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Everything posted by BeeFernandez22

  1. The problem is that all of the birds right now are spoken for with the exception of the one I am meeting on Tuesday. The one I have bonded with in my last couple visits has a deposit down on him/her but my breeder cannot get in touch with the buyer and they have not even come to visit once. They mailed in their deposit and that was the only bird left available. If she cannot get back in touch and the sales becomes void, that particular baby would then be "up for grabs" so to speak, and I could then choose that one.
  2. He isn't mean or anything, he just didn't seem to have any desire to interact with me at all. He cowered when I would go to pick him up and fly off of me immediately after I did so. She says he plays well by himself, he just doesn't seem to have a desire to interact with the other birds or socialize with me.
  3. I am so glad to hear you say that it is not just me. I felt like such a horrible person for feeling like this. Still do. But I just do not feel like my bird wants to bond with me at all. The one that currently has an owner but may become available again kept wanting me to pet him and play with him and genuinely wanted attention from me. I pretty much spent my whole visit interacting with him simply because mine didn't want any part of it.
  4. This has me so upset.. I had picked out my baby quite awhile ago, and have visited 3-4 times since choosing. At the age I picked my baby (5 weeks) my breeder said they all pretty much act the same so you can't really pick based on personality or anything. Last time I saw my baby was two weeks ago. All of the babies still pretty much acted the same- allowed you to hold them, pet them, etc. Today when I went over there, my baby wanted nothing to do with me or the other two babies and was pretty much hanging out in the corner of their play table the whole time I was there. When I did pick him/her up, he would fly back off of me. The other two wanted to play, wanted to be pet, socialize, etc. I expressed my concerns to my breeder and she said he is definitely the most reserved of the group and does not like to play with the other birds but plays well on his own so he is just more of a loner. This really upsets me. I know they are not "snuggly" birds by nature, but I would like it if mine would at least like to socialize with me. One of the babies she has now is extremely social and to spare you all the story behind it, may be available for sale again. She said if this happens, she would be open to me switching. Also, she has another baby that a fellow breeder has been caring for that she says I could meet next week and possibly switch with as well. I feel as though I am already a horrible bird owner for even entertaining the idea of swapping and turning my back on the baby I am supposed to be picking up in a month in a half. What should I do? Am I horrible for feeling this way? She said she would spend extra time with my baby and see if he becomes a bit more social. Ughhhh... I just feel so sad, upset, confused, and guilty. :(
  5. Thanks for the clarification! Makes perfect sense!
  6. Georgia is simply wonderful!!! As you said, a true wealth of knowledge. I trust her judgement, as she knows FAR more than I do!!! The wait is awful, but I know it will be SO well worth it!! How is little Chickie?
  7. No mistake, Dave. My breeder prefers to have her babies surgically sexed. She feels this gives the vet a chance to view all the internal organs for health purposes, as well as determine gender. I know some do not prefer this method, but I trust my breeder.
  8. SO sorry to hear about your pup I know the feeling and it's awful. He is now running around, happy and healthy, at that beautiful Rainbow Bridge. Take comfort in that. Sending prayers and happy thoughts your way...
  9. Thanks!! Yes, I know they can test blood but my breeder likes to have all of her babies surgically sexed and tattooed under the wing by the vet before they go home so that is why I have to wait awhile
  10. Okay.. silly question, but what is this "toweling" you guys are referring to? Sorry for my ignorance, this is all new to me
  11. To all of you that were so helpful in helping me locate a baby CAG, THANK YOU!! I finally was able to get a deposit down on a baby from Georgia of the Parrot Posse. He/She was hatched on March 25 and she does not let them go home until they are fully weaned and fledged so I will not actually get to bring my baby home until August. Until then I will visit weekly. Here are some pics from my visit this week of my little guy/gal. (Can't wait until it is old enough to have sexed so I can finally stop saying "it". Sounds wrong....)
  12. Thanks everyone!! She said they will be fully weaned and fledged in July or August so I have a bit of time still. But I can come visit every week!!
  13. Great news!! I was able to put down a deposit this afternoon on a baby from Georgia with the Parrot Posse!! Soooooo excited!!! Hatch date was March 25 so it will be awhile until the little one comes home but that just means more time to prepare
  14. I had thought about that viewpoint as well. It is nice to know all of the personality traits and quirks up front and you definitely do not get that luxury when you get a baby. I didn't realize it was so common to lose a baby during the first year?? That worries me.....
  15. Yes, that is what the lady at Varietees told me. The small bird store by my home said the same thing as well. I am number 12 on both of those lists (Ironic haha) and the store by my house said they sold between 30-40 last season so she is confident I will be able to get one this season. I would really prefer to get one from the actual breeder near me since she does the breeding herself, and another member of this forum had excellent things to say about her, but I feel pretty comfortable with the store by my home and you have had a good experience with Varietees so I would be okay with those choices as well. I have no problem waiting a little. The right birdie will make their way to me It just gives me more time to really read up on them and learn even more. Always a good thing!
  16. I feel the same. This will be my first Grey so I am not sure I would be very "qualified" to work with a bird that has behavior problems. Not that I am unwilling, just sorta unsure how to go about it.
  17. Thank you all so much! I am currently on a waiting list with Varieties, Parrot Posse, and a small bird store by my home. I am in STL so I will check out the vet in Oklahoma. You guys are so great here
  18. I, too, am looking for a Grey and as mentioned in another post, am having quite the hard time!!! How do you guys feel about adopting a bird that is already a little older? Say a year or so? I can find a couple that need homes, (one is 11 months) but I just don't know since I know they bond with you so much better if you get them young.
  19. Yes, I did try there and contacted all the places that had a number listed. I was only able to get in touch with one, and I was put on her waiting list. The second place I found somehow through Google I believe.
  20. So I began my search for a breeder this week and oh my. What a wild goose chase I have started!!! There seems to be a lack of breeders in MO, aside from the couple I spoke to. All of them have a waiting list, so I put my name in and hopefully will be able to get one this season. I was 12th on one list, and unsure about the other. I am very afraid to purchase a baby from somewhere that would require shipping. I like the idea of being able to see where my baby is coming from and getting to know the breeder personally. I would be willing to drive a little so if anyone has any great breeders that are realitively close to St. Louis (Maybe 4-5 hour radius) I would love to hear from you! I had no idea it would be so difficult to locate one! I find plenty of adult Greys in my area, but I think I would prefer to get one as a baby. Anyone have positive experiences "adopting" a grown Grey that they could share?
  21. Thanks for all of the replies! I know the TAG and CAG often have different personalities but I see such good things in both. I like the idea of a larger bird so I am leaning towards CAG, but I am worried that a CAG may be less affectionate or bond less with me. I have read they are more "aloof" so to speak. Any truth to this? I know all of them have an individual personality so there is no way to be sure, obviously. Gosh, I feel like there are SO many decisions!!! Where to start??
  22. Hello everybody!! What an awesome forum you all have here. I cannot wait to have a couple hours later on to really explore it all! I do not currently own a Grey, but am looking to purchase one in the next few months. I have been rehabilitating a pair of Grey squirrels and will be releasing them next month more than likely. A heart-wrenching experience every time, but I know it is best. Anywho I welcome any and all advice you guys can offer me, as I am new to Grey ownership. I am reading as much info as possible and trying to soak all of it up. Also, I was curious how you all felt as far as going with a Congo or a Timneh? I have read various pro's to both, but would like to get some suggestions/opinions from those of you who have experienced the two personally. Thank you all in advance, and I look forward to being a part of your community
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