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Everything posted by rcmotorgirl

  1. For being a Licensed Vet, you sure don't know (the way u spelled it Liscensed) SPELL. Apparently to graduate you do not have to correctly write reports! I have a feeling this is not a vet, but a poser....if not, maybe you should be revisit grammar school. I sure hope you can treat animals better than you can put a thought down on a blog. Ex: Wonderfull? really....Liscensed...Capital B in Been in the of a sentence. I am far from being an English expert, but wow! I think if this person is really breeding and selling sick birds, she needs to go to jail...Any animal which is abused needs to be put away for a while....I hope none of this is true, but if so, Karma is a Fact!!!
  2. Shanlung I have had the pleasure of taking on the challenge of an eight year old re-home grey. It was very apparent he was never handled nor loved. I do not have the experience most people have with African Greys. I have only read a little bit just due to the fact it is like reading a book on giving birth...everyone is different. I just used basic common sense. I have two other greys, but got them at four months old, so I didn't have to jump into a personality which was already molded. Don't get me wrong, I have taken some hard bites, but worth the outcome. He would never come out of the cage unless it was to attack you. He was scared and protecting HIS cage..that is all that he knew. We let him settle in a very short time before we started to handle him, or at least try to. I would watch his body language (eyes, head, feathers)...He educated me very quickly. I never scolded him, just told him that I love him and that was not nice. We have had him for three weeks now...he went from attacking and banging his beak on the cage to walking out and stepping up on your hand. He likes to let me know he is the man of the house ( I let him), he puffs up, eyes pin...I sit and talk with him and ask him if he is done...he will raise his foot when he is ready and all is good! He has taught me patience and tolerance and with that he now says "I love You!" and I can steal a kiss from him. What more can you ask from such an intelligent, extremely important part of our family? Nothing~~~~I knew he was going to be work and when I bought him, I was at the bird farm to buy another youngster and saw him..I knew I had to have him. I have lots of holes in my hands, but worth every step we have taken together. I can't wait to see what he still has in store!
  3. We have three greys..one is 8 and he speaks very well, he was a re-home. The other two we brought home at 4 months. Our youngest is 16 months old and makes lots of sounds and quite a few words and a few sentences. Our 16 month old says a few things on rare occasions. They are both treated the same, just the 14 talks and talks and talks....so give them time. They pick up what they want and what interests them....have fun, soon enough they will surprise u !
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