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My first Grey...finally!


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Hello all!


I am gonna tell the story of my new TAG, and Let me know what you think........any suggestions and input will be appreciated!!!! Thanks in advance!!!!


Yesterday I got my first grey and its time to get to work on him. Ive always had birds, but this is the largest yet. His name is Timmy and he will be 4 in February. His feathers are perfect and he appears to be in excellent health, and the seller clipped wings for me so it will be easy to deal with him at first. I have a very large cage and seperate large playstand for him to be on during the day. So far he is eating very well, and taking treats from my hand very gently. As soon as I say "step up" with my finger close to him, he raises his foot for me to get him and he comes out of the cage very easy and loves to sit on the gym on top of the cage. I got him alot of new toys and he loves them to death (the new bell might be a mistake...he rings it nonstop! haha) He didnt have many toys and does not talk, except the wolf whistle but I havent heard it yet. They said he mimicked their cell phones, microwave, and alarm clock. I dont think the people spent enough time with him and wanted a TAG just because they are known to talk, and after little effort they sold it to me. I have the papers from the breeder they got him from on the way. He dips some foods in water a few times before he eats them, wonder why? How long before he settles in and starts making a sound? He is very active by means of playing, climbing, swinging, hanging upside downm, and he is VERY VERY observent of everything that happens (I see his pupils constantly changing in size as he looks and takes everything in). I would love for him to talk some in the future because my young kids will love it! Thanks for the positive input!!! As with every new Grey owner, I have a dream of a pet that talks non-stop and does tricks like a monkey at the fair and everybody laughs at it and thinks its cool! I do know that that is far fetched and I just want Timmy to be happy with my 4 year old son and 1 year old daughter and my wife too. I had a parakeet that lived 14 years and was like a puppy that loved to play and talk, and a cockatiel that was similar to the devil in its meaness, and many birds in between but I think with this investment I will make it happen and have a cool bird that will like to interact with everybody. I am building 2 T-stand perches out of Crepe Myrtle trees this weekend. One for the kitchen and one for the den so he can always be with the family, and Ill install treat/water bowls in on them. This bird is gonna ROCK! Im scared to introduce him to my parakeet and cockatiel that Ive had for a while tho!

Any suggestions on how to start training this since he is in a completlely new home?

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Hi and congratulations! I have my first grey too, also a TAG but he is not quite 5 months old.


They all seem to like to get their food wet before they eat. I have 3 parrots and the grey is NOT the worst of the 3! I have to change the macaw water 3 times a day. The best advice that I have seen for teaching a parrot to talk is to use consistent words for everyday things. Like I say "clean water" every time I change the water. And "do you want to come out?" before I take him out of the cage. With time they begin to use the words to get what they want. If the previous owners didn't do things like this, he probably doesn't have much of a vocabulary except for other things that were consistent. (Like phones ringing and microwaves beeping.) Consistency helps, I think.

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Congrats, on the the TAG, I have a baby Tag myself only about 4 1/2 months that is already mumbling and wanting to talk. I also have a CAG that is about 17 years old that I have had since a baby and there is nothing that she doesn't say she is convinced she rules the house the dogs and the other birds and even tells my husband not to use too much salt on his food. They are a riot! You are going to enjoy her/him very much and Barbara is right just start saying the right words at the right times and it doesn't take them long to get things figured out.

Welcome aboard this is an extremely friendly and helpful forum, Karen

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Hello Hammco and welcome to our family, so glad you could give Timmy a new forever home.

For right now I would concentrate on allowing Timmy to settle into his new home, getting comfortable with the surroundings and new owners, he is in the honeymoon phase right now and hasn't unpacked his bags yet so be prepared for some different behavior to emerge soon, not to frighten you but to make you aware that things could change.

He sounds like a delight but if he didn't talk for his former owners then he may not talk now and there are a few greys who never talk, they may do mimicing sounds of things but never utter a word and Timmy may be one of them. But there is always the chance he may so just be patient with him and see what happens in the next few weeks and months to come.

Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

Now we would love to see some pictures of Timmy if you have some you would so kindly share with us.

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Thanks guys! Pics on the way for sure! After I clean my bloody fingers I will post a pic of him...YES, I tried to gently pet his neck (he seemed OK till I was petting him) and BBAAMMMM he got me! I didnt react and sat him on the table and he then ripped the "H" key off my laptop and DESTROYED it before I had a chance to recover it! Man oh man, I got a long way to go but Im not giving up this quick like the last owner! I know he has potential and he WILL be a friendly buddy for me and my family. The next weeks/months will prob teach me MAJOR patience and thats a good thing!!

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I told you he was in the honeymoon phase and now he is showing more of his true colors but yes you are right it will take time and lots of patience but it will be well worth it, you are not going to win this one over in a couple of days. You need to take it a little more cautiously right now and let him settle in and feel comfortable for you have to earn a grey's trust and especially when the bird is older.

Sorry about the bite but that is about the only way he has to tell you he didn't like something, he may like being given neck scratches but it is too early in the relationship for him to trust you doing so, give him some more time and don't take his bites personally.

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nothin taken personal, no doubt! I just put him in his cage for the night and he is ringing his bell like crazy! I think he wants me to come back for more but its bedtime and ill see him tomorrow morn with fresh food and water, maybe he will like me better with that! I think with routine and being consistant Im gonna have a good bird!

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Ive had Timmy 6 days now and heres an update: (he is almost 4 yrs old and new to me)

-He loves peanuts in the shell and apples and broccoli at dinner time

-I gave him a pringles chip and he didnt even drop a tiny piece...its his favorite treat so far!

