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Everything posted by Miffy

  1. I wasn't sure if some Red Palm oil may be blended with other oils and sold off as Red Palm oil. The Red Palm oil from south east asia is a major reason why the orangutan's are close to extinction due to habitat loss. So yes I will source mine from Africa.
  2. Miffy

    Hahns Macaw

    Have you tried red palm oil for their plucking? Hers blows kisses, says hello and step up.
  3. I thought cinnamon was on the toxic food list due to it being a form of narcotic?
  4. Who uses it? What are the Pro's & Con's. How much should you give? Any differences in African compared to South American Red Palm oil? How do people serve it to their flock? I am thinking of starting my 5 month old CAG on some just as a prophylactic. 1/4 tea spoon twice weekly. Hopefully it will help with feather condition, colour and dry itchy skin, although currently he presents with none of these. As I said prophylactic, as I think plucking once started can become physical as well as psychological so would prefer to prevent it before it starts, as the psychological aspect will probably be harder to overcome.
  5. Miffy

    Hahns Macaw

    Hmm so far she shows no signs of violence only love, maybe she is a hippy bird
  6. Miffy

    Hahns Macaw

    My Girlfriend just bought a 7 months old Hahns Macaw Hen, she is so affectionate, loves a roill onto her back for a tummy rub, can say a few words, step up, dance and spread her wings. Quite a little show off. Does anyone else have one on here?
  7. opps its a hazelnut I always get them mixed up with almonds. But thanks for reminding me that acorns are toxic. I understand Bitter almonds are very toxic but sweet almonds are fine is that correct?
  8. It's actually an almond not a acorn
  9. No he just likes to play with them but his not stong enough to break them
  10. Here is a video I took of some wild sulpher crested cockatoos mating on my balcony. The male went over and offered the female a walnut I gave him, she ate it from his foot. He then put his wing around her, they started kissing and bingo, he was on top going for it. Hopefully they have some nice little babies in spring. Video Link:
  11. No the cockatoos,galahs, corellas, lorikeets etc that I mentioned are all wild and native to Australia.
  12. Where I live I'm surrounded by Rose breasted cockatoos (or galahs their correct name), corella cockatoos (I think you call them goffin), sulphur crested, yellow tail black cockatoos (winter), gang gang cockatoos in summer. Rainbow lorikeets are always around too. But yeah Galahs are everywhere and worth about $50 here. Can hand feed the cockies on my balcony. Also have some wonderful kookaburras which I would love my grey to imitate
  13. Australia it's about 10 Celsius at moment (winter)
  14. Some wild Cockatoos spotted Walter and were trying to come inside to pay him a visit, or perhaps just be near the heater
  15. Was either going to be Walter or Abraham but I thought Walter would be easier for him to pronounce
  16. Well heres another photo for all you eye candy lovers. He had his first trip to the Vet today for his initial checkup. All good and disease free and weighed in at 446 grams.
  17. Hello I have a 5 month old male CAG called Walter. His a bundle of grey fun !!!
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