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Everything posted by Aly~
It's amazing how fast they pick up sounds and words. I lost one of my tiels Sunday night and Baby Bird is very obviously upset right now and chirps like crazy very loudly, so I'm in there talking to him and saying Awhhhh baby it'll be ok. I don't really know how to console a bird who is missing his friend. Anyway, last night I was in the other room on the computer and I hear Rebel saying...."Awhhhhhh its all right" ...and the little guy actually calmed down. It was sweet!
Dan, I'm so glad you mentioned that!! Had I not known to expect it, that sight would have had me in the car on the way to the vet. Right now, I'm just considering the entire bird room a work of art. Saturday morning everything gets moved out and power washed, even the birds!!
When I first got my bird, I knew very little about parrots. Lurking and stalking on this forum has been a life saver for me and for Rebel. For instance, I now know that she needs a cage to sleep and to play in as opposed to hanging her upside down in the closet. The banging and knocking around in that closet was getting rather annoying. Anyway..... When I got her she had the most beautiful blue green antique tarnished color around her eyes and on her feet. I was in awe of that color and bragged about it to everyone....just look at those colors!! Well when I found out, by reading through this forum, that they needed baths, I discovered it was the pretty blue chalky perch that did it. Anyway, Again........I think I have successfully washed my beautiful PINK bird. Pictures, she would have nothing to do with that. Why do they hate cameras so much? Lessons Learned: Pumpkin and Pommies are supervised food sources (it's like front row at a Gallagher show)....and wear shoes when your FID is anywhere near the ground!! (hmmmm, maybe we should start a lessons learned thread... so so many!!!)
You walk into your bird room to say good bye and have a good day to your birds and expect to hear the normal "go to work, see you later". But instead you see your grey, who looks like a character from the texas chain saw masacre, your heart drops like a rock to somewhere in your stomach and you rush to find the phone.........."yummmmm" Stop and take a deep breath.......Who knew that pommegrante would look like a murder scene???? Ooooh eeem geee!!!! I'll be coloring my GREY hair this weekend!!
You wouldn't stick your face in a can opener would you? That's pretty much what you have. A medium sized bird with a super strong can opener on it's face!! In my house, I'm just a can of soup!!
Uhmmmm...Maybe I did a bad thing.....I bought one of the little pumpkin pie pumpkins and cut it in half to make a pumpkin bowl, then I put her pellets in it and thought she would happily munch on a little pumpkin during the day. Well, I came home to what I can only describe as a bird room that looked like someone put a pumpkin in a blender and forgot to put the lid on it. It's on the floor, the cage, the wall. I even found some in the tiel cage and I didn't give him any of it. How far can a bird fling pumpkin?? If she did eat to much of it, how much is too much and is my Rebel gonna get sick?? She didn't act sick at all last night and this morning even looked a little disappointed that there was no edible bowl again. I guess I'll wait awhile before her next pumpkin treat in such a large dose.
Well that makes me feel a lot better!! I'm possitive I gave her fresh pumpkin last year. I gave her some for breakfast this morning and she was going at it so fast you couldn't understand her when she said YUMM. She says YUMM when I bring her breakie to her every morning. Today it was more like...ummmm. Her little face was buried in it. I did take the seeds out, is it ok for her to have raw pumpkin seeds?
Is raw pumpkin of for my Grey? I thought I had read on here somewhere that it's ok for them (can't find it now). I'm finding conflicting information online. Is Raw ok or should it be cooked?
HA! In my house a busy beak is a happy ME or a bleeding finger.....
I use the Dyson Animal and it is awesome!! Sucks those stupid little moths right out of the air!! I didn't go with the handheld because I had heard it doesn't hold a charge very long. I might have to revisit the handheld.
Rebel bit my cats tail and now she does the screaming cat noise. The first few times I ran in there to save the cat, but now I realize the cat is not really stupid enough to put his tail back in her way. I'm just waiting now for the dog's ear to get pierced.
