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Everything posted by emlee

  1. :eek:Hello Talon,

    I just wanted to alert you of a potential problem. It may be nothing but I feel you are more qualified to address this, as you have protocol for this site. In the chat rm in the top of the page was a message from kev. He claims his bird of 4 months all of a sudden is having trouble talking. I sent him a message telling him to go to his Avian Vat in case the bird is having an airway problem. I hope this is not the poor birds problem. Please let me know if you find out anything.


  2. That is absolutly hysterical. So true, everything is theirs. We are all blessed to have them in our lives. Happy Thanksgiving to all. Eileen
  3. emlee

    Throwing Food

    I will give that a try. He can certainly use veggies. I was also told he might be hormonal. Besides throwing food he is tearing up paper and anything else and forming piles mixed with regurgitation. Ok, perhaps, he's two.
  4. Hello Petite One, Welcome to the wonderful world of Greys. I am so glad Buddy has you and you have him. Im sure your brother is at peace knowing Buddy is ok and in a good home. Lots of good stuff here, I learn alot everyday. I have a Grey Quinn 2yo, Cockatoo 3yo Chuckles, conure 3yo Mango. K-9s: Scooter poodle, Seanna doberman, Rufus yellow lab. Poke around, ask, ask, ask. Eileen
  5. Happy Hatch Day Josey!!! Hope you have many many more celebrations. Give Mama extra kisses and she might give you extra special treats.
  6. emlee

    Throwing Food

    My CAG Quinn just started to throw his pellets. He has no problem eating them until he was introduced to the fruited flavors of the same food. So now he puts his face in the dish and slings his food to the floor where three happy dogs await eagerly like treats being thrown from a Mardi Gras parade. Why do they do this. He wont take any veggies or fruit. He will eat an occasional sunflower seed or cherrios. Has anybody else experienced this? :confused:
  7. Wow, thats so heartbreaking, I hope you do get the bird thats meant for you. I got Quinn from a breeder up north. She was very reputable. I picked by video, placed a deposit, signed contract and she sent me weekly pictures of him and his clutch mates. It was great. In fact my profile picture is him. He still has that stuffed animal. Keep praying, I will say one for you. Let me know!
  8. emlee

    I Remember Game

    I remember when a good old fashion butt whooping was legal and children actually had respect for authority......
  9. Adorable babies, I wish you well with them. I like pictures as well. I'm still trying to download without photo bucket.
  10. I might check into those papers. Right now I use news papers.
  11. I am so sorry this is happening to you. Please remain strong, and keep your head up. Don't loose hope yet. God says " When one door closes another one opens " it just might turn around.
  12. :cool:Welcome to you and Amali. She is a beautiful girl. You will find this site very helpful. There are so many people willing to help, some one always is either going through the same thing or has experienced the same issue. I just wanted to say that grey's are not the best landers ( wrong landing gear Ha Ha). Their always at risk for a sternum break when not flighted. Good luck with your relationship with her.
  13. I am so sorry for your loss. They become part of us.
  14. Thank You all for the Birthday wishes. This site rocks.
  15. Im sorry it didn't work out yet. I think the play stand is a great idea, neutral territory. Let me know as I want to let mine become friends. My CAG and my Too. My CAG Quinn says "Hello Quinn" and Quinn answers Hello or I Love You. Its funny, I wish they knew what they were saying.
  16. Scoop, sounds like you are in my situation. Im waiting for my CAG to cradle again. Ive made lots of progress by letting it happen on his time. I can pet him and give him treats through the cage. He sometimes seeks my attention. I miss him so much. He went through a traumatic situation where he got out and ran around the floor as my husband and my sons were trying to get him. I wasn't even there. So I have to wait.
  17. I'm glad it went ok without a fight. Is Joker really protective over you? What did Tia do after word, emotionally? I think neutral territory would work out better. Good luck, let me know.
  18. I would get the larger cage. Mine has a cage similar with similar dimensions. Their is a world of difference, especially for all the toys required for them. It will become crowed quick. Good luck with your baby.
  19. I wish you luck with your new baby. When are you getting him?her?
  20. Thank You so much for the good wishes for Quinn. I got a Birthday Kiss from him tonight!!!!!!!! It brought tears to my eyes. I will find a way for photos to be posted. Im proud to share them.
  21. Good luck. I would like to know how it goes. Well wishes!
  22. I hope so, I miss him. He still won't let me hold him like we used to. Im waiting
  23. Hello Sam and Grim welcome. I am new to this as well. my CAG is very shy after a tramatic escaped he made when I wasn't home. So now we do things his way. So slow and Im grateful for whatever I get. He lets me feed him treats. In the past month he has allowed me to scratch his head and cheek but only in the morning or at night. This was something we used to do. I would say scratch my head and would put his head down, or else he would say it and I did it. I have had Quinn since he was 12 wks old. He is now 3 y.o. today my baby boy. He was abundance weaned, I think thats what it is called. I was told that was the best way to wean them, IDK. I got my Too the same way you got Grim. In fact most of my animals are rescues, Im a sucker. I just love animals more than people and Im not ashamed to admit it. We can all learn together, I think it's important that new people talk to each other as well as experienced people. I agree with ties too slow is better
  24. Happy 3rd Birthday Quinn, my precious boy. I couldn't wait to post this on here. He is so handsome and so talkative. He loves to go out in his stroller and see the world. He went today and was talking to everyone who passed by us on the trail, as if he knew Im special today. lol. Im trying to post photos but unsure how. Isn't there a way without photo bucket?
  25. Wow so much great advice, thank you. I am so afraid of them hurting each other, so they are all watched when out. My blind poodle believe it or not is the biggest threat, he gets put in another room when any bird is out. Quinn is very timid. I posted some of my story in the new section and grey lounge. I need so much help. My heart is broken.
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