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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. Yes, I have a hand cranked food chopper that does this well. Its great for making birdie omlettes and birdie bread mix. I am going to have to try that veggie list. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Yeah, I heard that they take less to this when they get older. So I am working in all the cuddling now while I can. He seems to think nothing of letting me for the moment. If I thought he was upset by it or didn't welcome it, I would respect that too.
  3. I am glad my little continuing saga of how Issac is growing up is pleasent. Thank you for such kind words and for recognizing how much he means to me. He seems to be enjoying his stay with me as well. He is a real shoulder bird and loves to be there. Preening and watching what I do. Best behaved little bird so far.
  4. Ohh y...how I remember this time! I remember bringing my baby home at 9.5 weeks. That was 11 weeks or so ago. This bird...will change your life. I guarantee it. Enjoy pure wonder and joy. Welcome home Hawkins!
  5. By the time I got home the panic seemed to have ended. He was more concerned that it was feeding time and making his little microwave beep sound. He did get lots of cuddles and kisses on his head. My heart so went out to him, because it was his first experience of this kind.
  6. So I was sitting at my desk going through some old stuff and throwing things away. I came across an old fortune I got shortly before I went on my adventure to get a baby Grey. It says, "A new relationship is about to blossom. You will be blessed" How right this little cookie was. <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/04/05 22:26
  7. Yes, I live here in the San Diego area and was out at the time of the quake. But when i came home, I ssac had obviously felt it. Shreadded paper was strewn long distances outside of the cage as if he'd been flapping his wings and going crazy. He also had a tiny red mark above his eye on his head, probably from attempting flight inside his cage while the world was moving. Poor little guy. I took him out and kissed his head and talked softly to him...he was okay by the time i got to him. As a note, birds like to fly when the ground shakes. Even if they are caged...I wish I was home with him when it happened. But what can you do. He's his normal self now.
  8. Hands down, Greys are the best companion pets in the world!! I am so loving my baby grey. It never ceases to be a shock to hear them talk.
  9. I don't think you'll get the old switcheroo. I live alone at the moment and only have a few visitors from time to time. So no one for him to switch to on me. Issac loves to investigate new people, but he has definitely taken to me big time. Even regurgitated on me at one point. I have no expectations for him to stay sweet and cuddly, but I have been known to have a special connection with animals...so who knows. I take every moment for what it is and enjoy. Thanks for reading. <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/04/05 20:31
  10. Lol...I hope I am not stimulating Issac. I love to pet his back and kiss his chest and doesn't seem to mind it at all. I don't play around his vent...but I love those soft feathers on his chest and cannot resist. And the little leg feathes too.
  11. So my baby is still being as sweet and cuddly as ever. I suppose one of the most significant things happened yesterday with the earthquake close to San Diego here. I was out at te Wild Animal Park with my daughter and totally didn't even notice it somehow. However, when I came home to Issac, he certainly had. Shreadded paper was strewn all outside the cage, and he had a tiny red mark on his head above his eye. I imagine he must have totally freaked out and flew around the cage knocking him self a bit. I was so sad to have not been home to comfort him afterwards. I did come home and show him tons of love and kissed his little head when he appeared to hit it. Poor lil thing. I also tried to get him into the Aviator harness on saturday. I had to give up...he would just not let me get the first part around his head. So I let him off the hook for now. He loves to get tons of scratches when I lay down next to him. He seems to see my head laying down...so he puts his down for scratches right next to my face. I love it to death...feeling his little neck feathers on my nose. He had tons of out time on Saturday while I did chores around the house and stuff. The red palm oil seems to be liked. I made him a birdie omlette and some pasta with a bit on it. He liked the pasta a lot. On a final note, this bird learns fast. When i have to leave for work, I usually pull some kind of trick like opening and closing the fridge or the microwave to get him to fly to me so I can get him back in his cage. I had about 4 or 5 different tactics in my bag. He learned the times I usually pull this and when they are genuine and will no longer fall for any of them. So I have to get out a bar stoll and climb up to his atom to get him down. Little rascal. Stay tuned. Issac is growing up. <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/04/05 20:15
  12. Lol...that is so amazingly cute. Issac, like others here, loves to hang out on the fridge top too.
  13. Elvenking

    pellet brand

    Yes....smuggle Palm Nuts to grey owners...start a lucrative business. Really....is there some law against selling Palm Nuts to people overseas? <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/04/01 22:10
  14. LOL...that is funny, because I say, "Scooby Dooby Dooooo!" to Issac in hopes of hearing that come from him someday. Too cute.
  15. Elvenking