-He will lonly step up on my right hand, he hates the left and does a sharp loud squeaking sound when it gets close...WHY?

-Why does his pupils get tiny sometimes when I get too close, then he does that screech sound?

-HE STILL HAS NOT MADE A SOUND AT ALL (except the screech and I cant tell if its happy or scared), WHY???

-When we arent in the room with him or when I walk out he instantly rings his bell, WHY?


Just a few comments and questions for yall, thanks in advance for responses! I just want to train him to be a good entertaining family pet since he will probably out live me!

Edited by hammco
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Peanuts in a shell - often not a good idea as the shell can contain dangerous fungi. Shelled unsalted nuts are better, but if he insists on unshelled ones, buy human food grade ones.


Pringles chips - unbelievably tasty but unbelievably high in fat and salt! Is there another healthier treat you could give him? Mine goes crazy over unsalted corn cakes or rice crackers.


Right hand vs left hand - perhaps your right hand is more steady than you left? Are you right handed?


Pupils - that is called "flashing" or "pinning", and it's a sign of excitement of some degree. Depending on the rest of his body language it may mean he is getting ready to bite, or he is very happy to see you, or that he is annoyed. By itself it is hard to say what the pinning means. I know my Cleo does it when I first get up in the morning and she gets all smoochy, and also when we are playing and she is really getting into it, or when I am carrying her special treat bowl ready to get filled.


As for no noise, don't worry, I am sure he will start soon. It's still early days for Timmy, and he's had some major changes in his life just recently. I'd be a bit subdued and quiet too in that situation = ) Just talk quietly to him, make some little sounds and show him everything is ok.

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We do not feed peanuts in the shell to our birds because of the chance of them having toxic mold, you can give unsalted roasted peanuts that are meant for human consumption but sorry no they don't get to rip the shell off. Potato chips of any kind are a no no too for they contain too much salt and are a junk food, a tiny bit from time to time is all he should ever get.

Pinning is what we call that when the pupils get small and he may think you are too close for comfort if he is making a screeching sound to go with it, back off and stay where he feels more relaxed.

He may be waiting to feel comfortable in his new home before he starts vocalizing so don't worry about that but greys love to ring bells and even though he might not like you too close yet he still wants the assurance that you are still around.

Please continue to go slow and take your time, it will be well worth it.

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As far as the peanuts, they are the ones that come in the mixed seed bag of his food, so I feel they are ok. Wonder why he flaps his wings as soon as I let him out in the afternoons? excercise maybe?

He also flaps alot when out of the cage as soon as hears or sees any of us...

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You know I throw those shelled peanuts away that come in seed mixes, I just don't want to take the chance, if you think he likes to rip the nut out of the shell you can always come up with some way to make him work for his peanuts, you can hide them in things, like paper liners for cupcake pans then twist them shut and put them where he can find them and find his way to the nut, lots of ideas in the toys and playstand room.

They all like to flap their wings especially when they are out of the cage where they have plenty of room to flap to their hearts content.

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I have a TAG now a year old. She has been with me since 5 months old. She does a loud screech when she does not like something and she pins her pupils in her eyes. It is bird language for "stop that" Sophie started with whistles. I taught her a wolf whistle and after repeating it quite a lot she got it down... now it is amazing. She says so many things I can't list. I found that giving her a favorite treat after she even trys a new whistle or says something new she catches on that she gets a treat. You may regret it though... Soph now says "Sophie birdy bird" every time I walk away because she knows she gets a seed. My favorite is the cow elk call my husband taught her. She barks at the dogs, quacks, meow's , what cha doing, she tries to whistle the adams family song with a wolf whistle she added to the end. So funny and such a sense of humor.They don't perform well for strangers so keep that in mind when you want to show her off. Have patience and keep up the great work with Timmy.

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Any kind of peanut in a shell human grade or not can contain "ASPERGILLOSIS" fungus, please read what is sfe and isn't safe for our fid's, pumpkin seed, you should give them all to you fid, there extremely good for him... Give him, walnuts, a almond, 1 1/2 teaspoon of striped unsalted sunflower seeds, etc for treats...Fid your baby only a small piece of fruit every other day or so. Just because a product that's sold for a bid, doesn't mean it's good for a bird, research, ask the forum, they won't tell you wrong...



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I was wonering if Timmy makes any noise at all when I aint here, so I set up a video camera where he could not see it for 2 hours while I ran some errands this morning. needless to say, I sat there for 2 hours watching the recorded video and NOTHING at all! What a letdown, I was hoping for at least a tiny peep or whistle. He rang hig bell as I was leaving, preened for 10 mins, then sat frozen still, and upon my return he rang the bell when I walked back in the room. Today is one week at my house...honeymoon phase, I know!! haha! Maybe within another week or 2 he will start doing usual grey sounds like my parakeet and tiel do. We will just have to wait and see!

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Welcome and congrats on your new baby. I just got my first CAG a little over a month ago so I completely understand how excited you are. My Kaleah is also not the most vocal either, but she does say hello when she wants and does some noises too. Don't expect too much from Timmy for now. It's barely been a week and he is still feeling things out. When he rings his bell that's his way of acknowledging you and getting your attention. If that's all he wants to do for now, then go with it. Just because Greys have the capacity for speech doesn't mean they all talk. Just go slow with him. When's hes ready to start making some noise, he will, but just be patient with him. It will definitely pay off in the end. Best of luck!

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