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Everything posted by CLB

  1. Panama and DYH are very different birds. Love my Panama....not sure I would attempt a DYH. :rolleyes: But that's just me.
  2. Welcome! What an exciting time watching and waiting. Thanks for sharing the pics.
  3. I think it was about 3 hours of real time. Time lapse has proven to be so much more fun than sitting through real time video. Glad you all enjoyed it!!
  4. Keep being patient...if you look through some of my old posts, Shadow had me in tears on many occasions. She is not hand shy...with my husband, but often bit me when asked to step up. I no longer use my hand but the stick she eagerly complies and we are both happy. I completely understand the frustration and disappointment. My husband wanted nothing to do with Shadow either and of course she chose him. I continue to move slowly and I never ask her to do things that make her uneasy around me and as of this week, I have actually kissed her beak!! I never dreamed this would happen. Of course I am VERY cautious and only kiss her through the bars, but it is a huge step. Continue with the treats, maybe you can remove all the sunflower seeds from her food and feed them as treats each time you pass by her cage, let her get all the goodies directly from you. I also used peanuts to get Shadow into her cage...she would do anything for peanuts or almonds, now I just mention the word and she comes running. Try giving her the peanut or almond as a distraction while you quickly pull the old papers and replace with new ones. When I was afraid to open Shadow's feed bowls, I would distract her with a treat and tell her to go "uppies" while I quickly replaced the food and water. Don't give up, hang in there and have faith.....this is just one of many phases of GREY!
  5. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly........I understand all too well the reality of shattered expectations, but things can and will evolve as she settles in. She will feel your stress and anxiety. I had plenty of expectation when it came to receiving my CAG as a rehome and my relationship continues to evolve even after 15 months. She was to be my bird, my devoted companion, but, she fell in love wiht my husband. My Panama Amazon came to me as a baby that I had handled since hatch and she continues to surprise me with her behaviors, she is hand shy. It would be very easy if our fids were domesticated and understood our expectations, however, they are not. I find that I must alter my expectation in order to meet the needs of my fids. Forcing them to comply does not seem very effective at creating a positive relationship. If your baby has only been with you for a month, perhaps some things can wait. I would think changing toys can wait. Can you change the papers in her cage without removing her? Perhaps you could work something out with your spouse so that he would agree to help out one day a week for a deep cleaning of the cage. You might try having her step up on a stick or rope perch, this has been very successful for me with my CAG. I also only feed my girls in their cage so that they have to return to eat, this might help get her back in. Most importantly, remember that she is a baby and even though there was a honeymoon period where everything seemed great, she is growing and developing her own personality and sense of self. It has only been a month. It is your job to encourage her to be independent and trusting without causing her undue stress. Be patient, take your time and do not take her behavior as a personal assault. The benefits and rewards will come but you may have to look closely, I know I did.
  6. Christmas at our house in 60 seconds. Note that the Grey on the tree in the background is relocated to the front right. The Amazon takes the place on the stand and toward the end, the Greencheek takes her place at the top of the tree! Forgot to mention, Lola, Amazon, joins me and sits on my arm about 3/4 of the way through.
  7. CLB

    RIP Beezer

    I can only say how sorry I am also at theis tragic loss. You came to the right, we do understand.
  8. My Grey would never allow herself to be seen looking like that! lol
  9. Poor baby...Godspeed in her recovery.
  10. Thank you Talon! I am eager to hear more.
  11. CLB

    Water bottles

    I use a bowl. Of course I do have to change it as needed and if I don't get to it soon enough, Shadow is sure to announce it.."WATER?" lol
  12. Welcome to you both! My Shadow (CAG) was 8 years when we adopted over a year ago. It has been a fabulous journey. Sounds like things are going well. I hope you enjoy this forum as much as I have. It has been an indispensable resource and source of comfort during difficult times. Do you have any pictures you could share?
  13. CLB


    I do not have a lot of experience, but I am wondering if Piper is accustomed to spending time in her cage alone. You mention that she paces even in her "big" cage. It seems very possible that she has not learned how to keep herself busy and instead stresses out when she is unable to play with her human companion. Independence is a valuable trait. Just a thought.
  14. She is precious! Welcome Chris and Rosie. Dave gives great advice. You can never be totally prepared for the adventure you have just begun. Relax, take your time and read everything you can here on the forum!! So many real life stories and factual information. It will keep you busy!
  15. YES...many thanks. Keep those beautiful photos coming!!
  16. This was an excellent post Jayd. Thanks for taking the time to share.
  17. I would maybe let Rosie help guide you. I used to use 4 fingers, but that leaves lots of temptation for putting the beak around the top finger...ouch! I then decided to go with the "iron fist" which is often recommended as it is more difficult to receive a bite when no fingers are exposed. That has not been particularly successful either. I have a sneaky suspicion that Shadow may fear the fist. She steps up beautifully on my hubbies 2 fingers. Ultimately, I have found a step up "stick" to work the best for us. Shadow complies eagerly and I never get bit! A win win if you ask me!! Good luck as you find the method works best for you.
  18. Welcome Stephanie! It's always good to see an older bird find a new home. It sounds like Charlie might think you are a bit too "okay" if he is regurging and doing a bit of a mating dance. LOL You might want to limit the back rubs. I rehomed my Shadow last fall and it has been an incredible journey full of ups and downs. Just when I think I have her figured out, she changes the rules, but I can't imagine life without her. There is so much info here that you could spend weeks trying to read it all. However, there are so many great stories and experiences combined with real facts and honest opinions, it is worth the read!!
  19. Oh Talon! I remember that day our house filled with smoke...it was so scarey, our mama grabbed us in a panic too and through us in the screened porch. It's a good thing our mama's think fast. You know they love us for them to worry so much about our safety. Even though we didn't understand what was happening, we knew mama would make it right. I am so happy you are all safe! ~ Shadow
  20. Welcome....there is so much great info on this forum. Keep us posted on your progress toward finding the right grey.
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