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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. Yep....he will get into the panting and then hop from the back of the couch to the top of my head, which was okay until he started arching his tail and trying to get it on. He's really horny. LOL. I have to take him somewhere to cool down.
  2. Hi guys. So Isaac has recently taken his desire to another level and will not only get pouty and begin to pany when he gets excited. He will jump back and forth from the back of the couch and try to "get busy" with the back of my head. I guess it looks good. I have to carry him away before he gets too carried away. Anyone seen this? LOL Stephen
  3. We will definitely meet up again. This week has been really busy for me, but I will get in touch with you soon by phone to come see him again. I'll try to have some snacks or something to be more welcoming too. I am sure he will grow on you guys pretty quick. I will call. Thank you again so much!!!
  4. Ha....Isaac will rarely do much on command. I think unless you create a reward system around talking, they kind of just do it when they please. Which is actually how I prefer it with Isaac and the way that I think is the most respectful to him. It is kind of just nice to see when he wants to do it. They usually start opening up when they get more comfortable around people. When they first meet people, they are usually silent or stick to a few very basic sounds. That has always been my observation. I am always sure to react in an exciting way when Isaac does something I like so it encourages him to do it more. What you explain is quite common.
  5. Yes thank you for coming over to see my little guy! Isaac was his regular shy self...making his one coo-ing noise and a couple others. He did let out a quick laugh, but you'd never guess he was the crazy little bird that he really is. He was surprised to see that others wanted to be involved with him and handle him. I think he thoroughly loved all the attention. I could tell by the way he was just perched close to us just watching us for a bit. It was great to see him curious. We'll have to get pics next time. I'll be in touch soon for sure. If you want to come see him any time, just let me know too.
  6. Very sweet of you to offer to help me and my boy. I have been turning down opportunities to do things away from home since i got my baby. I think the best thing to do is to have you meet my little guy sooner rather than later just to see how he behaves with someone else who really likes birds. Isaac is a really sweet and gentle bird for the most part. Just gotta be careful when he has a toy he wants sometimes. HA! He's a love bird though. I'll reach out to you through PM to set soemthing up. Thank you so much again.
  7. Hahhahaha....I got Isaac beat-boxing too. Love it. He bobs his head up and down to the beat. Love it!!
  8. That is correct! Up in a complex behind the Souplantation. I can sahe the address with you in a PM.
  9. Are you referring to helping me with my baby Isaac? :) That would be an incredible gift from beyond and of course I would pay well for it. I would be so much more comfortable with someone who really loves greys. Isaac needs love. I am not sure how soon I'll be going somewhere, but I am turning things down all the time. Would you be willing to come over and visit my baby sometime soon? Then we could talk about details?
  10. Yep I'd be willing to pay, just need to find a brave soul. I should go looking at the zoo, gotta be a bird lover there. I'd pay very well for a bird lover to watch over my baby.
  11. I also wonder if I will ever travel. Finding someone who is loving towards greys and trustworthy is tough. I fear my boy will miss me dearly as well because no one brings the love like daddy...and in the 7 years I have had him....he knows i come home every day very reliably to let him fly about, follow me around and share in everything I do. What do you do indeed?
  12. We're still having fun with that one. My daughter didn't think he would do it for her.....he did...LOL. She was crackin' up. I think he feels quite significant when he makes the humans laugh.
  13. First I taught him the sound just by walking around making that noise...he loves noises. Then once I heard he learned it, I just kept walking by him every once in a while making the noise as I pushed on his tummy. In a couple days, there ya have it. Gotta love him. Stephen
  14. Here is his latest trick...a squeak toy. Just push the tummy... http://vid952.photobucket.com/albums/ae6/Elvenking71/1A990D65-0120-44A4-84B1-A9BAD7005C7C.mp4
  15. Thanks for the kind words. He is still doing great. It is taking some time for the tummy feathers to fill in for sure, and I am not sure if he is gonna keep em. But he is the sweetest thing ever. Just last night and the night before, I was sitting at my desk working on something and Isaac is sitting on the back of my chair hanging out. He rests a foot on my shoulder and then rubs his head on my shoulder....then stops...and says, "Whooooooo". So I scratch his head and he is loving it closing his eyes and such. He says, "Whoooooooowww" again. It is just too much to see. What a love bird.
  16. My boy was born in November of 2009 so he is going to be 7 soon. He's got me wrapped around his talon for sure.
  17. I don't think anything has ever made me feel more appreciated than Isaac.
  18. I have really been doing nothing special lately. In fact, I started a night class in sound engineering a couple times a week from 8 to midnight. My boy still gets his out time and plenty of daddy time between my day job so it all works out, but since I have just let things be, he seems to be really comfortable with himself and not picking or anything. We all know he is prone to it though...so it's in his psyche..it'll always be there. Bah...so what. I think he might have a feathered summer though....maybe longer. I really don't mind one way or the other anymore, it's his choice, I think I am doing all I can. Have had a lot of time to process this and can properly put in perspective now. So in love with this bird though. I can always call him and he will fly to my hand, then I'll tuck him under my arm to give him a light bird hug. He is a super sweetheart. I didn't know that I could be so happy to be with a parrot, but Isaac sure breaks all barriers and you can feel the appreciation. He's behind me right now keeping all his new feathers properly preened. Something I can appreciate for now. I think the key to it all is that Isaac and I are more bonded than one might imagine. It really is kind of ridiculous when I think about it. How much this bird loves being with me, and I with him. It's no wonder I may never leave his side ever for too long. There is nothing that fills my heart with extreme joy like Isaac. Honestly, I am the one who really couldn't go anywhere without him. He is my baby forever...and I don't think a man could really love his friend any more than I love my boy. He's going to be alright no matter what. I'll make sure of that. thanks for coming to look at the life for which I have the most pride...my boy Isaac.
  19. With Isaac, we just enjoy the moments.
  20. Just dropping in with my little guy to say 'hello' while I have some free time. Been working on a couple things lately. Oh he now sneezes like my daughter. Funny. Check out my little love. There is something else different about him lately too. I can't seem to put my finger on it though.
  21. I very much identify with the language you speak of. Issac talks to me with sounds. I know what they all mean and teach others. He has a few things he says...but the real meaning is in Isaac's sounds. He makes the same sound when he is nervous around people, I can tell from out of the room if something has startled him by a sound he makes. I can tell when he is excited and playful. Right now he is howling, "Littaaahh bbooooooyeeeee.....out!" which is pretty clear what he wants there. He's asking me to cook something when he makes the microwave sound. He says "graaahhhwwoooll" when he is thinking about my daughter. Things like that. We also do challenge\response calls...he makes a sound and I do another in response. Lots of those. Great topic! Me and him are super tight. We'll never be apart if I can help it.
  22. Thanks everyone for checkin out my adorable boy! Everytime I see a picture of him I just want to run home and love him up.
  23. Very kind words. Thank you. He gets my love like no one else. People, birds or otherwise.
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