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Proud New Grey Owner :)

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If he is real active and eating well then I doubt he is sick but like Tina said he should be getting lots other than just seeds and some of the veggies could be causing more watery poops as most of them are mainly water to begin with. Use your own discretion but he should be getting a wide variety of foods and seeds are way down on the list.

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The others gave good comments in regards the watery poop. Watch it and see how it goes for 24 hours and also the activity level. They do at times have watery poop. One note on it though, if it is just water content is high, but the poop in it is still formed like normal, it is not diarrhea. Diarrhea is indicated by the actual poop portion being non-formed.

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Thanks, I actually live in Uganda (Africa). The petshops here ALL don't sell pellets! Will try to get them online...His poop is better now..so won't be sending him to the vet. He seemed to enjoy the carrots and grapes which i just fed him. Having looked at the food thread i'll try to mix and match things togather....Oh and what treats could i give him?

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I give lilly a very small amount of either walnut, cob nut, almond or dry coconut, these are very fattening and need to be used sparringly also unshelled and unsalted sunflowers seeds again they should be used sparringly, do not give monkey nuts/ shelled peanuts as these can have a fungus in them. Or just find something that your parrot real likes having but give it sparringly after all its a treat. Just make sure that its healthy for your bird that it wont make them ill, im sure theres a list of things that are healthy for the parrot and whats not on here, and im sure other members can give you a list too.

Edited by tinaboom
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Where are the bird toys in the picture. Greys need a lot of colorful things to play with. if you have not already done this...please get him things to hang in his cage to play and hang from. See the pictures from other threads to get some ideas. But that cage is totally empty. I would be flying away to look at other more interesting things as well. If there is any chance of him staying on his perch...it is going to have to become very fun to be there. ;)

Edited by Elvenking
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Where are the bird toys in the picture. Greys need a lot of colorful things to play with. if you have not already done this...please get him things to hang in his cage to play and hang from. See the pictures from other threads to get some ideas. But that cage is totally empty. I would be flying away to look at other more interesting things as well. If there is any chance of him staying on his perch...it is going to have to become very fun to be there. ;)


I've only had him for under a week. He's got a few toyss.... but yeah will get him more...he hates his cage and is never in it. I just leave him on his perch....i'm looking for more toys but almost everything i've found so far is for caged birds, toys to play with while IN the cage and not ON the cage.

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Yes Parrots love a variety of toys just like judy has said also they love a bell but please make sure the bell is not Brass as it is dangerous to your bird. And if your looking on line for the pellet food, then you will be able to find loads of places that do toys for parrots on line as well. Forgot to mention parrots like shredding stuff too so shredding toys are good, and they can go threw certain toys really quick, just telling you this as you may need to get back up toys if you dont have somewhere local to get replacement toys from :)

Edited by tinaboom
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walnut, cob nut, almond or dry coconut, these are very fattening and need to be used sparringly also unshelled and unsalted sunflowers seeds again they should be used sparringly, do not give monkey nuts/ shelled peanuts as these can have a fungus in them..


My favorite subject, Almond, walnuts, peanuts, are high in "EFA's" [Essential Fatty Acids] This is necessary for the health of our Fid's. 1/2 tsp of shelled sunflower seeds [white-striped unsalted] or 1 to 1/2 tbsp shelled sunflower seed are a excellent source of needed nutrition, grey't treats. Note: if you mix sunflower seeds or nuts into there daily food, instead of giving as treats, they'll eat them first....As a second side note. LOL: read the ingredients in your favorite pellet, you'll be surprised that there main ingredients are: Corn, [little nutrition, used as a bulk filler] Seeds, nuts, and man-made perspectives and vitamins....Then there processed wit heat, which destroys some of the man-made nutrients they added. Like anything else, moderation....

If you feed your fid's Pellet's or Seeds, you only feed them a small amount, there diet should be mostly Veggies, legumes and grains,[brn rice and beans make a complete protein] a little fruit, egg, chicken/turkey/fish nuts etc. Each species have a different requirement for the amount of Fat, Protein, etc. A 1/8 cup of pellets and the same of seed's plus all there fresh food is a good starting point....Jay d

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks all! :) I've been feeding Bambino a "very balanced diet" now. Greens,fruits, pasta with the ocassional sunflower seeds. No pet shops here sell pellets....i bought it online but still haven't received it. He has been eating well but i noticed that when he's in his cage trying to eat, he tends to drop half his food to the bottom of the cage! I feed him a handfull of food in the morning, afternoon and night. Am i over feeding him? Oh and i bought him a swing which he loves! lol

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Parrots are very messy eaters, and most of it will end up on the floor (either by accident or purposely dumped there). As Jay said, have food available at all times for your bird, remembering to change/refresh it regularly so it doesn't spoil.

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Hey again guys !!

THanks for all your advice !! Its helping me alot .

Bambino has been very active and naughty these past few days , he is squeeking a lot and hates being kept in the cage , however , every once in a while I treet him with a sunflower seed but he doesnt seem to crack it open but swallows it completely ! Shoud i be worried ? I know this is not the way they usually eat sunflower seeds . PLease help .

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Welcome Mark. As said before, where's the toys? Bambino looks greyt. A well populated cage with toys and other things to do not only keeps a bird busy, but also gives them a sense of security. While a bird needs space to move around they also need denser areas where they can hide. I weave shreddable material into the cage bars not only to play with but to add security. Cage placement also influences they're sense of security. Placing a cage in the corner is actually ideal. Some birds hate having their cages infront of windows since it leaves them (from their perspective) exposed on all sides.


All of the perches that came with any cage I've owned are collecting dust in my closet. Your grey spends every sleeping and waking moment on it's crazy dinosaur feet. Different kinds of perches (diameter, texture, hard vs soft) help keep those feet healthy.


Is your bird currently clipped?


Sleep is very important. Not everyone puts as much stock in it as I do. Since I'm in a small apartment and keep odd hours in the same space we have a small sleep cage that we keep in a ventilated closet away from the main space. Since we're in a city we keep a white noise machine near by to keep a more consistent soundscape. We cover that and have specialized heating panel in the winter. In the wild they play and feed in a different spot from where they roost so it's very natural to have a designated sleep cage. This will help keep your grey from becoming cage territorial. This is just the way I do it, it's not absolutely necessary. I would atleast cover the cage and keep it quiet for atleast 10 hours, 12 ideally. They need more sleep than we do.

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