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Everything posted by Barbara2

  1. If you go to the Health Room, there are four different threads about wing clipping. Most here would advise you against it but like everything else, it's a personal decision that has to be made for your individual situation.
  2. I also want to add that at least one member here was able to adopt a grey into their family because the owner *knew* this person from being on here. Even the best and most loving owners sometimes end up in a position where they know that their much loved grey would be better off in a different, loving home. You just never know when the opportunity might present itself.
  3. You are still more than welcome to stay! I hope you find the grey that is truly meant for you.
  4. If he is in a big and sturdy cage, the dog shouldn't be a problem. I have two big dogs that are actually part of the "flock". My grey would rather be with them than with little kids. When he is in his cage, the dogs visit and it seems to be a mutual tolerance. I don't leave them unsupervised when Neo is out of the cage.
  5. Very nice to meet you (since I was not here when you were on before). I would love to hear stories about what life is like with an adult bird. Have you had him since he was a baby?
  6. I went away for two weeks and left my daughter and her husband in charge of our animals. They were great and let Neo out and gave him lots of attention. I came back and I have to do some "repair work" with Neo. I have been bitten twice since I got home yesterday and I had never been bitten before. I deserved it, I'm sure. I guess my point is that they are very sensitive, don't like change, and need time to adjust even if it's just a two week hiatus.
  7. I'm thinking you might need to work on your husband before you work on Russell. There have been others that have been given a "the bird goes or I go" ultimatum due to a partner who develops a dislike for the pet bird. Make sure he is completely in agreement before you decide to bring Russell home. My two cents.
  8. What a wonderful story! I'm glad you found each other and I'm very glad you joined this forum. Looking forward to hearing more...and pictures!!
  9. I am so, so sorry. I wish it could have been better news.
  10. I know one thing that helps is "sunshine". Since it's not possible to bring the actual sun in, I got an avian lamp from Drs Foster & Smith. I turn that on the cage or area where my bird is 4 hours a day. My little Senegal was plucking quite a bit. The sunlamp seems to be helping. It might just be coincidence and he may have just been in a bad molt but I know it is good for them so I think it might be making a difference.
  11. You could prepare them all ahead of time, put portions in an ice cube tray and freeze it. Your mom can microwave a portion each day. That's one suggestion.
  12. This might seem like a weird thread but I need to know. Years ago when I first got my Senegal and Hahn's macaw I read everything. One thing that I read is that the ink used in color portions of newspapers was toxic. So I have always diligently gone through every paper that I've used and rejected any piece with a color picture or color ad. Is this still true? (Or was it ever true???)
  13. Your profile pic is showing. (Great close-up of your baby bird!) The picture that shows in the messages is the avatar. You set that under settings.....scroll down to edit avatar.
  14. Those of you having to deal with this storm, stay warm and be safe. I would love to see beautiful pictures though.
  15. I like the idea of moving her to a place where she is around the rest of "the flock" (which includes the human members). I know that my grey even likes the dog. And the dog likes him because Neo throws his food out of the cage at the dog. It seems to be quite the symbiotic relationship! Good luck and please keep us updated on how Sydney is doing.
  16. Maybe put a little soft food with palm oil on that paper and trick him into being healthy!
  17. The only article that I could find said 2-3 hours a day.
  18. Neo still likes to cuddle. He likes it best when he is sitting on my belly with his head on my chest and I have one hand covering and scratching his head and the other hand covering his body.
  19. Shanlung is so right. As difficult as it is to accept, there is only so much you can do. There are children who are treated as bad or worse that don't get taken care of because the agencies are so overburdened. I wish they would have listened to reason.
  20. You forgot to include the picture of you so we could see the haircut!
  21. Neo hasn't made any sounds from music yet but he has danced!
  22. But do you leave your grey out of his cage? I would be concerned that he might chew electrical wires or get into something else that might be a danger.
  23. I supplement with Harrison's but I buy it online. (I ordered it yesterday and it will be delivered on Monday. And that's just normal shipping.)
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