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The Parrot "Bite Me!!!" Club


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Sounds like Timber's "spite" bites. When I've been gone or do something that displeases him (like take him for a nail trim) I have to be very careful. He will readily step up, enjoy his cuddle session, then on the way back to the cage he will look right at me then remove a hunk of skin. He seems to know very well what he is doing and why. Yes, it hurts my feelings. But, I don't walk in his shoes. He doesn't always do it, but I've come to be wary anyway!

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I think you are on to something Karen, guess I will have to be more wary next weekend as well as I will be traveling again next week. In the meantime I will enjoy the cuddles when offered and hope he will find it in his little heart to forgive my absence.

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Until your bird understands your abscense, understands " the routine", be ready for punishment. Once trust is established and baby understands you are coming home, and yes, you will... be careful. They do learn quickly with routine, but are a little slower with the trust.My son told me the other day " YOU are the most impatient person I have ever met!" He was a little mad at me as I asked him several days to cut the lawn. ( I don't think I was being impatient". But.... maybe I am!} Follow a routine. When you need to go out of town, let bird know, tell when you will be home and that you will call or skype. Sophie LOVES the skyping with my son Ryan in North Carolina. They now do weekly and she is thrilled. Nancy

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  • 2 months later...

OUCH! I am soooo sorry! I am not sure about that either, but I bet they can. If thats true, you didn't get it so thats a good thing!LOL I would be more scared of a cockatoo bite, as they shred your skin, or an Amazon bite. An Amazon can exert more pressure than a grey. ( just from experience!)

My little sunconure can do the most damage! He may be pint size, but he can do more damage than my grey and my Amazon ( when I had her!) Your bites look painful... I am sooo sorry, but don't give up. Those bites are worth it in the end. Nancy

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These are old pics. From back around 1 year ago. Hard to believe we have had him that long...

Wow just found this and remembering those days lol. Wilbur has a lethal beak and he really knows how to use it. I read the their day that they can apply 1000 to 1500 pounds of pressure with their beaks? any truth to that?


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I still have this vivid memory of a Taiwanese gentleman who was watching me very intently when I was doing recalls with Tink in the park.

Seeing his obvious fondness, I walked over to him offering to let Tink perch on his hand or arm. He stepped back violently from me and turned a shade of white I never seen in any Chinese.

He told me he was so frightened for me to see Tink flying to me and landing on my shoulder.

He then apologised showing me his hand with thumb and 3 1/2 finger on it.


His grey that he loved like a son took off half a finger. He told me he still love his grey very much.

I thought only bigger birdies like 2s and M could do that.

Until I seen his hand, I never thought medium size birdie like CAG could take out a finger, ok, half a finger.

I think thats more important than whatever lb of pressure that a grey can apply.

He recovered physically. I hoped he recovered mentally by now 14 years or so later.

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OUCH! I can't even imagine! I am sooo happy Sophie was very socialized prior to us getting her at age two.She was a " spontaneous decision", and even then, we had to interview to adopt her. While her owner was deciding, we spent time investigating a little more about greys. Had to have a family plan. The odds were against us, as we never had a grey before, but we made a plan. It made sense, wrist only.Six months of hell....wrist only, but it was worth it. Nancy

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I still have this vivid memory of a Taiwanese gentleman who was watching me very intently when I was doing recalls with Tink in the park.

Seeing his obvious fondness, I walked over to him offering to let Tink perch on his hand or arm. He stepped back violently from me and turned a shade of white I never seen in any Chinese.

He told me he was so frightened for me to see Tink flying to me and landing on my shoulder.

He then apologised showing me his hand with thumb and 3 1/2 finger on it.


His grey that he loved like a son took off half a finger. He told me he still love his grey very much.

I thought only bigger birdies like 2s and M could do that.

Until I seen his hand, I never thought medium size birdie like CAG could take out a finger, ok, half a finger.

I think thats more important than whatever lb of pressure that a grey can apply.

