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Everything posted by pink_princess

  1. Congratulation Kim!!! your going to have so much fun with your bird.
  2. I'm sorry for your loss, I hope all the best for you and your family I know how it feels to lose someone you love and a dear friend. that police man didn't have the right to shoot the dog.
  3. Congratulation on your new bird!!! you have such a beautiful bird.
  4. Your very kind person for taking him in and giving him a good home, i hopes he gets better soon.
  5. Thanks judygram and chelseaB for your comments
  6. yesterday was a Terrible day, at 8 PM heard loud dog crays I can't explain how those noise was painful to hear. called up my dad because the noise come from is construction area he send someone to check it out , he found a dog was terrible hurt in a car accident that dog was beside the bus stop and no one even stopped to help her. the worker arrived to the location picked-up the dog to take him to the vet but unfortunately the dog did not make it. How someone can be so cruel? PS I was watching all of this in my window.
  7. I just finished sketching this Just need to go back and fix some errors.
  8. I do give my birds Popsicle (homemade no sugar just fresh frozen fruit) because Qatar is a very hot place and they love it.
  9. Same here I love Louboutin to death i wake up every single day for him no matter what he want he gets it. i know that he loves me as much i love him. i had him for 9 month now he never bit me not even a warning bit. believe me he likes to play all day, that can get me fall behind on my university work but i noticed he likes to be beside me so keep him near me and give him a toy to play with.
  10. Thank you all for the welcoming messages i will post a lot of pictures of them.
  11. Really! i didn't know that I will try it:o
  12. Thank you so much for posting this information, this will come very handy.
  13. Hello everyone, My name is Hamda I’m 22 years old and I’m from Qatar. I have three birds (African grey Congo and two ringnecks) and three dogs as well. I have joined this forum to share the love of this bird and to learn as much as I could about them. My babies love to play hide and seek with me every single day.
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