have one, we love photos here.

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Hi Razza and welcome. Is the bird showing any signs of illness? You mention that you recently changed the cage around so it may be unsure of its home, but any sings of illness? It sounds to me like you have been sick yourself and are now worrying about transferring that illness to the bird. From what you have written it does not seem like the bird is showing signs of being sick, so I get the sense you are concerned over a non-issue. Not to say that we cannot transfer some harmful bacteria to the birds through kissing/sharing saliva, but there really are not documented cases of spreading virus from parrot to personn or vice versa. A human cold/flu etc is caused by a virus, so I think the chances of you passing that specifically to your bird a close to zero.


This is a good topic to discuss and not a silly question. I suggest youk keep watching the bird but I do not think any immediate action is warranted here. Having a scale and knowing the average weight is a great way to keep tabs on the health. Generally a weight change of 10% or more is considered a sign of ill health requiring action. The weight will vary however from day to day and based on the time of day you weight. If you start, pick a time window and do it regularly at that time. Usually in the morning after the big morning poop is a good slot. ;)

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Guest Monique

Sounds like you have good advice already. I hope you feel better and your birdie is feeling back at home very soon!!! Welcome to the Forum! :)

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just bought a digital gram scale off ebay..its an American Weigh co. product..looks decent- $47 including shipping. thanks for the advice..its definitely a good investment.


ps roxy's awesome in the new set up and i'm feeling much better


thanks again,

Nikki<br><br>Post edited by: razza45, at: 2007/08/29 06:56

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Thats a good price Razza and your right, it is a great investment towards monitoring your Grey's health and well being. :-)


It's good to hear that Roxy is liking the new setup and doing better. Keep us posted and send photos. :-)

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