i know i havent join the conversations around here a lot, most of you probably never heard of me:) little update on jack he expanded his vocabulary nowadays. he now says moooooooooooom and give me a kiss,kiss kiss. i ll try to record him speaking you may find it funny to hear a bird speaking in turkish
he also bonded closely with me and became more aggresive to my girlfriend.
he used to scream at my german shepherd maya but he get used to her(as you can see in my avatar picture) but his new source fear is my newly adopted 3 years old solid black german shepherd named UZI(name is gun name which i wouldnt give to a dog but his first owner gave it). this time he is really scared of this black giant but i hope jack will accept the formerly abused new member of our family. i will also post a picture of my german shepherd.
i know this isnt the right topic to talk about other pet but i want to give some information about him too. but he is a dog that was abused by some sick minded uncertified trainers trying to teach him to pass a schutzund(a dog sport based on obedience,tracking and protection) exam. he was saved by my friend a veterinary doctor and probably the best dog trainer in Turkey(he turned a mixed breed shelter dog to a certified search and rescue dog also 2 time skyhoundz european frisbee dog championship winner with his border collie) and was trained as a tumor detector(93% succes rate) in a state sponsored project.after the project was halted my friend decided to give UZI to a person who can accept him as a indoor dog.(he owns 12 dogs from various working breeds,28 mixed breed shelter dogs that lives in his kennel and 3 cats in his home so he really didnt have a place for another dog) and luckily that was me. because he was abused he is very sensitive and thrives for attention and very tolerant of our other dogs including 3 pound yorkie. it feels good to give him the proper life he deserved very much from the beginning of his life.
anyway thats what is up with the JACK and his family. it has been been a long thread sorry if i bored you.