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My Baby Flew Away - Dying


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Thank goodness you have him back. When you said he was circling and calling I just knew he woudl be coming back in soon.


Now that you have him back you need to have a serious sit down talk with him. He needs to know that at his age staying out all night is completely unacceptable and from now on if he goes out at all he must ask and then call every few hours and must be back before dark. LOL


Seriously now, I am very happy he came back no worse for the wear. While I in no way can see you being even remotely a "bad bird daddy", so do not think that for a second, but at the same time your best friend did get out. I think its bears out that you may need to make changes, whatever they may be. It could simply be no more than being more focused. Then again maybe you will find something you can do, changes you can make, to minimize this happening again. There is no way to make anything 100% and have any type of enjoyment but I think taking some time reviewing how this happened and thinking and putting into practice steps to prevent its re-occurrance woudl be prudent. You likely have already been doing this over and over.


Even in the middle of this when you wrote about him calling to you while flying around and around your building I could not help but think he was looking down at his daddy /flock leader saying "Hey daddy, look at me. Look at how great I can fly! Come on up!! This is soooo COOOL!!!!" Of course not knowing the whole time you are about to have a coronary. The way this mirrors how a 2-5 yr old child would be with there parents is scary.


Your bond and love shared is why he under his on power an choice came back to you. You do not get that by being a bad owner/friend/daddy how ever you want to look at it. Enjoy your night tonight as its likely to feel so great. Of course now that your adrenaline is gonna you will likely crash and realize just how much this took out of you. Get a goods nights sleep tonight. both of you!!!





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"CONGRATULATIONS".... I knew he'd come back to you. He was just so frightened, but all he wanted was to be back with his daddy. I am so elated and happy for you. You must be exhausted and will hopefully sleep well tonight. My thoughts are with you as you reunite with your loving companion. I know I will sleep a lot better knowing he is home safe where he belongs.



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Too bad the fireworks don't work. This one reminded me of bird poop. LOL



Welcome home Isaac!! So glad you're back!!



Hope I'm not overstepping when I say...



You're grounded MISTER!!!


Edited by birdhouse
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Thank you all for your support. He is sitting on my shoulder now preening away. I could not be happier. I am so relieved. I cried like a 5 year old when I got him. Joy redefined for all time. I love my baby sooooo much. Nice full tummy now...super happy. He seems to be zero worse for the wear. We will sleep so good tonight. I will relay the full story of the last 24 hours tomorrow. He was gone for exactly 24 hours.

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Congratulations, on your successful and painful entry into the Overnighters Club with your recovery of Issac.


A club that no member ever entered willingly and had to be dragged kicking and screaming and crying inside. Together with a dose of premature aging.

A club that no member wish on their worse enemy or even on ex-spouse and mother-in-laws.


Now you can go and enjoy life again.

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I went to bed last night with your story on my mind and praying for you both, this morning the first thing I had to do was check to see if there was an update. To see your post that you had him, made my heart skip a beat! I've not spoken to you before on this forum but I have to say Issac is a very lucky birdy having such a loving and dedicated daddy as you! You did everything and much more to get your baby back and it worked, way to go you!

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That's brilliant that he came back, I knew that he would.


He was just out on a little adventure, spreading his wings. He knew where his home was & that you were out looking for him, once he got his bearings & figured out how to get back to you he did.

He loves you & you are his best friend, life is good with you Stephen & Issac knows this otherwise he wouldn't have came back.


It happens to the best of us & doesn't reflect how we look after our birds, nobody's perfect & accidents happen, absent mindedness what ever you want to call it.

What I'm trying to say is don't beat yourself up over this incident, you didn't give up that & that's what matters.


A happy ending :D

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Congratulations! What a wonderful reunion. I am so happy for both of you.


Please don't punish your baby by clipping his wings. : )


Ohh don't worry...he will remain flighted. I am typing up the whole story and will post it soon. It might take a little bit cause I am working it in at work. ;)

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I just read your posts regarding Issac's big adventure. I am so relieved and happy for you that he is back home safe and sound. I know your heart was torn apart and now it can heal again and the rest of us can breathe a big sigh of relief!

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