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New Room Moderator


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Hi everyone. Here's another one of those announcements that I just love to make.


Recently you saw our beloved Talon become Admin for our entire site. As most of you remember she was originally taking care of the African Grey and Training rooms.. Judygram took over responsibilities in the training room and that left the main African Grey Room without a "Go To" person. A room with over 12,000 posts surely needs a dedicated person to watch over it and help out all of our family members as their needs arise.


One of the most important criteria in choosing a room moderator is how well that person can deal with the stresses of handling such a large room. I know first hand how tough Talon had it when she ran it. She worked for hours in that room and I think she really only was able to go over a few of the first pages of that room looking for threads that needed to be cleaned up and or deleted. So I know this is gonna be a very tough job for sure.


So with all this in consideration I am happy to announce that Mark, aka dblhelix has been named room moderator for this important "main" room of our site.. I know Mark for quite some time and across a couple of different forums.. Mark won my respect a long time ago and I am personally very happy that he accepted my request to take on this assignment..


Please give Mark a warm congratulations for his new position as African Grey Room Moderator.


And of course I get to go first as usual


CONGRATULATIONS Mark. I know you will be a dedicated moderator to your fellow family members and to this site in general.. Good luck on this new assignment..


Please join me in congratulating Mark.. I know he will appreciate each and every one of your good wishes..

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Congratulations Mark!! I too, have known Mark from another forum. His posts are excellent. He has a wealth of information on many subjects & issues. He'll be the best moderator for this very busy room.

So, a big CONGRATULATIONS MARK!! aka dblhelix



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Congratulations, Mark, I know you will do an excellent job with the African Grey room and I already know you have a wealth of knowledge on the grey in general. Welcome to the team, I know I will enjoy working with you, hey you are a man right, the more men the better, I say.:blush:


I'm not going to get all mushy over it though, oh what the heck, I already love too many men on this site as it is but one more can't hurt, right? You have my 100% devotion to you and this site.


Again, I welcome you to our team and I look forward to great things from you, Mark, aka, Dblhelix, from now on its Mark.{Love-000200C2}

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Aw shucks everyone...you're making me blush!



I'll do my best to help out our wonderful family here and if I personally can't get something done I'll work wth others to make it happen...this place is the best and I look forward to sharing more with everyone, learning and just plain having fun!!



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dblhelix wrote:

Absolutely!! We all bring unique valuable experience/ideas to share and have a desire to help the family here!! {Communicate-0002011B}


And that would be all this is about.. Since NONE of us make any money doing this, what other possible reason could there be.. :P :P :P

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