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Steve 2

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Everything posted by Steve 2

  1. Hi Timbersmom. I'm Steve (steve2) proud caretaker of Toulouse also a TAG. I just noticed in a post that your grey is a TAG. I've been chatting here and there with the caretaker of Inara and really love getting insights from her about Inara. Usually when you get info on greys they lump TAGs and CAGs together but from reading the posts and my conversations with Inara (she has had both) I think maybe there are some different nuances between the two. Toulouse is 1 1/2 yr old and seems to have bonded well to me, not so tolerant of my wife and son as far as handling, but he does seem to think they are important as he clearly pays attention to them when he is in his cage and he learns words and noises from them where as he does not from me. Would love to hear some details about Timber. Thx

  2. Great post! These guys/gals are personality +! By the way what does HRH stand for? Also how old is Inara? Steve
  3. It can be very frustrating. My Toulouse (TAG) is fine when he is in his cage with my wife and son. He'll approach them from behind the bars and accept treats. But outside of the cage he'll bite them. Of course he's bitten me but I am motivated to work through it. My wife and son, although animal lovers, do not want to experience the bites. Luckily (I guess) Toulouse will not say anything I try to teach him but he will learn from my wife and son. Mary and Jay have found a type of relationship that works for them. While they don't handle him unless it's a safety issue they enjoy him for his jabbering. Both are supportive in Toulouse's care. Mary even threw out the teflon. I hope things work out in your situation. Toulouse is still an youngin (1 1/2 year old) and I'm hoping that as he matures he will change preferences. After all it's not healthy to stay with your mom/dad forever. If anyone in the family can put up with a bite it's me. Keeping my fingers crossed!
  4. Hi Timbersmom. Yes they must come from "out there"! LOL
  5. Oh that's just too funny. Definitely a criminal!
  6. Love my labbie mix pups but I don't think they're that smart. Love them still! Great videos!
  7. Hi Danmcq I had a yearly health check. The vet did a visual check of Toulouse's ears, throat, blood work and stool sample. His white blood count was elevated 17000 where high range is 9000, sinus was full of debris and red cells no sign of infection more likely inflammation, a lot of air way inflammatory cells. Suggestions were to get him outside as much as possible, tune down central air and use a solution "rain" to help reduce respiratory inflammation.
  8. My vet said it was mostly due to dry air conditions in the home as well as the central air heating. I'm located in the bay area(San Francisco). We have occasional bad air days but no where near as bad as So. Cal.
  9. Anyone have suggestions to improve air quality in the house? Vet says my tag's respiratory system is a mess, but at this point there is no infection. I closed the heater vent in the sleep room and turned down the heater. I've been trying to get Toulouse outside more and giving him a daily morning shower with a solution "Rain" that's supposed to help with inflammation. Thx. Steve
  10. What's vet wrap? Haven't run into that. Steve
  11. Well it was the oddest thing. When Toulouse landed on the grate he was on his back and both his wing "shoulders" went through the grate and he didn't seem able to get out. Maybe it's a once in a lifetime freak thing. Hope so. Thanks for the suggestion about the towel. Steve
  12. Love My TAG Toulouse. He is just over a year old. I got him as a baby, love his personality, am dealing with his "one person" bent. Fortunately both my son and wife have found their place with him. Although I wasn't educated to the fact at the time, I got Toulouse from a Bird "broker". This person raised babies in rather large volumes. The original baby I had picked died suddenly, later I found out this can happen in these particular situations because of the increase risk of disease (volume of birds). The lady was very professional with me but now that I know the practice I probably would not take this avenue. My vote is a TAG, you will never be bored! Best wishes for your choice. You sound like you have the experience to make a sound choice and provide a great home for your new friend. Steve
  13. Thumbs up on the new cage! Saw what the poor birdies were stuck in before. Glad they are now with you! Steve
  14. Last month Toulouse (TAG) managed to find that one small hole in the cage bar and get stuck by his talon. I have since plugged the hole. Today he was upside down pulling stuff through the top of his cage and lost his footing. He fell to the cage floor in just that certain way where both his wings got stuck in the floor grating. The spacing for the cage bars is 3/4 inch. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can close the spacing on the floor? Toulouse seems head strong bent on safety proofing his cage. I housed my pionus in the same cage for 4 years without any incident. Toulouse is way too busy for his own good. Appreciate any suggestions, particularly concerned about what materials are safe to close the spacing with. Thanks all. Steve