    pellet brand

    Yep, I got a pound of pine nuts at my local bird shop for about 11 bucks. He LOVES Pine Nuts. They are my leverage and rewards for pooping in the right place as well. And I do have the red palm oil. The next time I make him a birdie omlette I am going to try some of the red palm oil. I will have to try the Harrisons Sun Factor. Always looking for more options for Issac. Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/04/01 20:05<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/04/01 20:06
  16. Elvenking

    pellet brand

    For the love of god...can someone send me some Palm Nuts?!?! LOL.
  17. I have always padded the bottom of Issac's cage for this reason. When he was a baby he was always flinging himself at the sides of the cage to get my attention or beg to be let out when i would be leaving or coming home. It also has the benefit of making cage maintenance easy. Since Yoshi cannot fly I suppose the best advice has been given...try to pad it somehow. As far as being loud, I haven't got a clue as to what to do there. Ignore is the best advice that I have heard. They want attention, and what ever gets it...will stick! <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/31 22:12
  18. Whoo hoo...he says 'Hello' so nice and clear. Greys make the sweetest sounds too. He's beautiful.
  19. Yeah, she is starting to get it. You really have to be in the presence of a grey to pick up just how magnificent they are. And that is just a primer. I mean, I had always seen greys in stores and they always put a smile on my face with their little antics and showing off. However, I never had any idea what I was in store for when I brought my baby home. They can call it crazy or whatever, but I am so happy to be with Issac. There was a big hole in my life when I moved away from my last girlfriend and into my apartment. Issac fills that hole and then some. Just walking through the door and seeing how happy he is to see me is a wonderful feeling. His curiosities and inquisitive nature is like having a National Geographic program right in you home. The adjectives and personifications could go on forever. I love him lots. <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/31 20:25
  20. Lol....Issac often loves to shread the paper at the bottom of his cage while I am away at work. Sometimes a little...sometimes a lot. If it comforts him....by all means shread away. I also have...under the paper a folded towel for padding so he can never hit hard. He freaks me out sometimes when he is playing on his atom which hangs high above the ground...so far so good...and my place is carpetted so he should be okay. I still have to find a way of making sure that should he ever fall from his atom, that he does not hurt himself. I mostly freak out when he is on his back at the bottom of the atom with his feet clinging to the play toy in the center. Sometimes even with my hands out under him. Greys will be greys. <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/31 20:06
  21. Ohh my goodness has Issac ever changed my life. I live in an apartment by myself, and ever since i brought my little baby home, I don't feel alone anymore. I am excited to come through the door and see him happy to see me come home. The moment I open his door and he climbs onto my hand, I am wrapped in joy. I love him so incredibly much. One thread I find common among all of us Grey lovers is the utter shock at how they can cohabitate with us humans and how intelligent and communicative they are. This is only acheived by having one of these beautiful birds living with you...you simply do not know until that is the case. In short, when I am with Issac or even talk about him...I transform into someone else. He softens me like nothing else. He has changed my world like nothing I could have ever imagined and even changes the way I see life. If I need inspiration to describe love, I turn to thoughts of my baby Grey, Issac. <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/31 19:59
  22. Lol...that is awesome. I am not sure how much better their hearing is than ours, but either way...it's amazing that they pick up on some things so quickly.
  23. So over the weekend I get a call from my mom. She has known that I have been gaga over my bird and OCD about his care. Well, on Sunday she was out to breakfast and a lady came by with two birds on her shoulders. One umbrella cockatoo and an African Grey. She asks me mom if she can put them on the back of a chair at thier table while she goes in. My mom says it's okay. While the birds were there being very well behaved, the were makin sounds and talking to my parents. When the lady returned, she told my parents how much they were like her 'babies' and the way she cared for them and took them everywhere. So after that, my mom calls me and says, "Ohh guess what, while we were out to breakfast a lady came by with these birds....." and then the whole story and such. But what it boiled down to was this statement, "I found out that you are not crazy! These birds are actually major companions." That made me laugh and I thought I would share that with you. I guess if you just talk about it with someone, you can seem quite nutty. But seeing the birds in action or with their owners, it becomes a bit more majestic and clear why we love our feathered friends so much. Cheers <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/30 23:10
  24. Hang in there Spock! You can do it!
  25. Awe...cute. I love watching them explore, except when it's the tweeters on my spearkers or my keyboard keys. I have saved those items from damage so far....so far I say. The inquisitive nature of these little guys is amazing!
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