He recovered physically. I hoped he recovered mentally by now 14 years or so later.



I wrote that so those who got chomped at leaving a bruise or even if blood spilling must pat their back that their birdie merely

expressing displeasure at their line being crossed , I am sure with even earlier warnings from birdie thats not heeded.


As related, marrow can flow if they so choose.


No need to fear their beaks. But give them (beaks and birds) the respect and consideration that they deserved and must have and you be very ok.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Murchck, agreed. I get pinched almost daily by my GCC and duskie conures. It's just what they do. Maalik pinches me from time to time as well. The only fids that have made me bleed is Harley, my Panama Amazon when I was in a hurry to get him back into his cage. And my caique, Walter, as I was removing him from a stranger's arm. Lessons from both well learned.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Two bites this week, one from Peck and one from Rasa. Peck was on the stick, being carried back to the kitchen from flying in to the entry way where Jack was out of his cage. He'd flown off the play stand so I thought maybe I'd offer him to get on his high perch, atop the fridge. He didn't step off, so I moved the perch and tried the second time. The second attempt earned a bite to my fingertip.


Rasa was on the play stand in the playroom, immediately after he and Megan got a shower. I think he was irritated because I was "torturing" his woman (she HATES showers). I was offering both a treat, a tiny 'thread' of shredded cheese which is a rare, rare, rare thing here but Megan loves it so I figured it would get me back in her good graces after thoroughly soaking her. I offered him the first one and he took but dropped it. I thought maybe it was an accident, but no, the second offering got me a bite to the same fingertip.


Neither really hurt. Neither left a bruise nor broke skin. Did I suddenly develop some kind of super-powered armor on my fingers? No. What I think is going on is they are training me. I suspect that neither of them wanted to hurt me (except Peck when I have Jack on my shoulder, ugh... jealousy!!!). I think they were just giving me a gentle correction. I wasn't catching on to their "no thank you, that's not what I want right now." So they had to go one step further and reinforce the "NO thank you".


They are both good teachers. And I hope I am being a good learner.

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  • 4 weeks later...

As a general rule with Misty, he is a sweet fellow. I can handle him any time. I can safely put my hand in his cage to lift him out or place him in. I can do this even when he is being a brat. But some things will make him more inclined to nip. For example, if I open a drawer to search for something, that draw becomes an instant attraction for him. He has to dive in and if left to his own devices he will proceed to empty out any contents. I guess it is all part of his nesting instinct.

If I try to remove him I will risk a bite so I have to be careful. Once he is out of the draw he is back to his normal compliant sweet self. Nevertheless, as a rule any bite will result in a short spell behind bars. ( For Misty of course :-) )

The other thing that can set him off tends to be water related. He likes water. He likes to describe water with "Water, wash, showa, wasser." Also the sound of pouring water. He enjoys

having a good splash in a wide bathing dish. I also use a house plant spray to mist him. He is OK with that but If I want to attract him to me from across the room and he does not feel co-operative I turn the spray to a fine jet. Mostly I don't have to direct it at him. Just near works fine. Or even just point it. He will sometimes turn it into a game ducking for cover with fake growls,"Ra ra ra." Calls me "Horrible boy" or "Trouble trouble." Then he will fly to my shoulder with no fuss. As an aside If he tries to pick up something not allowed, like a pen I tell him "That's not for you" and take it off him. One time when I tried to dissuade him from exploring a shelf of " Forbidden Things." my aim got too close. I got him on the beak. I put the sprayer on my lap as he flew to me. But instead of going to my shoulder, he landed on the sprayer and then dumped it to the floor. As he did so he said: " That's not for you!";). To continue with the water theme. If Misty sees a tumbler of water or wine or cup with tea or coffee, but especially water, he will fly directly to it and land on the rim. Of course, the problem occurs when he jumps off as things can go all over. But he is so excited that if I try to lift him off, he will most likely bite. He will occasionally break the skin, drawing a little blood. It depends on whether I get the points of his beak or not. Recently I bought a tall plastic sports drink container with latching top and stopper on the spout as I thought it might be a bit safer. Not so! This is more irresistible than anything else so far and his frisson goes up an extra notch if he spots it. I guess he sees it as an extra challenge. I have to keep it hidden or covered to avoid a nippy confrontation.:eek:

So are there objects or unexpected triggers that other Greys get a bit over excited over?


