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About Jakesbirds

  • Birthday 12/04/1996

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. He's about 19 weeks old. But they all mature at different rates.
  2. So I have had Oliver for about a week now and his balance has gotten a LOT better. At first he was having trouble getting around the cage, but now he has no trouble at all. His flying is also better. When he would fly around my room he would be touching the ceiling and land in any spot he could. Now he doesnt hit the ceiling and he usually lands on top of his cage. He likes to sit on my hand and flap his wings like crazy. Which I know is good excersice. So as soon as I take him out I hold him on my hand and say, "Flap 'em" and he starts flapping his wings. He is a great bird, and I love him.
  3. They are such clowns! It will be a wonderful bird! Congradulations.
  4. So yesterday I was playing with Oliver. I took a piece of paper and balled it up. I ripped and let him grab it with his beak. He would grab onto it and I would pull it so it would rip. I kept on balling up the paper. Well after a while we got bored with that. I tried it again today. He grabbed the paper and tore it. I was thinking thats pretty cool. The he chewed the paper up into a ball. It was amazing. He is a smart bird and I love playing with him.
  5. Oliver is such a mess!! Hes hilarious. He makes a lot of baby noises.
  6. Well..umm.. I went to the cage to get his bowl for the veges I said "Want some vegetables?" then I went to warm them up. Then he made the loudest noise I have heard him make. It was like he knew what it meant. So I gave to him and left. I peaked at him after a few minutes and his face was covered in rice. So we went in there and watched him and he was eating a lot. Then he wanted some attention and left the food so I cleaned off his beak and left him alone to eat. I honestly think he is going to be alright.
  7. Well when I put him in his cage he walked around some, ate some pellet, preened himself and went to sleep. He was given out. He has had a big day. The biggest problem I have had so far is him nibbleing on my fingers and hands when I pick him up. It hurts pretty bad. He is flying but the landings arent so good. When I brought him home the breeder gave me a lot of his pellets, a couple of toys, a paper she typed about how his routine had been going, and little baby cage. She said I probably need to just let him play in the big cage when I am home but he needs to eat in the little cage. I really excited.
  8. I have chickens! I love taking care of them!
  9. Well oliver got moved into a smaller cage. She said he was losing weight because he wasnt eating by himself good. She said it was because of all the excitement of all the space. But she said it was nothing to worry about because she has done it plenty of times before. It just proves he is a big spoiled baby!
  10. Hes not really lashing out and biting. He just nibbles on my fingers really hard and its uncomfortable.
  11. Oliver's getting two feedings a day, breakfast and dinner, with a few snacks inbetween. He's 11 weeks old. He isn't flying yet but he LOVES to flap his wings like crazy. She said he has to eat by himself for two weeks before he can home. So I'm hopeing 4 weeks max. He likes to nibble on my fingers. It hurts pretty bad. I'm not sure what to do about that. Maybe it's just baby thing. But hes a great bird. Oh and he is fully feathered.
  12. I really like that playstand. It looks AWESOME!! She really looks like she enjoys it!
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