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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. I constantly hear that people offer their birds beans in their diets, but never say what kind. There are many varieties. Is this just a general bean, or are there specific types that are preferred. Thanks <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/22 22:22
  2. That would be a great thing to try. What is quinoa and can I find it in my local grocery store? Can you please tell me exactly how you make it or direct me to where you have that posted? I suck at cooking pretty bad and need explicit instrcutions. Unless its on the grill of course. But as a baker, I need help.<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/22 22:10
  3. Hello all again. So as most already know, the most significant thing that happened over the last week was Issac's regurgitation upon my shoulder. I was truly honored. Even though a regognizably gross act, I was only on the side of it that made me feel quite honored. With the weather warming up, I have the windows open more often and Issac can hear things outside. I have a couch that sits next to one fo the windows and he just recently loves to prance back and forth and look outside. Often making cute little mumbles and noises and staring out into the distance sometimes frozen with wonder. It is super cute to watch him walk about up there. He almost has the microwave down. I told one of my friends down and she was like, "Well what does he cook?" LOL...noooo the sound. Yes...he is studying the pitch and nearly has it nailed. It is amazing watching him gain control over what comes out his little throat. I like the way the little area under their beak moves as it is forming sounds. Still taking his formula and enjoying it. That is what actually inspires the microwave sounds in the morning. He is no fool and knows that goodies come from that little black box making the noises. Bought his a boat load of toys and goodies a couple days ago. Never a dull day for Issac. I also managed to find a supplier of Pine Nuts. At first he was a bit intimidated at the hardness. So, I took a nut cracker and busted one open before him so he could see. Then i gave him the nut inside...and ohhh boy....it was all over. He loves em. After that, I think I increased his determination and he can now open them without an issue. A good side treat for the lil fella. Well I am off to read about some healthy things that I can make him to keep experimenting with his tastes. I can honestly say that I have never been so connected to a pet...or anything for that matter. He is my sweet little friend and I take good care of him. Thanks for reading. <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/22 21:43
  4. Issac was staring at my computer speaker very intently while hearing your video. He seems to recognize the sound of his brothers. I love the sounds they make! Cute video.
  5. I don't know what happened over the last 2 days or so, but I am glad the site is back up. I was getting withdrawl symptoms. Lately, Issac has been much more compliant about going into his cage. Fewer are the pathetic little coos and scratches to get out after. And for the first time last night....he went into his cage by himself. I even left the door open for about 30 minutes before I finally closed it and let him go to bed. He was happily munching his food in there. I love the lil critter!
  6. You know, I am out of my head for this bird. When I am home, I realize that there isn't much he does that I do not find wonderful. I love to hear him preen and the flutter of his wings, I love to see him fly, I love all of his sounds. The way he waddles when he's walking on the floor. Or the way his feet move when he trys to run on the floor. The way he likes sugar snap peas. It's really an amazing thing how wrapped up you can become in a parrot. They are so smart and so expressive. That said, if I ever come here and say that I like the way he poops, please send the men in white coats. <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/17 18:48
  7. The funny part is going around telling your friends that this happened and how pleased you are about it. <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/17 00:58
  8. I honestly didn't care what the sex of my bird was going to be. I was more happy with the fact that he seemed to warm up to me when I was trying to pick the right bird. I had never heard the myth that males talk better that females. I do hope that Issac ends up talking, though it will not make or break him as a companion. He already makes an impressive array of sounds that I love to hear. I love it when he gets chatty.
  9. I am very happy to hear this. You'll be happier with your bird close by. Your other friends will miss out because Greys are full of suprises.
  10. Isn't it the sweetest thing to have a wild bird want to be close to you?
  11. I hear you...trust me...I am enjoying more than anyone probably should.
  12. I love this lil birdie. He's a super sweet baby. I marvel at the things he does. He did seem overly cuddly and vocal today just before he did this. It is a moment I won't soon forget. I just adore him that much more now. He's my best friend.
  13. He regurgitated on my shoulder. It was too funny...he was cleaning himself and making all sorts of funny noises. Then I hear a little other sound I am not familiar with. I looked over and he made a little donation on my shoulder. LOL...I have never been so happy to have been puked on by a bird. I think my baby likes me
  14. Well...this is from the same lady who recommended clipping...so you can see how well I am following her advice. I know that the folks here really love and care for these birds...so I know I can count on the best advice here.
