I'm glad I'm not alone. It's just so hard because I have had him since he was a baby (he's 7 now) and my boyfriend has only been around him for 2 years. He luckily still lets me do most things with him, just no snuggling or head scratches when John is around. I am able to do scratches sometime when John is not home, but as soon as he is, its all about him. Some days are worse than others and those are the ones that get me upset. I know it probably sounds lame, but it kinda breaks my heart. That's how I found this forum. I was google searching behaviors. I wish I had know about this place sooner. I've definitely been through a lot with Tango and having other people with greys would have been awesome. Some of my friends think I'm ridiculous because he is "just a bird." I hate that phrase more than anything. I don't say to them, "oh, it is just a cat..." Sorry went off on a bit of a rant.
Thank you everyone who has responded. I feel a bit better knowing I'm not the only one. Also, I don't know if I'm supposed to click the Thanks button, but I do when someone responds to me.