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Steve 2

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Everything posted by Steve 2

  1. Thx luvparrots. LOL. Got to have wings if you're going to be in charge! =)
  2. Now that you mention it Toulouse is usually looking at me when he does hiss. Thx danmcq!
  3. Hello all. I'm curious. Does anyone have a tag that hisses occasionally. Toolouse is 1 year and 3 months. He talks a lot! Picks up both what we try to train and what is happen stance. No cats in the house of labs. When he hisses he doesn't seem agitated, he acts the same as when he's repeating words. I'm wondering if it a species call. Anyone seen this in their bird? Steve
  4. My son and wife make a noise to each other like when you drill your R's. Toulouse will often make the same sound when you call his name. Thanks for the post. At first I thought it was important for Toulouse to have the same quality relationship with everyone in the house. But not everyone in the house wanted a parrot. Thankfully everyone is an animal lover so we tend to adjust.
  5. Toulouse is my almost 1 year old Tag. Toulouse likes my son (19 years old). Jae is very thoughtful around Toulouse. He moves slowly around Toulouse, speaks with a soft voice, and offers occasional treats. But Toulouse will run up his shoulder to gnaw on Jae's ears. He did this with me and after a lot of corrections has finally left my ears alone mostly. My wife is another thing altogether. She does not get the point that sudden movements, loud noise, and other quick actions cause anxiety. It's not in her nature to do anything slowly. Toulouse enjoys Mary's company when she sits by his cage and he is in it. She'll speak to him and offer treats. I think he believes she can't get at him if he is in his cage. Odd thing is that Toulouse has learned all his vocabulary from Mary. I think Toulouse has observed what all us husbands know to be true (at least if you are still married), when your significant other speaks you need to listen! Wondering what other flock relationships are out there.
  6. oops...still experimenting with this site. Sorry my post is out of topic.
  7. Hi there. Noticed in your post that you have both a Cag and a Tag. Was wondering if you notice any differences between the two that may be species rather than individual personalities.
  8. Great pics! Love the puppies whether they have fur or feathers! When will he/she be coming home?
  9. Glad to be here. My tag Toulouse is coming up on 1 year now. He is a love. He's been talking for a couple of months now as well as making all sorts of noises. I had a pionus in the past which sadly flew, my wife was in tears for not closing the sliding door. Greys are definitely a different sort from the pionus. While there is a lot of common stuff between parrots it's great to get more specifics here on the greys. Steve
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