  15. Lol...yes...I still cannot get over the little look on his face when I am formula feeding. I totally adore it and gently pet his back as he pumps the formula down. Trust me, it's an endearing moment. I just need reassurance from time to time that I am down the right path. Hypersensative bird owner here. LOL. Thank you Dave you your input, I know I can count on it. PS: When I told the breeder I was still giving him his formula feedings she was like, "Ooooh you are babying him too much." As you say they have a different agenda. I am glad i got him when I did so I could make sure he was abundance weaned. Thanks for all the great advice. <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/15 21:17
  16. What have you done to find your bird so far? They usually don't get far. Hopefully you have established some words that your bird responds to. For Issac, I know i will always hear something out of him if I say, "You wanna eat?". Then he lets out this high pitched chirp. If you have any report like that, use it. Look high and low. Get someone to mention it on the radio if you can. Nothing is too much to find your Grey.
  17. Okay. I have no problem feeding it to him, it takes all of 5-10 minutes and i know he gets the best in nutrition that way. I just am making sure I am not hindering his 'growing up' stage by continuing. You must know how it is to do this the first time, it seems like they will never stop takin it. But he is a good three weeks away from being 5 months, so I won't worry just yet.
  18. So I would have to say that this is the week of least change. He continues to make this sweet sound that I love to hear "Whoop Whoop Whoop". I giggle everytime I hear it...especially love it when he does it next to my ear. Over the weekend he was on his atom and got completely on his back resting in the cradle of the bottom with his feet in the air playing with the toy in the middle. I was impressed. Reagrding weaning, he still takes his morning and evening forumlas even if its just a little bit. Does anyone think I should discontinue his morning feeding, or should I hold out for total refusal? There is such a pattern that I feel like he will always expect the feedings. Should I maybe offer veggies and other things before I give the formula? He loves to hang out on my shoulder, I can say this for certain. Thankfully he is a total angel when he is there and behaves. I was playing video games on the couch with him on Saturday, and I look over and he has his head tucked in on his back and he is sleeping. So apparantly, I make a good bed. How sweet. Still working on the shower. I know I have to get him wet again soon. It is not his favorite thing to do I am sure, I can tell by the sounds he makes. He does a pathetic little decending 'coo' like, "No, please". Sugar snap peas are still the top of the list of veggies. He loves em. I have some thick pasta I am going to cook up for him tonight. He seems to like noodles. He also seemed to like Cheerios, are these okay for them? That's all I have regarding my little sweet bundle of feathers for now. My daughter and I went to the Wild Animal Park here in San Diego and saw the bird show where they have none other than a smart Grey named 'Congo'. I told Issac that I saw one of his brothers that day. There is a pic of him below. He could make animal sounds and say some words...over all a very sweet bird. Greys are beautiful <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/15 19:27
  19. Yeah, I would say you have a problem if your flatmates do not want the bird inside. I wouldn't even considering living with anyone who would not consider my bird as part of the family. I sincerely hope that you find a good home for you and your bird to be together.
  20. LOL...last night I had Issac out and he was climbing around on his atom. At one point he was so enthralled with his play that he was on his back on the bottom of the atom playing with the toy I have hanging in the middle. I could not get my camera fast enough....but it was so cute to see him get so wrapped up. One day I will go back through these posts and see how he grew up and took new strides, so forgive me if I over-chronicle his new behaviors.
  21. OMG....the panting is sweet. When Issac gets excited about something he loves to do that. I call em nose puffs. I LOVE IT! Sweet video.
  22. I have noticed the same thing, when they think they are alone, they love to start getting vocal. That and when you have other noise going. I will walk out of the room sometimes just to hear what he will try to do. Always lovely quiet sounds. What amazing little creatures.<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/11 21:51
  23. I absolutely love the sounds these birds make. It's not like cockatoos which seem to enjoy getting louder than anything else. They are all very focused and sweet to the ear. There is one sound he does make when its feeding time. And he knows what, "You wanna eat?" means. Then he makes this high pitched chirp in excitement. Just knowing he knows what I mean is exciting though. <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/11 21:43
  24. Lol...I got it grey so it would blend in with his body.
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