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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. OH yes, A typical. Corky was a little over 16 weeks old when she came home and she loved to be covered and snuggled and to this day she likes it from time to time
  2. Earlier in this thread I talked about a soft voice and how it brought out a positive reaction with Cricket and how that was the starting point in our relationship. Cricket made the next step before I thought she was ready. I had been giving her treats through the bars of her cage and one day she put her head down against the bars as I was giving her a treat. I very gently gave her a head scratch on the top oh her head through the bars for about 1 or 2 seconds before she pulled back. She pulled her head back and not her body. Later that day I sat with her and was giving her treats through the bars and talking and talking to her and she put her head down again and I gave her a very gentle scratch on the head again, but this time it was for a longer period of time. Our relationship and bond grew because of a soft voice and a gentle touch along with my presence and her patience. Cricket always moved to the next step and dragged me along. P.S. Dee this is a great thread.
  3. IMHO I would take what the breeder said and continue from there with the hand feeding of that age. If Tuke is still hungry, add to the feeding or subtract feedings as needed. You will still love him.
  4. Got to build up those talons
  5. Now she can go out and play fetch with the dog.
  6. Birdhouse you found that one thing, that starting place and took it from there.
  7. We all have our fingers crossed !!!
  8. I`m glad every thing worked out.
  9. OH yah, I know that you eat it first thing. If I`m ok in 10 minutes they will eat it.
  10. It sounds like things are going well with Elliott, but it does take time. The time you take to be with him to talk and play is what`s going to pay off in the end. Some times grey time seams like a long time, but it`s always on their terms.
  11. Never underestimate an amazon. They are so cool.
  12. Cricket is a rehome and one of the greatest things I have enjoyed was to watch Cricket change and grow and become the companion that others said she would never be. It`s said amazons are very difficult to deal with and I will not challenge that statement because I believe it may be true., but they can be dealt with. Even today after 4 1/2 years you can see subtle changes in her that are small but when you put them all together they are huge. One of the things that has evolved over the years is her noise level as she has become louder and louder and more demanding for my attention and when I say demanding I mean in a gentle way, but very vocal. I have watched her grow and change and I enjoy every minute that I spend with her as she continues to change and grow. I sometimes call her my amazonatoo (OK new word) or my Velcro zon (OK another word) after Cockatoos because they seam to fit what she has become. P.S. Cricket is going to be 18 years old so their never too old to change.
  13. Mama really takes care of her little girl.
  14. They just know when they have it good.
  15. If you named him Sue he could say , I`m Sue how do you do, and mean it.
  16. I was at my dinning room table looking out at my backyard. One of my chickens was out of her pen and walking around the backyard and was following my cat Socks. Socks stopped and sat down in the grass and did not know the hen was behind him. The chicken than walk up behind Socks and pecked him hard in the back just above his tail, Socks jumped straight up into the air about a foot and when he came down he hit the ground running. Don`t know what made the hen peck him, but Socks now gives the hen house a wide berth.
  17. It`s not a stupid question as this has happened to many of us. She will work on it until she gets it out.
  18. No she is not plucking. She has one feather that is irritating her and she is trying to get it out.
  19. If you don`t have the time or your not to handy the mix and match panels would be a quick and easy way to go. If it`s against the house all you would need is three side panels and the roof panel. The house door would be the only way in so it would be safe for Alfie.
  20. I do not have a second home, rescue or rehome grey, but I do have a second home or rescue amazon. A rescue is a rescue weather a grey, macaw, amazon or any other of the many parrot species kept as pets or companion. they all share the same heart brake of being taken out of their home for what ever reason. They don`t know what`s going on, new place, new people. They are in a no mans land and don`t know what`s going to happen to them. How would you feel. Some have been well cared for and some abused. I don`t think of Cricket my Blue Fronted Amazon as a second home or rescue amazon any more. It`s like she has been with us forever and she has a very strong bond with the entire family. Dee AKA Katana600 wants us to share our successful stories of how we got there. I have told Crickets story many times here so I will give you what I thought got us here. I was told Cricket had many issues and because of this I almost did not take her. One of the first things I did after a bigger cage and a change of diet was to watch her and see if what I was doing that brought out a positive reactions and the first thing I noticed was she would have a positive reaction to a soft voice. Thinking back she came from a home that had 4 know it all teenagers that talked loud and would poke and prod her. So I would sit with her and talk in a soft voice and she started to come over and with her own soft voice would make soft sounds back. This was the start of our relationship. So to start with find out what you do that brings out a positive reaction and start there. All you need is a starting place. You don`t need to finish because it can go on and on.
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