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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Jay and I came up with the idea of a Parody of Julio Iglesias/Willie Nelson “For all the Girls I’ve Loved Before”… Sing this to that tune: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naPVHcAx5X8 TO ALL THE BIRDS WE’VE LOVED BEFORE For all the birds I’ve known before Who’ve flown both in and out my door I’m glad you came along I dedicate this song…. To all the birds I’ve known before. To all the birds who pooped on me And to all those who just went…wee wee I might have yelled and screamed And even sounded mean You always meant the world to me. The hormonal changes are always going And every time I tried to stray I always came back to you Please don’t ever drift away. To all the birds who shared my life I know sometimes you called me wife The regurgitation was fine That’s why I now drink wine I never really flew that way. To all the birds that cared for me I’ll never ever set you free You’ve always owned my heart Right from the very start You’ll always be a part of me. Your moods are always changing I never know from day to day If you just wanted seeds and fruits Or a piece of toast with some Parkay. To all the birds we’ve loved before Who’s in our hearts forevermore I dedicate this song I’m glad you came along To all the birds I’ve loved before….. To all the birds we’ve loved before If life went on there would be more They just live so damned long I’m glad you came along To all the birds we’ve loved before….. The End
  2. Hi, Smokey doesn't look overweight, and hanging low and flapping is normal, yes he wants attention, he communicating with you, this is great. Years ago and still to some extent, breeders wood hand feed the parrot and as soon as they ate, bam up for sale, never fledged... To fledge is the final step before the baby is kicked out of he nest. To fledge is to fly, the breeder would clip the wings at a early age, repeating and the bird would never learn to fly. If you can, please post a photo from the back..Have you tired "step-up" when he's posing on his cage?
  3. Jayd


    Found on the net..... Late one night, a burglar broke into a house that he thought was empty. He tiptoed through the living room but suddenly froze in his tracks when a loud cried out: "Jesus is watching you." Silence returned to the house, so the burglar crept forward again. "Jesus is watching you," the voice boomed again. The burglar stopped dead in his tracks. He looked around frantically. In a dark corner, he spotted a bird cage and in the cage was a parrot. "Was that you who said Jesus is watching me?" he asked. "Yes", said the parrot. The burglar breathed a sigh of relief, then he asked the parrot: "What's your name?" "Clarence," said the bird. "That's a dumb name for a parrot," sneered the burglar. "What idiot named you Clarence?" "The same idiot who named the Rottweiler Jesus," the parrot replied. Read more at http://www.top10-best.com/p/top_10_best_parrot_jokes.html#iq6RacyDqAIemiuE.99
  4. Welcome Smokey and Roy!!! From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being a rescuer...You are wise and are using the best tools available, searching the posts and archives on the Grey Forum. neoow's post is right on! Smokey brought a lot of baggage with him, some of it heavier than others. Our Joe was a mentally abused Grey and even after 10 years have surprises working with him. Rome was not built in a day...but the rewards in building in will be wonderful as you will find out. We feel the love....Now, we are all right here for you on your and Smokey's new journey. Let the games begin....😉 Jayd
  5. Greetings...Bad day Twice in the last 24 hours, Jay's blood sugar has dropped below 60 for no foreseen reason (which for him is teetering on coma stage) He has also lost his appetite. What is much worse is his o2 saturation has been dropping to low 70-80s and we have had to increase his oxygen to compensate and maintain 91. Atelectasis is a condition that he has been diagnosed before but has seemed to worsen in the past day. He has been fighting about going back to the hospital but I am afraid he will have to go back.... Jay here, I want everyone to know I love Maggie and if it wasn't for her, my life would have been truly dismal, and I want to let you all know you are the greatest parronts on earth
  6. Jayd

    A Chance

