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Everything posted by Aly~

  1. Is anyone else getting private messages from a tall slim girl looking for a faithful man?? I'm not a faithful man sweety, Sorry!! My birds a girl too, so no luck there either. Not sure how faithful she would be anyway. She goes back and forth on who she loves for the day!!
  2. Thanks!! I've never given her pumpkin before. I'm gonna see if she'll try it.
  3. Do you pull the goo out of the punpkin before you give it to the bird, or do you feed her in the bathtub??
  4. Rebel swings from the top of her cage and pretends to be a monkey. Sounds like a jungle in that room, especially when she really wants your attention. Last night I was in there and I asked her how she was doing? she said "get out". How do you reply to that to a bird??
  5. How long does molting last? Because that is how long I would like to trade my beast for Emma. Just a week or so and you can have her back and I'll take my little brat back!! Purdy Please??? Rebel sneak attacks. She's now sweet and lovey to get out of the cage and get what she wants, then WHAM she grabs an arm or whatever she can reach..... 2 weeks ago I couldn't even get her to come out of the cage.
  6. They seem to have calmed down today. Chance is still holding his wings out and bobbing his head like a chicken. I think he thinks it scares us.
  7. Now they are constantly calling to each other and pacing the cages like worried siblings. They are sitting right beside each other.
  8. I think I will do that. Chance is not picking at BB today, but Chance is the dominant bird and I don't want him to hurt BB. I'm looking for a cage where I can put a divider in it for times like this. They hate to be apart. So far, I'm only finding large bird cages like that. Aly~
  9. I have 2 'tiels and the bigger one "Chance" has suddenly started to pull the feathers from the back of "Baby Bird's" neck. I gave them a really good soaking this morning and it is more noticable than ever. Is there a reason for this and should I take BB out of the cage and home him in another one for a while (or forever)? Aly~
  10. Aly~

    Chicken Bones?

    So, they can have more than just the legs?? Awesome! She will have a field day!!
  11. Aly~

    Chicken Bones?

    Raw is only for the Dog. Even that I can't afford to do, but it is good for dogs. Rebel got hers boiled. I thought that would be the least brittle way to cook it. The only problem is that most of the meat falls off the bone. I had to give her the meat separately. Next time I'll try baking it.
  12. Aly~

    Chicken Bones?

    She LOVED it!! Now how often can she have this yummy treat? That baby's face was sooo messy!! It was adorable, in a bird eating a bird leg kinda way!!!
  13. Aly~


    I really have turned to this forum for information on how to take care of her. She was an impulse buy, a deal I really couldn't pass up. I am shocked that the previous owners have not even called to check on her. They have all of my contact information. But anyway, she's my baby now and as long as this site stays up I'll feel comfy learning all about her little whims. I had no idea that these creatures were so demanding. I thought the tiels were time consuming, but they are simple compared to Miss Drama. I was terrified when she started to pluck her feathers out. But I'm learning to adjust to her moods and keep myself a peg or two above her. We are both learning to understand each other and now the feathers are coming in so cute!! I love this place and you can never run out of things to read here either. Thanks everyone!! Aly~
  14. Aly~


    Oh, don't let that sweet little face fool you!! She definately is a Hell Raiser. She feeds the dog through her cage, old peanut shells or anything she doesn't like. She holds it out through the bars and the dogs comes and gets the treats from her. Well the other day my dog came running down the hall shaking his head. Rebel is in the background laughing her funny laugh (which is different from her evil laugh). I of course thought that she bit him, but nope, there was a little trail of dried chili peppers leading to Rebel's cage. I'm thinking Aussie won't be taking treats from her again anytime soon. I will never believe anyone who says that these birds only mimick and don't really know what they are doing. SHE KNOWS SHE IS BEING EVIL!!!
  15. As much as I would love to see her fly, it's ok if she doesn't. She follows me around on the floor. It's not just the flying tho, she really has no desire to be up high like most birds. She plays and hangs upside down from the top of her cage when she is in it, but she won't climb up and hang out on the top of her cage when she's out of it. She goes straight to the floor and walks around looking for things to play with. She plays alot in the bottom of her cage too. I have a box top with treats and lots of shredded paper for her to sift around in. She loves throwing that shredded paper around EVERYWHERE!!
  16. Aly~


    Ooops, too big, let's try that again...
  17. Aly~


    She did have a few little red feathers scattered here and there. I love them now that I know there are no liver issues. I had heard that the red can be an indicator of health issues, but Doc says that Rebel is a completely healthy bird. She gets misted with Aloe Juice every day. It's hard to get up under her chin really good when she puts her head down and says....NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Here she is with her head on!! She just won't smile for the camera. {Feel-good-000200BB}
  18. Aly~


    Is this what a bird looks like when they are molting or perhaps she has decided that plucking is not for her. The little pins sticking all over her look so painful, but she doesn't seem to mind. They are turning into cute little feathers now. Could this be what is making her grouchy? I hate being a new mommy and not knowing everything!!! Aly~ and HellRaiser Rebel
  19. She's about 2, or so I was told. I've had her for a couple of months now. I really don't have much information about her past. She has a great vocabulary and seems happy. I can't tell if her wings were clipped. They look pretty normal, but that's not saying they weren't clipped in the past. Will she ever have the confidence to try to fly?
  20. Aly~

    Chicken Bones?

    Rebel's chicken is cooking right now, so she won't get to try it until tomorrow night. It'll take awhile to cool tonight. I sure do hope she likes it.
  21. She's fat and healthy (says the vet) But she won't try to fly! She won't even flap her wings! She stretches them out one at a time with a big leg stretch to go along with each wing, but that's it. She's not clipped. I have no idea if she was clipped as a baby, but she has all of her feathers now. I really think she might be afraid of heights!! When she comes out of her cage it's from the bottom. She hangs on the bottom of the door upside down, puts her beak to the floor and flips over. She spends her time walking around on the floor. She occasionaly climbs the side of the cage, but never to the top. Can birds be afraid of heights?? Is that a crazy question? She's a bird for goodness sake!!! Aly~
  22. On this biting topic. My Grey is going through the same thing. I want to spend time with her, but she can get nasty and she goes with the sneak attack method. I don't want to toss her in the cage and leave her there, but I too get a little nervous around what I know she can do...HURT!! Is it wrong of me to put her in her travel cage and take her wherever I go in the house, just to be near her? I set her little cage down and let her watch tv or taunt the dog. I know they need out of cage time too, which brings me to another questions I'll post as a different topic...... Why can't my bird fly???
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