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getting ready...


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We're getting ready for possible arrivl of the newest member of our family. We're going to the breeder this coming Monday to look at the baby greys ready for new homes and if we feel one of those babies are right for us we'll be going home with a bird.


I am excited and a bit afraid. This will be our first grey. We have experiences with cockatiels and finch but of course this one is way deifferent. Have been reading and re-reading lot of posts here to prepare myself.


I'll post pics if we decided to bring one on Monday.

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I'd only had budgies and a cockatiel before Harvey - you will be apprehensive and afraid - I still am!! You will fall in love immediately with the babies - but remember - just like puppies they grow up!


I'll not lie to you - they are flaming hard work - there's so much to do and learn in order that they are in tip top condition and healthy.


I look forward to hearing what choice you made. ;)

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enjoy your time looking but remmber that this bird can bite not saying it will, we got Dusty same way as you will and he rarely bites. I'm sure you will have read alot of posts in the forum so enjoy your baby grey.As i know if you see the baby grey you wont leave there without picking your own who could.

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Good luck in finding the right Grey for you.


If possible, spend plenty of time and see if one gravitates to you and hangs out. If any back off and sit isolating themselves, they are not the Grey you want. They are waiting for their new human to show up. :-)

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That's very exciting! Do you have a cage and toys? I hope you find your little one, and I completely agree with what Dan said! I've seen quite a few people come in to see Grey's at my work and the happiest, healthiest birds are always the ones that choose you ;)

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