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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Ray P

    More of Audi.

    I see she has her harness on and ready to fly.
  2. Well heres a warm welcome from north east still thawing out from the winter Ohio.
  3. here are my two cockatiels. In pictures 1 and 3 is Willie a standard grey boy and he is over 21 years old and we have had him all his life. In pictures 3 and 4 is Little One a Pied girl about 6 and a 1/2 years old and a rehome and she is a sweet and loveable little girl. Have had her for 6 years.
  4. Ray P


    I also have tiels and I love them to death. We have a normal grey tiel that is 21 years old and we have had him all his life. Tiels have been in our home for all of 39 years
  5. Great pictures of your flock and they seam to get along. All good looking greys. And it looks like you have a nice set up.
  6. One of the best things you can do for him is give him time to settle in and let him relax. It`s all new to him new home new cage new person and he dose not know what to make of it. Like Shelly Yokum said sit by his cage talk to him give him some treats let him know whenever you come around something good happens and he will come around. Just give him time and kindness.
  7. Welcome to the forum and if you need info. just ask some one will jump in and help.
  8. I love to see all your pictures and videos they are all so back to nature and Cocoa is a real ham when it comes to pictures.
  9. It`s called cabin fever and sunshine is the only cure.
  10. I know what you mean we can not leave the room with out Cricket going into hyper drive wanting to come with us and doing every thing she can to get our attention .
  11. Corky has never had a beak trim and she is well over 10 years old. She has many things in her cage that she plays with that keep her beak in good condition. Perches, chew toys certain nuts in shells that she has to break open. We go to the lumber yard and get 2x4 cut offs for free (pine) and they love to destroy them. Keep the beak going and the beak will be ok.
  12. When their babies you could just love them to death, and when they grow up you sometimes wish you had. Just like your kids.
  13. You will always remember the first day I know I do. I remember bringing Corky home like it was yesterday and that was over 10 years ago. Happy day and good luck.
  14. I enjoyed that a lot. I bet if you realy thought about it that list could go to at least 100
  15. You have one grey that you have done a good with and with time I`m sure you could do the same for this one to. It just takes time to build trust. You have had a good start. Just work on building trust and I bet it will work out
  16. Looks like 3/4 X 3/4 coated out door mesh fencing.
  17. He looks great. Now it`s fun fun fun.
  18. Fact a hummingbird can rotate each of it`s wings in a circle, allowing them to be the only bird which can fly forwards, backwards, up, down, sidways or sit in sheer space. A hummingbird can move instantaneously in any direction. A hummingbird can even fly short distances up side down , a trick rollover they employ when being attacked by another bird (answers .com) Facts or fiction A Bald Eagle can see small pray from thousands of feet in the air.
  19. I do not have macaws but I do have 4 very spoiled birds a CAG named Corky a BFA named Cricket and two cockatiels named Willie and Little One and they are all within 10 feet of each other and more like around the corner from each other and they talk to each other all day long and they have a common time out of the cage at the same time. They enjoy each other but are content to be by their own cage.
  20. My wife and I paid $900.00 for our CAG Corky over 10 years ago and that was a lot of money back than and we had to wait 6 more weeks befor she was ready to come home. Plus we had to buy a large cage, food and toys ended up at anouther $500.00. The best money we ever spent.
  21. When they play and play hard their toys show it and it will look beat up. A beat up toy is a fun toy so it`s not poor bird it`s happy bird. Don`t be embarrassed because you have a happy bird.
  22. My amazon does this more than my grey with this I love you thing and it`s so hard to walk away when you know it`s affection they ary trying to show you but you need to do this for their own good.
  23. Hi and welcome to the forum. When you find your grey you will find out it`s life changing as it is with all parrots. Good luck on your search.
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