  7. Ray, glad to see you posting again.....😉
  8. Hi, Berry are hard to grow, and if they lose their blossom , no fruit.....
  9. Such beautiful Fids, Your a good Parront....My friend...
  10. Hi, berry are grown on vines and sometime bushes.. https://www.bhg.com/gardening/container/plans-ideas/berries-in-containers/ https://pets.thenest.com/blueberries-safe-cats-8730.html
  11. Posted June 7, 2010 100 % NATURAL ALOE VERA JUICE ------------------------------------------------------- Most African Greys and Cockatoos and some other species have extremely dry skin. They have natural dander which allows 75% of their feathers to be water proof. Many people who do bathe their birds feel that the job wasn't thorough and many times, that's true. A completely soaked *to the skin* bath is the ideal but for some, but understandably it's hard to accomplish. For some birds that don't get this type of bath, the dry skin escaltes and can cause itching, irritations which can then cause plucking or chewing of the feathers. Sometimes, a bird might even decide to pull out the whole follicle in which case, the feather/feathers will never grow back. olting is nature's way of getting rid of old feathers that have become useless because they've died and a new set of feathers is ready to replace them. This also applies to flight and tail feathers who have a constant blood supply in them and when that blood supply finally dries up, the flight and tail feather will fall out because those feathers have also reached the end of their life and others are ready to take their place. The loss of flight feathers and tail feathers can't be put into the regular classification of a yearly or bi-yearly molt. Flight and tail feathers die off all year long and when they die off it means the feather is dead. All flight and tail feathers won't fall out at the same time. When a bird goes through a regular molt all other feathers do fall out at the same time. For many birds whether they have skin/feather problems or not, periodically using Aloe Juice will solve a few problems concerning skin but it'll have no effect on whether a bird has a good or bad molt. Nature is telling the parrot's body to shed feathers in order for new ones to grow in. Using Aloe Juice or water will never get rid of dander permanently. It doesn't matter how successful the bath is or the use of the juice is. Molting is a neccessity and the dust whichis called dander provides natural feather protection. 100% NATURAL ALOE VERA JUICE is usually sold in 1 gal. Jugs and can be obtained at major pharmacy outlets including Dept. Stores that have a large pharmacy area such as Walmart. The price ranges from approx $7 to $9 depending on where it's bought. Using Aloe Juice -------------------------- I find that the best method for using this product is through a mister/sprayer. The juice can be cold or room temperature. I prefer cold so I store the jug in the fridge and just pour it into the mister. There's been discussion about percentages of juice to water. I prefer full strength and I know it can't harm the birds. I've used it full strength for years. The choice is yours. The most important parts of a grey's body that should be thoroughly soaked are 1--the inner part of the wing where it meets the body. That body area should be sprayed very well. 2--all over the breast area starting from the neck all the way down to the vent area. All of the above areas aren't water proof so the juice should soak in immediately 3--the feathers covering each leg. 4--the base of the upper neck /lower back of the head. I fill a mister with the fluid and start misting the breast area. I stand about 10 to 12 in away. The closer you are to the bird, the better it is for the bird. Using a mister close up doesn't disturb a bird as much as if the mister was farther away. Usually, the bird tries to bite the nozzle which is to be expected. They'll do the same thing with a water mister. In order to Soak the bird down under the wing area, I turn the nozzle to squirt with the bird facing me, I squirt in between the wings and the body. It quickly works it's way in. In stead of using full pressure on the trigger, I use 1/2 squirts so that the shock of getting hit with the squirting action is greatly minimized. Some birds will actually open up their wings and let the fluid through. Not surprisingly, the majority of birds don't though. The best time to use aloe is after a bath because it has no effect on the outer feathers because the flight, tail and covert feathers are all waterproof. Plain water which used in misters, baths or showers is the best way to remove dander which sits on the the outer feathers. Using Aloe Juice softens and makes the skin extremely supple. Normally, a grey or TOO will sit quietly after being bathed until nature tells it that it's time to preen which might take more than an hour. Depends upon the bird.. PS---I also keep a small bottle of 100% PURE ALOE VERA GEL around in case of periodic irritations on the legs I.e.--raw spots, dry scales and intense picking. I also use it for minor thin spots on the body that can happen during molting season. A little dab and it immediately is absorbed by the leg or body. Think about purchasing and keeping that product around besides the aloe juice. You can compare the gel to a first aid cream that people always have around for themselves. Neither of these items are harmful to the bird. The juice, if accidently ingested won't hurt the bird because neither item is toxic. The gel immediately sinks into ares where it's used. People also drink Aloe Vera juice when they have intestional problems such as ulcers and digestive problems --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------======================================================= Please don't click rewards for me, this is Dave's post. Jayd
  12. 🙂 http://www.plannedparrothood.com/plants.html https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/cats-plant-list
  13. 😄 kittykittykitty and Ray....I can't stop laughing..🤣 Like
  14. Thank you! My preference is to keep a Grey in a forever home but we can't always do that. Obviously, you investigated this park and felt comfortable...I feel, in your case, this is the best move for you and your Fid. We have worked, over a number of years, with many sanctuaries to our satisfaction. The one you picked is outstanding. When it comes to selling a parrot or giving one away, it is extremely hard because, in this instance, the book's cover does not necessarily reflect what is in the book. I think you made a good choice out of a difficult situation. Please keep us informed.
  15. Greetings Thank you for your info...I researched Lincolnshire wildlife park, It's quite a setup, nothing but good, it has everything to properly take care of greys and other parrots, including avian medical staff. It does not appear to be overcrowded considering the group environment that Greys live in the wild. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnnOx178Z64
  16. He is on antibiotics again... I do feel he is somewhat of a miracle...Jay has a few more conditions than what has been mentioned. He has MS, he has been having a number or small TIAs, sleep apnea, CHF, Asbestosis, enlarged heart, liver, kidneys, multitude of lung issues, diabetes, AFIB, undiagnosable tongue cancer, etc.
