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What time of day is your Grey most active?


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Timmy starts ringing the bell as soon as he hears us up around 6:30am....he is in and out the cage throughout the day...he naps then gets rowdy again hust after sunset for an hour or so.

Thats what Ive noticed after 8 days of owning him, so as soon as he settles in Im sure its gonna change!

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I don't allow 6:30 a.m. but then I don't get up at that time. Two days a week I have to get up a little before 7 but I don't get the birds up at that time since I don't want it to be a habit. I think the most active time is right around 4 or 5. And then he seems active right before bedtime which is 7 p.m.

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Mine seems the most active after his lunch on my days off, or in the evening also. Especially when Matt is trying to watch tv, Babalu loves to whistle and do his sirens and car alarms. (Maybe he does it on purpose he knows Matt hates it) :)

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With Ana Grey it varies. Sometimes in the early morning before I am up and if I talk to her she always has a thing or two to add. Then ometimes in the afternoon. Now my Zon, Louie, talks around late morning or noon. Sully, the ekkie, is whenever someone comes to visit or when he can't see me or wants me to turn off the light for nite, nite.

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Not sure Timmy's patterns will change. It is natural for a parrot to be awake and active at sunrise and sunset.

Cleo is quiet usually until she hears someone up and about, and she is active all during the day. Occasionally she has a quiet rest period around 3pm, but she doesn't sleep.

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Everytime I leave the den he rings his bell alot like he wants me back, but he wont step up and will come out on his own and sit on top of the cage...maybe since he is new he just likes us in there to observe and have company. Im in the stage of learning what he likes right now!

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Jeez! What I would give to be able to specify a time!! Harvey is on the go and active from the time I get him up until the time he goes to "birdy byes"! He never, ever, ever, ever stops! He is ALWAYS up to something and never just sits there. He follows me around the house (even to places you might just like to be alone......), he has a feed and throws it all over, he plays on his java tree, he flies to his playstand and when he gets bored of the places he is allowed to go, he just tests the places he knows he's not allowed (top of the fireplace) top of the TV, top of the uplighter (which has remained off since the day Harvey came home due to this).


HE NEVER STOPS! I have never once seen him asleep!

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