My bird called me "stupid". That's the first thing I ever heard her say. She cocked her little head looked up at me and said "STUPID"
What exactly is the best way to keep your bird from climbing to your shoulder. When I say that Rebel is a no shoulder bird, I mean that when she does go up to my shoulder, I walk to her cage, lean down and make her step up to her perch, and she does. I won't reach up to get her because I know that she WILL bite me. She is a man's bird and that's just the way it is. She tollerates me, well, I guess because I'm the one there and feeding her. I have learned when I'm allowed to play with her and it's not often. I only have her step up when she puts her little foot up. She's asking and it's ok. Otherwise she lunges at me and tries to take a body part back with her. Now her Pappa can walk right up and scoop her off the floor or cage and pet her and love up on her and she's just as happy as can be. So anyway.......How do you train them to not get on your shoulder??
Sounds like your baby is a sour patch kid like mine! If you have ever seen the commercials for that candy you will know what I mean....First they are sour.....then they are sweet!! I watched the cyclist one where the little candy guy paints a tunnel and the bike rider runs head into it and crashes...then the little candy guy walks out and hands him a band aid. I thought OMG that should be my Rebel pictured there!! Rebel is also a no shoulder bird. I don't like her on me where I can't see her. The little rip would probably spend her time tying my hair in knots or something!! Gotta Love em!!
Did this baby ever find it's way home?
OH!! I guess I should have read the thread before mine.....Sorry!!
Is it ok to share spaghetti with your grey if it has onion cooked in it? I forgot to keep some plain sauce on the side for her, but I was careful to make sure no onion was in her portion. On a side note I had no choice. I mean, if I had spaghetti and didn't share with her, I might as well pack my bags and move out. Everyone says that Greys never forget and to have that memory being held over me is sooooo not a good thing!! I wish she loved her greens as much! I just want to be sure that the "cooked with" onion is not harmful to her.
HA! I'll trade you. My little girl is pure evil with an extra side of evilness that kicks in when she tries to be nice!! Boys can't be worse. Have greyt fun with him no matter what!
What really freaks me out is that I just took most of her toys out of her cage to clean. The poor baby probably thinks I took them all away and that Pappa is gonna get her new ones.
Facinating isn't it?? I posted my bird conversation on the vocabulary stricky thread thingie....Rebel constantly amazes me with the words she uses in context. I guess somewhere along the line she picks it up from us, but I don't often go around the house asking WHY? So where did she get that from and how does she know when to use it? They are smart little buggers!! Rebel is always calling "Pappa..Pappa.." When I say Pappa is not here baby, she says Why? then when I tell her he's working she comes back with various replies but the one that got me recently was "for toys" I cracked up laughing and said yes baby for toys. Always something new......
Hmmmm.....My Grey tries to "clip" me on a daily basis!!! How is that fair??
The dollar store is our best friend when it comes to small goodies for birdies. Plastic baby spoons, little paper cups, those large black or red serving spoons (you can hook 2 of them on one hangie thing so they make noise), those little brooms that people use to decorate with. There are all kinds of amazing little things in the dollar store. You can get those packs of wiffle balls there too. Birds love those things.
These stories are amazing and I just want to go home and hug my bird, even tho she hates me and will bite my head off given the chance. It doesn't seem to matter how much you think you know about your bird there is always more to learn. My bird has no problem teaching me how to properly behave!!
Oh but there is a cure!!! Rebel always calls the dog to come clean up her mess. Yesterday it was shredded carrots, but now Aussie (German Shepherd) always looks to me to see if it is ok. I'm sure I posted on here somewhere a long time ago about my poor dog running down the hall crying. I thought the Brat Bird had bitten him. Nope, she fed him a very hot pepper!! Aussie won't take anything from the bird anymore. He looks at me and waits for me to say it's ok to eat her discarded bits. She doesn't try so hard to entertain herself feeding the dog anymore. She still screams "Auussiiieeee" or "Com'ere Dog" and laughs at him or shoots him when he walks in the door. Lately it's MEEOOWW..Aussie NO!! Gotta love 'em, cos I think it's illegal to boil 'em in a pot!!!