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Everything posted by BeeFernandez22

  1. Haha. Same with us! Except we were pretty sure he was a girl. I had been considering names for both sexes but only really had my heart on Talula. A couple of work friends have suggested I just go with Mr. Talula and call him Mr. T lol.
  2. That has always been what I have told people as well, but this one isn't going anywhere lol. We have lived together 3 years now and plan to get married in the next couple of years so I am pretty sure he is stuck with me
  3. I was thinking of getting a harness (Aviator seems to be what everyone chooses??) for my new baby. He will be 20 weeks on Sunday. I am bringing him home Friday and know this will be an adjustment period for him so when would it be okay to start trying the harness with him? I'd like to get him used to it early so I have a better chance of accepting it. This contraption looks kinda scary to me, but I have seem it used in much larger birds so I understand the concept. Would this be a better option?
  4. Haha.. thats funny This is pretty much my bird (bf isn't really one way or the other on owning one but knows I have always wanted one) so I really get to choose the name, but I am taking his input into consideration. I don't want to name it something he doesn't like. (Which seems to be everything I like! Grrrr...)
  5. Both of my dogs are named after a motorcycle theme (Rossi after Valentino Rossi and Gixxer after a GSX-R) so maybe Valentino and call him Vale (pronounced Vail) for short?
  6. Well, we (the breeder and I) both thought it was a going to be a girl and I was set on Talula (I have always wanted a bird named Talula) BUT I got an email this morning that we have a BOY!! And I haven't chosen a boy name yet. We have been jokingly referring to him as "Chicken Wing" just because I didn't like saying "It" and our breeder said go with that.. Zazu (The bird from Lion King) was a possibility. Ahhh I just don't know!
  7. Point well made I don't have the sexing results back yet so my sister and I were going through names saying "Well if it's a boy you could name it this, if it's a girl Ilike this.." and she made the comment "I feel like we are naming your child". I told we ARE because A) I treat my animals as children pretty much and B) I will have this bird after my children are grown and gone (and I don't even have any yet) haha!!
  8. I was curious what kind of food you all feed your CAG? My baby was given the choice between Harrisons and Roudybush and liked the Harrisons better.. If it is all he/she will eat I will absolutely keep feeding that, but of course it's the most expensive choice What others are good?
  9. No, they said they don't need to because they just feel pressure, no pain.
  10. I just spoke with my vet. They charge $50 for microchipping. They said it is put into the breast muscle of the bird and is pretty painless for them.
  11. Sounds like it's coming off I will double check with my avian vet here but seems like its a big risk to keep it on! Thanks for all of the insight, guys. I can't stress how much I appreciate all the help this forum provides. You all are wonderful!!
  12. I know she is! I just love her I still don't know if it's a boy or a girl so I haven't picked a name yet. Down to wire!!! Haha. My boyfriend and I have joked (lightheartedly so please nobody get offended) that our one dog was going to look at her like a chicken wing so we have been referring to him/her as chicken wing. If it is a girl her name will be Talula but not sure about a boy name yet. Georgia said go with Chicken Wing haha.. My mom said name it Colonel Sanders from the Chicken joke and call it The Colonel! Lol.
  13. Yes, something about the red factor gene was mentioned in what I read but, again, it was all pretty "technical" and genetics are pretty hard to understand even with my extensive biology background so I didn't quite understand it. I was just curious. Makes no difference to me what color toes they have
  14. My baby CAG has one white toenail. I never thought anything of it, just thought it was kinda cool because it was always easy to tell which was mine. In regular reading just now I read something about this meaning they carry a "pied gene". I tried to figure out what in the world that meant, and couldn't find anything in lingo that I really could make sense of. Can anyone shed any light on this? I just thought my baby was special Haha..
  15. Thanks everyone for the advice! I know I am just being overly worried!!! I just want to do everything perfect! Here is a pic of my baby making friends with another one of the breeders birds
  16. I meant to ask Gerogia today when I spoke with her and it totally slipped my mind!!! Do you know how she feels about it? Does Chickie still have hers?
  17. My baby that is coming home Friday currently has a leg band on to identify him from the rest of the clutch. What is everyones views on this? Should I have it removed for safety issues or keep it as ID?
  18. Also, I should mention I have purchased a smaller travel size cage to use as a "sleep cage" in a different, quieter room if that makes any difference. Should I begin that routine the first night home?
  19. Hey guys! So I have been posting periodically about my baby CAG who is currently still with my breeder. He/She (Get the DNA sex results this week) is about 4 and a half months old. She was waiting for it to be fully weaned and fledged to let it come home and I finally got the go ahead to get it this upcoming Friday, the 10th. I am excited but, HOLY CRAP am I nervous!!! I had no idea I would feel this way but I feel like a first time parent bringing their baby home from the hospital. I have done a ton of research but still feel like I don't know a single thing!! I will be picking it up from the breeders around 7pm on Friday evening. Any suggestions for how I should proceed with everything that evening once home, and for the remainder of the weekend? Thanks in advance for your help -Brittany
  20. Also to add... I have more toys and a ton of toy making materials but I don't want to "overload" the cage. Do they like to be on the bottoms of their cages at all? I kept most everything up top..
  21. I set up new babies cage this evening. Being that I have never owned a Grey, I am totally unsure of positioning of perches/toys/etc so please let me know what changes need to be made, and what I should also add. I will be attaching a front view and side view picture. Also, does anyone have any suggestions on which harnesses to purchase/avoid? I have seen a couple different brands. Thanks in advance for the help. As always, it is so much appreciated! -Brittany
  22. Thanks for the well wishes, everyone. Doing much better now. Still on the mend, but that will continue for some time. I return back to work on Monday so hopefully all goes well. I work in the Operating Room so my job is pretty physical. Anywho- back to the birdie business. I met with the babies again and "my" baby and the baby I was given the option to swap with we about equally social/unsocial. Much improvement in mine in the sense that I was able to hold it and such, but neither one was too keen on being held or played with as they were much more occupied with their toys. I realize this is just the age they are at. Being that mine did not shy away from me at all, I would say that is better. The two are staying with another member of the parrot group for the next couple weeks so I am waiting to make my decision until we see how they both react in a different environment and I get her opinion. As of now, the only difference she noticed was that mine seriously dislikes her 12 year old boy. This is not at all how I imagined this would all pan out. I figured I would have this baby picked, be bonding, and now I also have sexing disagreements with the breeder so even had I chose one while I was there, we would still not even have a sex. All this, and I am supposed to be getting baby in 3-4 weeks. So overwhelming. I have gotten the cage and have set it up for the time being. I will start a new thread for it, but I would appreciate any/all suggestions on changes that need to be made. I wasn't too sure on where to position everything with the exception of the rope perch, because I know that needs to be high for sleeping. Thanks again for everyones advice!
  23. Sorry for not replying sooner everyone. I had a recent medical emergency that required emergent surgery and have been recovering from that. No fun. I appreciate everyone's comments and insights, and will take all into consideration. I am meeting with the birdies and breeders again on Thursday so I will update you all then. Again, sorry for the delays... I truly appreciate all of your comments. Your knowledge is SO appreciated!
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