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My Baby Flew Away - Dying


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OMG Stephen, I am so sad to hear that Issac flew away, I hope and pray that he returns safe and sound but stay out there and call for him, put out the word to everyone, friends, neighbors and family to be on the lookout, please keep us informed.

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God be with you, we pray....Maggie and I are both crying with you our friend.....


I haven't the slightest idea where to go looking for him. I am walking around town whistling for him hoping to hear his contact call. THis is my baby I fed and raised and love so much. I feel helpless and the worst I have ever felt. He is my company I look forward to coming home to. I would be so happy to be crapped on right now. Please help my baby find me.

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Stephen look in trees in your neighborhood, I doubt he has gone far, put his cage outside with food and water in it just on the chance he should come back and be hungry, keep calling for him and enlist neighbors to be on the lookout for him, make some posters and put them up, offer a reward for him and pray, pray like you have never prayed before.

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Stephen look in trees in your neighborhood, I doubt he has gone far, put his cage outside with food and water in it just on the chance he should come back and be hungry, keep calling for him and enlist neighbors to be on the lookout for him, make some posters and put them up, offer a reward for him and pray, pray like you have never prayed before.


I am doing all of this...getting tired from running all over town...I have been whistling so muc that my lips are chapped.

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Please don't go there!! This is the most horrible, helpless feeling & it's really hard to stop, but it will not help at all. Doing something will help tonight. Did you go to the rescue room & get information about where to post? Can you put a post on Craig's List? Can you make flyers & go out & put them out in the surrounding neighborhood tonight like Judy said? Maybe talk to the neighbors you know & ask them to talk to the neighbors they know? Isaac is not gone, he's missing. Keep the faith that you'll find him.

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I have done 5 hours of searching and we heard his contact call from the trees close to my apartment. I am so tired right now and i can no longer whistle. He stopped returning the calls so he either flew somewhere else or was just cowering in the trees. I don't know...but he can't see me now so he isn't flying to me. His cage is out under light on the patio. Pray fro my baby. Posters are up around town and I am taking the day off to do the search tomorow.

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Stephen, I'm certain that he is in those trees. You and I are both PST, so it is dusk, he's probably hunkered down for the night. I've noticed that its been getting light out at about 4:30, I'd be out again really early, and concentrate on those trees. Isaac has always been flighted, so I'm guessing that he knows how to fly "down-ward"? Three Greys flew off this week alone in the Vancouver area, and two were recovered, I haven't heard about the 3rd yet. Don't fall into despair, draw from the adrenalene! I know you can get Isaac back!

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I'm so sorry to hear this.. but you can't give up.

You need to alert all of the vet offices, shelters, neighbors, EVERYONE you come in contact with.

You need to post flyers.

I know it's VERY VERY hard right now.. I've been there.

Ask everyone you know for help.

At this point, time is of the essence.

I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I hope Isaac is found by good people and returned to you.

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Ok. This is for Elvenking

I may be breaking forum rules. I really don't know. Either way, I am going to post this thread in light of what has happened with Isaac.

I am a very active member of the Avian Avenue Forum and this is the thread that was posted the moment I lost Emma. She was gone for almost 50 hours and I also felt like a part me had died or was on the verge of dying.

I hope you are able to gather strength, determination and hope from Emma's thread. There is ALOT of helpful and PRACTICAL information on it. More than I could ever take the time to write about on here. Thankfully, I found my Emma and I hope you find your Isaac too. My thoughts are with you. My username on this thread is Saemma. I hope this thread will help anyone who is going through the same.




IN the meantime, what is your contact info.. How does anyone contact you if they do find Isaac? Can you provide us with your email address? I will cross post on the other forums that I am a member of. If anyone is a Facebook member they should cross post as well. In fact every member on this forum should spread the word to everyone they know. The more people who know, the better.

Edited by lovethatgrey
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If he was in those trees near dusk it is almost certain he is camping there for the night. Get out a hour before first light and get in position where you think his calls were coming from. Try hard ot get others out there by first light. Have his food with you and some water. After one night alone he is going to be super happy to see you when he first has light in the morning. You actually hearing his call and the general area and trees is super good news as you know he is near and have a general bead on him. He is not gone or truly lost just geographical misplaced. You are not a bad bird daddy. A bad daddy would not give a crap his bird got out not being just this side of a complete break down from grief.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

dont gives up the search for ur bird, but the others r rights when they says to not fall into despair. it is a critical time for the both of yous. im hoping for a grate ending. keeps us posted. we needs to know the deal with u and ur bird.

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Flyers are up and I am oing all I can physically do. At first light..I start again. Calling for my baby. He is all I have in my home to make it bright. I need him back soon. My heart breaks for him. I want him to come back and poop all over the place and crap on my shoulder. I just want my best friend back. Please baby..stay close to home...I am coming for you.

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Get there before sun up. That is important. If he was put he will be until day light for sure but likely even then. Still do not take a chance get there before it gets light. I think you have a very good chance of getting him back. Try and at the very least rest your eyes. and set a number of alarms as being stressed can do weird things.

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You do not have the luxury now of despair or panicking.

All your mental energy must remain focused on that recovery.


Issac now depend on you.

The chance is still there with best efforts. But if you do not focus and proceed with all your efforts, the chance of his returning will be zero.


Get out posters to flood the area, in concentric circles. And get more eyes (via rewards) to help you. Flood the schools to get kids to help


You need firstly, to locate Issac. After location, you need to get Issac to come to you


I do hope you trained with Issac on recalls as that will definately help.


If you locate Issac high high up on a tree , flying down is one of the most difficult act for a bird not used to that.


Read this.





You never know if that help.


Only when Issac is back that you can give yourself the luxury of panicking and feeling miserable.

When he is back, you might have thoughts to wring his neck or fry him or cook him into a curry.


Those thoughts are understandable.


But focus your energy now to get him back.



Warmest regards








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As a matter of fact...if I get him back...i am going to love him and kiss him many times and give him all kinds of treats and let him know that I love him soooo much.




That too.


But now focus on getting him back especially as you located him in that clump of trees nearby.

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