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Everything posted by itsjustnikki

  1. Tango loves the bundle of straws zip-tied together. This is one of the best (and cheapest) homemade toys ever! If anyone hasn't tried it, definitely give it a try. I then zip tie it to different places around his cage and it keeps him busy for hours.
  2. You are very lucky to live somewhere where it is warm enough to go hiking on Christmas Day!
  3. DSC_0017 by itsxjustxnikki, on Flickr DSC_0021 by itsxjustxnikki, on Flickr
  4. Thanks, now only if I really knew what I was doing I'm pretty much just learning and Tango gets to be the guinea pig a lot.
  5. I wish I had stick trained Tango when he was younger. Now he is terrified if you try to come at him with one so I don't think we would be able to do any hiking, but I would love to be able to take him more places with me.
  6. Thanks! I was playing with my new lens (another early Christmas present!) So this was taken from across the room!
  7. I found it...I must have overlooked the announcement! I was searching everywhere else! Thanks!
  8. Thanks! He really does love the camera. I'm probably just biased but he is super handsome!
  9. I got my Christmas present early, so I have been practicing on Tango!
  10. I'm glad I'm not alone. It's just so hard because I have had him since he was a baby (he's 7 now) and my boyfriend has only been around him for 2 years. He luckily still lets me do most things with him, just no snuggling or head scratches when John is around. I am able to do scratches sometime when John is not home, but as soon as he is, its all about him. Some days are worse than others and those are the ones that get me upset. I know it probably sounds lame, but it kinda breaks my heart. That's how I found this forum. I was google searching behaviors. I wish I had know about this place sooner. I've definitely been through a lot with Tango and having other people with greys would have been awesome. Some of my friends think I'm ridiculous because he is "just a bird." I hate that phrase more than anything. I don't say to them, "oh, it is just a cat..." Sorry went off on a bit of a rant. Thank you everyone who has responded. I feel a bit better knowing I'm not the only one. Also, I don't know if I'm supposed to click the Thanks button, but I do when someone responds to me.
  11. I'm interested in seeing if this works or not. I would love to take Tango outside with me, but he could and would fly away if something startled him. Trying to get a harness on him would be impossible, but I would definitely be able to but something on his ankles.
  12. With all the excitement of showing off Tango and looking through old pictures, I forgot to post my question (ultimately, the reason for joining). I am hoping that someone can either shed some light or give suggestions on how to handle the situation. So I'm not sure where to start with the story. It's no secret that Tango absolutely loves my boyfriend. He pretty much instantly bonded with him when we first became friends. He will consistently drop his wings for him and regurgitate for him. We moved in together about 4 months ago and at first things were going well. However, lately Tango has become such a brat towards me. If my boyfriend hands him to me he will bite me super hard. As soon as he hears John (my boyfriend) he goes bananas and wants nothing to do for me. He barely lets me give him scratches anymore and certainly does not like to cuddle with me. Even if we are sitting together he will do anything to get closer to John. I know you can't pick who your bird likes, but it definitely gets to me a little bit. I do the majority of the housekeeping stuff with Tango. John will help and give him his food sometimes depending on our work schedule. I guess I am looking for any suggestions people might have to help Tango still enjoy time with me. Or maybe I just want to hear that this has happened to other people and I shouldn't take it personally. Thanks in advance. Nikki :-)
  13. Thanks! It was a very exciting day. We have definitely been through a lot since that day, but I'm glad I made the decision to bring him home.

  14. I'm so sorry for your loss.
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