Okay, so here is how it goes for me and mine. I am making sure my twenty-something daughters have positive interactions with Kopi and Java and so far, they each say they would care for them when I am gone. But how far can you trust kids? So, I have a couple of really good friends and have encouraged them to get over the fear threshold, hold the birds, care for them and they come live at my house when I go away, so the birds are well acquainted with them. But my real plan... that is to have grandchildren, lavish them with attention... get my grubby mitts on them when they are infants and hopefully babysit while moms are working. Then, I will indoctrinate them to be the best bird lovers and caretakers that Kopi and Java could hope to find. Then, I have plan D... or plan Dee and things get more planned and complicated with each step. In all seriousness though, it is similar to bringing children into the world, the best laid plans can fall through, so teaching them good manners and caring for their needs so they grow up strong and productive members of our family and greater world is the best insurance we can give them. When we want to spoil them rotten and could, we step back a second and think if that will serve them well to get along with others and do what is right even when it is hard. Kudos for starting a thread conversation that helps all of us. Thanks.