Steve n Misty




Edited by Mistyparrot
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Hi Steve and Misty,

Yes! very definitely Dayo is quite similar. She is fine most of the time but gets very possessive about certain things like a glass of anything be it water , juice or whatever. If I forget and leave a glass out in the open where she can see it I usually race to grab the glass before she knocks it over and if we get there about the same time she'll bite. so I have to not just reach out in front of her but sneak around the back so she can't "reach" me. There's a yellow kids plastic plant waterer she's also crazy about - ice trays... the Britta water filter she has lots of favorite things. As long as I move slow and make kissy sounds we're usually good but if I'm rushing to keep something from getting knocked over she'll bite then. Oh and touching her water bowl while she's bathing is a definite no no. She's come so far though since I first got her. She used to not let me even scratch her head. Now mostly in the mornings or when she's happy to see me she flips over on her back completely trusting that my other hand will be there to catch her (So I have to make sure it always is) sometimes she uses my thumb to pull herself up and squeezes a little too hard but all in all I am just so happy that she is happy.

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  • 4 months later...

Caesar is 7. He had bitten me twice and both times when he was scared; he is actually pretty much a coward, but we love him anyway. However, in the past few days he has bitten my three times, twice last night. For example I asked him to step up to go from his "tree" to his home for bedtime. He stepped up fine, but quickly clamped down hard on my thumb, released, and clamped down hard again. My thumb is a mess. The only thing different is last weekend we boarded him at the vet while we went to New Orleans to listen to jazz. He has been boarded several times and we trust them there. It will be long time before I trust Caesar to step up for me. My wife, however, has not had this problem. What is going on?


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It appears something is bothering him. You might start with a vet check. After you know he's OK, well then he could be molting and therefore crabby but since he hasn't acted this way before I'm not sure if that is likely. Maybe some others here might have some other ideas.

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I am not the one who got him to step up for the vet trip. Also, I do not think Caesar is molting. A lot of time he is reluctant to leave his home cage to go to his tree. I often bribe him with a treat, peanuts hidden in waxed paper, and he always goes for that. At bedtime he has always stepped up to return from his tree to his cage, but last night was the first time he bit me then. I would certainly hate for him to demand a bribe every time he is moved.


He had a fungus infection a few weeks ago, but seemed to be just fine recently. We noticed something wrong with his poop, which caused us to get him examined at the vet.

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He hasn't felt well past several weeks, got boarded... he may not be at his best right now. Maybe his " taking it out on you", is more he is feeling you betrayed him! ( they do that with the ones they love the most!)

Don't feel rejected or insulted.... give extra attention... one on one time. Sophie has gone thru several periods in her life that she felt " I betrayed her!" She is such a drama queen! I NEVER betrayed her, but she felt I did... extra attention, all about Sophie... she was quick to forgive for something I never did.Its always about our birds... even if we don't always understand what we did wrong! Nancy

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  • 2 years later...

lol If that sign comes w/m/t a one set of digits it's a waste!


Phenix has been sweetness & light for the past month'ish. His usual MO during mating season. But the other day & for no apparent reason he sucker punched me. Although for him it only qualified as a love tap. I hardly bled at all. lol

Edited by birdhouse
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lol If that sign comes w/m/t a one set of digits it's a waste!


Phenix has been sweetness & light for the past month'ish. His usual MO during mating season. But the other day & for no apparent reason he sucker punched me. Although for him it only qualified as a love tap. I hardly bled at all. lol



No bleeding not counted as bite.

Double brownie points if marrow oozes out or body parts seen.

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