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Well Adjusted, Happy, Healthy Bird


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Hello Everyone,


I will be bringing my baby CAG home in August and I am very excited and nervous at the same time. I want a happy, healthy, sociable and well-adjusted bird. I have done LOTS of research but still have many concerns. My baby will be coming home fully weaned.


These are some of my questions:


Can I handle and love on my CAG? Should touching be kept to the head and neck area only or can I pet other parts (back, feet, wings, tail) or will this stimulate sexual behavior?


Can I feed warm foods on occasion (for example oatmeal from a spoon) to building the bond? Will he preceive me as mommy and choose another favorite person?


Basically I want the do’s and don’ts for raising a well adjusted parrot.


I don’t know how I would feel if my bird chose another. I am the one that will be feeding, cleaning, playing with him (my husband and daughters have other interests). What is the best way to prevent this from happening?


Thanks all!

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Q - Can I handle and love on my CAG? Should touching be kept to the head and neck area only or can I pet other parts (back, feet, wings, tail) or will this stimulate sexual behavior?


A - Head and Neck are the main areas to give constant attention to when they want it. The other area's should be just short intervals and mainly to get your bird used to you touching them there, lifting their wings etc.


Q - Can I feed warm foods on occasion (for example oatmeal from a spoon) to building the bond?


A - Yes, they all love warm food. As far as building the bond closer, no, but trust yes.


Q - Will he perceive me as mommy and choose another favorite person?


A- This is never predictable.


Q - I don’t know how I would feel if my bird chose another. I am the one that will be feeding, cleaning, playing with him (my husband and daughters have other interests). What is the best way to prevent this from happening?


A - You can not prevent it from happening, if it is going to happen.


Looking forward to hearing updates on this baby and seeing photos when you get them. :-)

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Dan had excellent answers but don't get discouraged if he/she does not take to the warm food...Darwin would not eat oatmeal or most warm things if her life depended on it, and sometimes when they are newly weaned it can cause them to stop eating solid foods and wanting to be hand fed again. Just something to think about.

It's great to hear that you're doing your research!

A tip for proper socializing...bring your bird places! Get a travel cage, take him/her to the market (on a harness of course), to pet stores, to a friends house.

And as far as touching goes I agree with Dan, I touch Darwin for brief periods all over so she's used to being touched under the wings, etc if a vet (God forbid) ever needs to.


Good luck and keep asking questions! Lots of people here willing to help.

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cf737 wrote:

Dan had excellent answers but don't get discouraged if he/she does not take to the warm food...Darwin would not eat oatmeal or most warm things if her life depended on it, and sometimes when they are newly weaned it can cause them to stop eating solid foods and wanting to be hand fed again. Just something to think about.

It's great to hear that you're doing your research!

A tip for proper socializing...bring your bird places! Get a travel cage, take him/her to the market (on a harness of course), to pet stores, to a friends house.

And as far as touching goes I agree with Dan, I touch Darwin for brief periods all over so she's used to being touched under the wings, etc if a vet (God forbid) ever needs to.


Good luck and keep asking questions! Lots of people here willing to help.


I feel like that's all I do is research! I am very, very excited and cannot wait to go see my baby tomorrow (Saturday)!!!! I'll try to take pictures and post for all to see- YAY!!!!!

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i have just had my new baby one week, hes 12 weeks old now.

at the moment he likes everyone including my kids but he only clucks at me and comes to me for comfort,

i have been touching him all over but he likes a scratchy head, he is very loving at the moment but he is also very brave and a bit of an explorer. i think its beneficial to touch them all over wings and feet and tail cuz of claw trimming, (if u want wing clipping) or vets trips or harness training and just so they trust u and feel confortable with u!


i was told by my breeder not to give soft food as he will go back to being a baby, i was going to try oatmeal but im worried i will do it wrong!


he eats alot and likes chilli peppers and egg. hes a real sweetie.

i agree on the socialization thing as well, mine has met lots of different people and when he gets his harness hopefully he will be out and about


congratulations on ur new baby cant wait to see some pictures.

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i have just had my new baby one week, hes 12 weeks old now.

at the moment he likes everyone including my kids but he only clucks at me and comes to me for comfort,

i have been touching him all over but he likes a scratchy head, he is very loving at the moment but he is also very brave and a bit of an explorer. i think its beneficial to touch them all over wings and feet and tail cuz of claw trimming, (if u want wing clipping) or vets trips or harness training and just so they trust u and feel confortable with u!


i was told by my breeder not to give soft food as he will go back to being a baby, i was going to try oatmeal but im worried i will do it wrong!


he eats alot and likes chilli peppers and egg. hes a real sweetie.

i agree on the socialization thing as well, mine has met lots of different people and when he gets his harness hopefully he will be out and about


congratulations on ur new baby cant wait to see some pictures.

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