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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Hay Dee that could be a possibility !!
  2. Ray P

    Beak Crack

    Looks good to me. I have never had Corkys beak trimmed as she dose a good job on her own. She becomes a teenager this year.
  3. WOW we broke 10.000. 10.099 members with 997 active. We are not dead in the water. We just hit a speed bump.
  4. Cricket is around 17+ years, but she was not always this way. In her former home she was very aggressive and nasty. There were teenagers in that home I believe tormented her. On December 20th of this year her amended birthday and her first day in our home. she will have been with us 5 years and be 18 years old. Cricket has turned out to be a great companion.
  5. Great pictures and now you know. Let the fun begin.
  6. Of all my birds that I have had and had in the past I believe Cricket is the laziest of them all. I don`t mean that in a bad way, but she wants you to do every thing for her. When we open their cage in the morning Corky my grey will fly to the table to eat with us. but Cricket will yell my name until I come over to her cage and take her off the top of her cage and take her over to the table so she can eat with us. She has this thing when she wants to go back to her cage and its more than 20 feet she will climb down to the floor and walk half way there and yell my name to come over to pick her up and take her the rest of the way. This is not something that happens one or two times its all the time. When we first brought Cricket home she was very over weight and out of condition from living in a very small cage and could not fly. Now She is very trim and she can fly, but its hay TAXI.
  7. Corky loves her morning and evening head scratch, but also when she has done something wrong and she thinks your mad, she will come over and put head down for a head and neck scratch.
  8. OH yes, Missing keys and bird poop. She will try to fill in the missing keys with bird poop so you won`t notice, That`s if it dries in time.
  9. She is just checking out her new domain that she plans on taking over. And yes, they are awesome.
  10. My prayers go out to you and all that live in the path of tornado alley
  11. Hi Robin and Chris and welcome to the grey forum two both of you and your new companion CJ. you may be trying too hard and too fast for your grey. Take your time and sit by his cage and talk to read, sing or just sit by his cage. As you sit by his cage you could share snacks. Remember he is in a strange place with new people different sights. He dose not know what just happened to him so give him time to settle in to his new home with new people. He will come around when he is ready
  12. A simple question, a complicated answer. When you read the first post to a new thread you have to decide do I answer or pass. When a new thread starts with only two lines, no real subject, is vague, little info, hearsay and your not sure what the question is, than I will pass. Its hard to give a good answer when your not sure of the question as we all know from the pass. We all try to answer your question from the heart and in what we think is in the best interest of our loved fids. So if you have a question, make it clear as to what you are asking and if you answer, know the question. Just my observation. P.S. Also stay on topic
  13. Well said Wingy. Family is family and friends are friends and it`s never smooth sailing.
  14. Hi Mema and welcome to the grey forum to you and your new companion. Your life will never the same and that's good and yes they are just like kids, but they will never leave home. Oh, we love pictures
  15. I am posting this in the amazon room because it was Cricket that made me realize something I knew for many years. Some people find the colorful feathers of many species as intriguing. Some people find the majestic look and intelligence of a grey as intriguing. Others find the clownish acts of many of our parrot species intriguing. The one thing I found intriguing with all my parrots is their eyes. For many years, more years than I want to count, I would just sit with my birds and just look at them for long periods of time and I would be drown to their eyes and I would always feel a comfortable feeling as I sat there and looked at them. As you know from my stories about Cricket she came with issues and I did not have much expectations of her ever being a family companion. She is an awesome looking Blue Fronted Amazon and I would find myself looking at her and being drawn to her eyes. Again like with all my birds I felt like I was being drawn, but there was more, I felt like I was drawn in to her soul so I could see what she was really like. Well I was wrong, I was not drawn in, Cricket invited in to share her soul and there was this gentle being in there that gave me comfort, and than I had this feeling she was looking back and into my soul To peek into the soul of your parrot is something you will never match.
  16. The grey always comes out on top.
  17. Wingy you brought up some good points about identity and citizenship to add the importance of chipping.
  18. Great pictures of your baby. It`s always fun to see them try new things.
  19. Hi Suzette Furby , welcome to you and Earl to the grey forum. Your life has just changed as you start out with a new baby grey. Is you new baby a CAG or a TAG ? OH we love pictures.
  20. Oh yes a cockatiel can have a very strong bond to one person. Almost all my tiels were would go to anyone but there were 3. One was very bonded to me, One very bonded to my wife and one very bonded to my son.
  21. Ray P

    Funny Piper!

    My cockatiels have put their heads in many places to whistle but never the toes. Cricket has this old tub she puts her head in and grunts over and over.
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