I would suggest Don's birds he has lovely babies who are well socialized. He is located in California.
Welcome to Don's Birds and Supplies!
Their beaks keep growing so they do need to rub it to wear it down as it grows. They also seem to like the textures of different surfaces using that beak like our fingers to feel soft, silky, rough and fibrous textures.
Hello Never good to meet you and a big Welcome. I feed mostly fresh veggies, cooked or sprouted grains & legumes, some fresh fruit some seed mix and some nuts. Not a pellet fan. You can add a little cooked chicken or Salmon to his diet as well.
Katana we really do appreciate the update and it should also help you to know that your story can help others facing loss and the health trials you and the boys endured. It always helps to know you are not alone. Hugs >:>
Have to know more about the sonic boom clock, that got my attention. I just use a flat round gram scale from Bed Bath & Beyond and they stand on it with out the perch just fine.
Welcome indeed, please ck your house for some dangerous items first-things to not use now you have a bird. Anything with Teflon-cookware, some space heaters some hair dryers. Candles and any aerosol sprays. Do use your patience and let this Grey bird slowly build trust and work his or her way deeper into your heart.
Take a deep breath and in this case a wing clip can help slow down her attacks, we call it an alti-tudue adjustment. It might help you to view some of Barbara Heidenreich's videos on understanding bird behavior and how to approach changing interactions to positive ones. Here is a link to her site and she has free stuff to watch & read. Avoiding the bite is the best approach.
Good Bird Inc.
I had an Avian Vet tell me that when a Grey plucks his chest he may be letting us know that there may be an underlying heart condition so that may be one thing to investigate if he does not stop. Frequent spray misting or bathing can help as when we run the heaters in our homes the air becomes very dry and they can get quite itchy.
A dear friend lost her bird of 35 years last week to a sudden unexpected bite from a small dog in her house. Strive to avoid any situation where the dogs drive can become engaged. Her bird climbed down on the floor and followed her, she did not see him do this and the dog walked up behind the bird and just bit once very quickly with no warning-heartbreak and self recrimination follow. Horrible traumatic scene to have to live with.