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Everything posted by Miffy

  1. When you have him out the best relationship you can have with your bird is the relationship of Teacher/Student/ not mother/child. Have some things that you might want to teach him. Recall training (useful if he ever gets outside and flies away), fetching/ retrieving, turning around on command, waving, shaking hands, having a towel over him, getting him to go on his back etc etc Or if you have a pretty advanced bird, learning colours, numbers, shapes. But the first bunch should be pretty easy to teach with some dedication and quality time spent. Greys and other parrots really like to be stimulated in this teaching way and you and the bird will gain a lot more from it than him just simply being out of his cage.
  2. Teach him to fly to you when you call him (recall training) and it won't really be a problem having him up high where you can't reach him. Birds feel safer up high, I wouldn't be worried about it.
  3. Mine just talks or whistles songs rather than screams. Lots of out of cage time, lots of enrichment and toys and not re-enforcing bad behaviour by acknowledge it
  4. Mine loves playing and especially having a little play fight on his back. I just have to make sure he doesn't get over excited and out of control so if i see signs of that I calm things back down. I initially taught my CAG to go onto his back by 1: Having him stand on my hand 2: gently placing my hands over his wings 3: bending my body forward so that the majority of his weight is now resting in my hands I did this until he got use to being upside down, then he just started flipping over himself as he thinks its fun Lots of praise and treats (positive reinforcement) I might see if I can do a video, as its a little hard to demonstrate in words
  5. Miffy

    Step up

    His most favourite treat ever, with positive reenforcement. My CAG will go in his cage, travel cage and other things he doesn't like doing when he knows his going to get his favourite reward. Take little steps and reward little steps
  6. taught my boy how to fetch a ball and bring it back to me and place it in the palm of my hand. here is a little video
  7. Was 2 full days from 9am until 5pm. Learnt heaps. All positive re enforcement
  8. Learnt lots of useful information from Barbara Heidenreich and Pamela Clark at their recent visit down under. I really recommend her workshops they are fantastic and all about positive re-enforcment
  9. Yes but if you sprout them, do they contain the same fat levels as the seeds prior to sprouting?
  10. Are Sprouted Sunflower seeds high in fat and cholesterol just like unsprouted ones? or are they a healthy bird option?
  11. Try sweet potatoe, pumpkin, carrots and cook them so they are soft. Then mash them up and serve it slightly warm( make sure not too warm). I'm sure he will eat it if free of seeds. If not give him seeds only at the end of the day.
  12. I am having trouble getting Walter to eat pellets, I have tried Vetfarm Nutriblend and Vetfarm Breeder but he doesn't seem to like them. Just wondering what other Greys in here tend to like most.
  13. Ahh yes I always get nutmeg and cinnamon mixed up
  14. I bought my bird close to my chest so bird was facing me, then I gently placed my hand on his back so he felt secure. I then leaned over forwards (as in the movement to touch my toes) and presto he is on his back in my hand which was placed on his back.
  15. Same age as my bird, we will have to track progress of both.
  16. Miffy

    Green Beans

    Sounds nice enough for me to eat
  17. Miffy

    Green Beans

    Thanks for the tip, i'll go and buy some
  18. Miffy

    Green Beans

    Whats the Apple Cider Vinegar do ? Sterilize them?
  19. Miffy

    Green Beans

    Do you have to cook your run of the mill "green beans" before serving to your grey or just dried beans like chick peas etc?
  20. Walter doing it at 5 months I think he seems to like it and finds it comforting
  21. Can you buy the fruit? or just the oil?
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