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Everything posted by SRSeedBurners

  1. Greycie had trouble with hers for the first week. I ended up hanging it from her play area and it was constantly hanging from my ear (she's allowed on my shoulder). After a while, since it was where she constantly wanted to be, she overrode her own fear of it. Took another two weeks of constantly just touching and laying it on her before she finally started to forget about it. Then I went to offering treats but only if she'd stick her head through the hole. Now it's just a matter of having peanuts handy to distract her while I take it on and off. Yes, she trained me well.
  2. Another photo caption contest - my entry: "A beer please, and one for my friend here too if you don't mind"
  3. Are you talking about the part that wraps around your wrist? Our Greycie has tried a time or two to gnaw that in half and never succeeded so I figured the makers of the harness figured out how to make it chew proof. This is not good news if your Grey chewed right through it. I never leave mine unattended when I take her out but she's constantly working on it. This means I'm going to have to be paranoid about the chew factor now.
  4. I want to make a boing but can't find the SS wire. HD or Lowes do not carry it.
  5. Nowhere on their site can I find where 'local' could possibly be.
  6. Greycie says welcome to Dallas! Not sure where murfchck lives but we're in Allen.
  7. Has she always been one to be on her back like that?
  8. I'm glad someone else has those ugly 1970's countertops, now I don't feel so bad posting vidoes of Greycie on ours Dayo is a cutie!!!
  9. One of the best set of posts I've read since being here. Love that ebay poster too. May have to order that.
  10. I've always associated the grinding of the beak with the purring of a cat. They both do it at the same times - relaxed. All of our birds grind their beaks. I did notice for the first time on our Jardine's that she has ridges on the underside of her curl. Saw them on Greycie too. My other theory is they do it to sharpen the bottom beak or keep it trimmed, kind of like chewing your nails.
  11. My software eng. contribution entry to the caption contest: "Base 10 computations will be quite difficult with this setup."
  12. Seems like Greycie has been with us forever now. Maybe I've core-dumped all those years in between Greycie and Odie, my last Grey. Really makes me want to kick myself for holding out all these years when I had the itch all along. I think I've been holding out hoping to get Odie back someday. Nicknames for all our pets seem to come to me - hers is 'flying rat'. She has a habit of finding anyone in the house that's into something, especially food. Being fully flighted, she has no problems getting there. She now does this routine where she gets over-excited and launches into an aerial sortie making one or two rounds around our living room and then strafe into the kitchen. All the while she's making this low guttural scream/yell. Sounds to me like what they do in the wild. When she does this, I'll yell out a warning for anyone in her bombing range "FLYING RAT WITH HER PANTIES ON FIRE!!!". It took a while before my daughter got the point of the 'panties on fire' bit - red tail feathers, in case you don't get it. I'll go get her and launch her a few more times till she's had enough. Really fun to watch. She likes to play the Grey version of soccer with a little whiffle ball. It is the cutest thing. She is in the play area on top of her cage. I will roll the ball in front of her, and she will hunker down like a vulture and chase it. She'll then hop on top of it and start carrying on about it. Tried getting this on video but my battery was near dead and then she get's easily distracted with wanting to disassemble the camera. Another little game she likes. The toy hanger on top of her play area is a thin-bendy rod. It's not quite enough diameter for her to get a good grip and stay upright without lots of balance. I noticed on her own, she'll get up there and flip over. She gets all bat crazy when she does this. So I started helping. I place her up there, and when she turns her tail towards me, I give her a little push - upside-down she flips. She's not made a complete flip as she throws her wings out and starts her bat-crazy routine. It's a little scary sticking my fingers near her when she does this as she can get quite nippy from over-excitement but I can tell she loves it. Anyway, my wife is doing a fabulous job of caring for her, especially during the day while I'm at work daydreaming of going home to my birds. I'm almost jealous of the fantastic breakfast she gets - looks a lot better than what I get Also, my wife seems to almost have Greycie potty trained to go on the mat you see. And the steel cut oats, another Greycie must have. She loves that stuff warm. Breakfast is served: The girl will eat some veggies:
  13. Not so much worried about what my Grey Greycie has in store for me. I've been to hell and back with a human teenager. Nothing compares.
  14. You obviously have a Grey with sophisticated tastes. Mine won't stop it with the cooked steel cut oats.
  15. Possible to get a picture of the base of the perch? I need something like that for when Greycie is sitting by while hang in the garage/office.
  16. My daughters Parrotlet 'Pickles' and my rescue GCC 'Stuart' whom she stole from me. These two took to each other like best buds. It's the weirdest thing to see these two preening and loving on each other:
  17. I learned today I made a mistake in trying to harness Greycie without going through the steps provided with the harness (aviator). When I was at the breeders she harnessed her with lots of growling and carrying on which I figured was normal. Turns out it's not. We asked that she be harness trained in the couple weeks before we picked her up but apparently that didn't happen. So when I got the harness on, I knew I was in for it trying to get it off. I'm assuming a trust issue has been broken here and she will be harder now to harness train. I still have yet to watch the video but we have resorted to hanging the harness near her when we get the chance. For example, it was hanging off the cupboard over her head while she ate breakfast - no issues. Hanging off my ear when she was sitting on my shoulder before I head out to work. I'm thinking of getting her to poke her head through it or under it or something to get food/treats until she readily accepts it. We're working on the holding the wing up too. Wondering just how forgiving Grey's are.
  18. Less than 4mos old and ours is stuck on the wolf whistle. She uses all variations of it and has now picked up on the fact that it gets a reaction out of my wife every time. She has also picked up my wife's laugh. It's turning into a zoo around here.
  19. Kizzy is cute! We have a new coming up on 4mo old. Word mumbling is a good way to put it. Does Kizzy just roll over on her back or do you help her over? Mine rolled off my shoulder into my hand once but so far that's it. When I turn her upside down I get the nervous growling. I'll have to look up the potty training, I didn't know these were capable of that.
  20. Thought this article pertains well to this thread: The Adolescent Grey by Bobbi Brinker. It's an article the breeder gave us along with a wealth of other information. So what breed is generally considered a 'cuddly' breed? Carolina mentioned a Caique. The one BHC I've been in contact with was super cuddly and exhibited the Caique behavior of rolling on it's back in my hand for scritches. My conure was super cuddly and the one we have now is starting to exhibit cuddly behavior.
  21. I'm guessing ups and downs are going to be normal for a lloooonnnngggg while. Greycie is still trying to get me to regurgitate feed her. She goes berserk around 8:30-9:00 pm where nothing will calm her down except putting her in the dark in her cage. Every night takes less and less to settle her down once in her sleeping area. I need to put her harness on and start getting her used to it. She also gets anxious when I leave for work but my wife is there so she resumes daycare after I've gone. I've also noticed it takes a while for her to get going in the mornings. What time are you getting your's up since you have to go to work? I get Greycie up around 7:00. Takes her about 15-20 minutes before she'll get moving around.
  22. Not sure I follow that statement Dave. What did you mean? I followed the rest I think.
  23. No worries here. U.S. Marines for 8 years, grew up on a cattle ranch with an old style cattleman dad to match. This place is a kinder-care comparatively. Now turned bike racer. I have too much road rash to let this place get through my skin . Besides, my wife can't stand my "sugar coating is for cookies" mentality. Our biggest problem with Greycie will be me trying not to teach her to use the F* word on every occasion. I know, "bad idea". Wife has been trying for 14 years to stop me....the bird just may well succeed here. Now where'd I put that Jim Beam?
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