  15. I so love my Toulouse TAG. Got him at 12 weeks of age and he was easily handled by all. He is now about 14 months old. There has been a progression where Toulouse has turned into a one person bird when he is outside of his cage. When he is inside the cage he is happy to interact with my son and wife, he'll talk to them, be attentive when they talk to him, take treats, etc. As Toulouse has gotten older I have tried to deal with behavioral issues with a soft hand and been willing to take the occasional bite. The pain tolerance for my son and wife is not the same as mine. Both my son and wife have found their comfort zones with Toulouse and enjoy his company within those. I think the key is whether or not you're a parrot person. If you have a dog you'll probably say "Oh no, you're not going to bite me!", If you have a parrot you'll say "It happens." I think that if you and your husband are willing to work through the "brat" times and are consistent in your approaches your TAG will a good relation with both of you, maybe not the same. It would be good to get a perspective from someone with a TAG 5 yr or over. I think that they are sexually mature at 5. I imagine that would put a different spin on things. Steve
  16. I so love my Toulouse TAG. Got him at 12 weeks of age and he was easily handled by all. He is now about 14 months old. There has been a progression where Toulouse has turned into a one person bird when he is outside of his cage. When he is inside the cage he is happy to interact with my son and wife, he'll talk to them, be attentive when they talk to him, take treats, etc. As Toulouse has gotten older I have tried to deal with behavioral issues with a soft hand and been willing to take the occasional bite. The pain tolerance for my son and wife is not the same as mine. Both my son and wife have found their comfort zones with Toulouse and enjoy his company within those. I think the key is whether or not you're a parrot person. If you have a dog you'll probably say "Oh no, you're not going to bite me!", If you have a parrot you'll say "It happens." I think that if you and your husband are willing to work through the "brat" times and are consistent in your approaches your TAG will a good relation with both of you, maybe not the same. It would be good to get a perspective from someone with a TAG 5 yr or over. I think that they are sexually mature at 5. I imagine that would put a different spin on things. Steve
  17. I agree with everything Inara mentioned. Especially the part where time in the cage in the same area you are as being therapeutic. Toulouse (my TAG) is not YET good with my son/wife as far as close contact. But in the cage he is comfortable with both. I let Toulouse out when I know I can deal with behaviors, this is still on a daily basis. He has usually been good staying on his play stand but every now and then he insists on being with me which is fine but then he tends to bite at ears and glasses. Toulouse is approximately 1 1/2 years old. My favorite time with him is late in the evening when he wants to have skitches and will sit on my lap quietly. I think this strengthens our bond. The proof I think is that when his cage was moved to the family room Toulouse was comfortable with my wife talking with him and dressing our Christmas tree. And Mary is not a quiet person! Lovable though. Steve
  18. So I was sitting in my recliner next to Toulouse's cage, listening to an audio book and speaking occasionally to Toulouse. After a bit I noticed that Toulouse's stance looked a bit odd, legs looked too far spread but he did not look bothered. Watched him more closely for a minute or two and I noticed his right foot wasn't going anywhere but he did pivot his left leg about. When I looked closer I saw that one of his talons/toes was stuck in a small hole in a cage horizontal bar. I had never noticed the hole before. I had to cradle Toulouse in my hands while my wife tried to work the foot free. I only grab Toulouse when he is in a dangerous position and then only long enough to move him, he was very upset to be held longer and gave me a pretty good bite. I have used that cage for my pionus for 4 years and Toulouse has been housed there for over a year. I hate to think if this had happened when the family was at work/school. It could easily have resulted in a serious injury. You just never know, so be vigilant. Steve
  19. Hi jgerardo. Toulouse is a little over a year and there are still times when he acts out, nips at my ears, tries to take off my glasses, tries to bite the dog, etc.... I try to catagorize his actions as annoying verses dangerous for him to help guide how I try to intervine. Sometimes I just walk away, like when he messes with my glasses. I feel the leverage is that he genuinely wants my company. If he thinks he is going to teach my dog a lesson or two, I'll move him and accept the bite. There are those times when I place him back in the cage for a short period of time, more as a time out for me so I can remain calm and positive. Toulouse is worth the extra work. I'm sure Luna is too! Steve
  20. My Toulouse will mostly only imitate my wife. He seems to sense who I better pay attention to! Sometimes when he talks I think it's my wife. Great post.
  21. Hi there. Thought I'd visit and look at your pics. Inara looks to be a dear. Thanks for your post about hissing. These TAG s are very funny.


  22. Thx Inara. No growl yet....but he's still young!
  23. Thx Nancy. Will try to rethink the incidents.
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