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Everything posted by KimKim

  1. Babalu hates and freaks out at the sound(s) of the fire/carbon dioxide alarm, even though he loves to make the sound himself!
  2. Wow, I can't even imagine what your house sounds like!
  3. KimKim

    Any Ideas?

    My boy didn't like to chew wood either until I tried colored waffle wafers from this site http://www.motherpluckinbirdtoys.com it's really easy to chip small pieces off.
  4. Mine loves waffle wafers hung on the corkscrew skewer from here http://www.motherpluckinbirdtoys.com and of course the SS bell http://m.mysafebirdstore.com/product.cgi?group=2300&product=13676
  5. Love the stand! We have the heart forager and unfortunalty, my boy is able to pull the cups off
  6. Poor baby, hope it heals fast. Does he have cage mates that might have bit him? Anything sharp in his cage? Maybe he was chewing on the bars and got stuck?
  7. There's a really cool Facebook group called The Parrots Workshop, and it's all pictures and instructions on homemade toys.
  8. My grey never really liked to chew wood, but then I discovered This store http://www.motherpluckinbirdtoys.com ! His fav is the small corkscrew filled with avian waffle wafers. He also likes the button crazy toy, almond stuffer and cork stuffer corkscrew refills.
  9. Poor guy, sorry I'm no help. Hope he gets better soon.
  10. Candy corn pants, gold stars, LOL, love it! And of course, Gracie's buttons! So cute
  11. Were you able to get it? I can list it for you now, if not. I will make you an account and make up a password with your email and message it to you, then make your listing, if you want:)
  12. That's a good price for that big tank! I can give you brief instructions now, I'm about to leave for the day, you just have to set up an account, that is usually on the left side, then you want to list a new post, that is on the right after you make an account. The tank you can put under community, then the pet section, or just the regular for sale by owner in household or the general section. Once you pick all those selections, you can make your listing title and price, then you should list the deminsions and how many gallons. The, there should be another button or page to attach the picture. Does this all make since? Lol. If no on helps before tonight, I can do it for you
  13. I haven't used those, I would be worried about the birds chewing on it and the cord... I have one of these (size small), http://www.avitec.com/Cage-Heaters-AviTemp-Infrared-Heat-Panels-s/50.htm and it works great!
  14. Oops, somehow I missed the names!
  15. I have no experience with amazons or plucking/feather loss, but hopefully you will find help soon. Looking forward to seeing progress what are their names?
  16. Good luck with them we love pics too
  17. So cute! I love the little red checks on the red fronted. I thought I remember you saying sugar ray found a home?? Or is he not weaned yet?
  18. I have the easy sprouter http://sproutpeople.org/easy-sprout-sprouter/ and the glass jar sprouter http://sproutpeople.org/sprouters/sprouting-jars/ I think I like the easy sprouter a little bit better as it seems to drain better.
  19. Oh, never mind, it's the wing over the RFM
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