  17. Hi, Maggie here....After a long night, I was not ready to get up and start the day as early as Joe was🙄😝....so I was trying to ignore him when he went into his cage-rattling, "let's start the day" mode. After 15 minutes, he won and I got up to set up his breakfast before getting him out.... BOY! Was I surprised to pass his cage and find that he had rattled his dish door open and was trying to squeeze out between his food dish and the opening 😁🙄....Once he saw me and realized he was caught, he snuck back in and waited for me to open the door...hahahahaha! By the way, he has also developed manners. When he is done eating, he requires a napkin so he can beak it and clean his beaker and mouth...He will take the paper into his mouth, gum it a few times, and drops it. The napkin will not be torn or shredded at all. He just likes to keep a clean mouth and beaker.😍
  18. You can see how proud.....
  19. This is a re-post from 2010 About a example of abuse , Joey, after ten years has improved 99%....but still carries some baggage. I hope this will be useful and shed some insights into the mentality of our Greys. We will do a current update....remember it takes time. Be patient! Joey: Congo African Grey Parrot Present Age: Four years old Abuse Type: Mental and Severe Psychological (No visible sign of Physical abuse) Background: We know the pet store that Joey had originally been purchased from. He had been weaned and clipped, never allowed to fly. For the next two years we had no record and we have not been able to speak to the previous owners. After purchasing Joey and with some help also with help from Joey himself, we have been able piece together some of his past history and his previous owners. His previous owners were a well-established young couple. The female was never fond of any types of pets, did not fit her lifestyle. Joey had favored the male and there had been a bonding but it wasn’t a healthy bonding. Shortly after getting Joey, which brought problems to the marriage, the male was more interested in maintaining harmony than integrating Joey. This brought about bickering over Joey between the two owners with the female getting more and more agitated, putting him in a small room by himself, being ignored by both of them except for cage cleaning, food and water. There was a lot of arguments that took place within earshot of Joey, possible marital abuse, yelling at Joey by both of them, cage being tapped, arguments about whether to keep Joey or get rid of him. At this point, the owners decided, (not mutually) to get rid of Joey. So, at this point, Joey and his cage was taken to a pet store where the owner agreed to hold him for awhile and let Joeys owners visit him for a while (which was wrong). They only visited him three times over the next six months, arguing in his presence each time. At this point in time, we took Joey into our hearts and home. The Homecoming: We didn’t know this young Grey’s name, so we called him Jim (Kirk) to go along with Spock. At this time, we had enough birds for everyone in the city. He was a quiet bird and would sit in his cage in the back and be soundless. He would let you change his water and food (he had been on seeds only diet). He would also shake if you came near the cage and would constantly head-search while chewing his toe-nails. He was extremely neurotic…he was a small bird and looked like he might have been stunted from lack of a proper diet. We introduced him to everyone and we did not attempt to hold him. We talked to him and talked to our other fids in front of him. If we saw that he was being extremely nervous, we would go out of our way to stop and talk to him with a “Hi Jim” etc, and we were slowly discovering the depth of his psychological and mental abuse. We left the cage door open whenever we were home and awake which at this stage was 24/7. One day, Jay left the room and in the most concerned voice, Joey called out “Hello! Are you okay?” When Jay came back, Joey was standing at the open door looking down the hallway, looking for Jay to come back. He would also say “Hello”, “How are you?” at this time. He also started talking to himself…bringing up his past two years. While shaking badly, he would say things like “Are you going to feed me?” “Get a lawyer”, “You can run but you can’t hide!” “LIAR!” He would make crying sounds…he would do this while we were not in the room (plus other things too sad to say). During this period, we were introducing him to all sorts of fresh veggies and fruits. (It has taken over a year to get him to eat veggies and fruits) Besides his ruminations, he also started talking, calling to the other fids, calling us by name, singing but always reverting to his old self and chewing his nails and shaking. Out of nowhere, as Jay and I were walking by his cage, he looked Jay straight in the eye and said, “I’m Joey, NOT Jim”. He told us this twice (imagine us with our jaws on the ground) and we had to start changing his name on our threads. Now and into the Future: Joey lets us hold him and play with him more each day. He is coming out of the closet so to speak…he is an ideal parrot in a number of ways but it is all from his abuse years. He has built his life on his own routines. He eats at the same time each day, he talks at the same time each day, he preens himself at the same time each day…he definitely has obsessive-compulsive tendencies. For the last two months we have not heard him say anything from his abusive past. He has a growing vocabulary and strong cognitive abilities which we believe has roots in his abusive years. He lets us hold him when he wants to. At times, he is very cage-territorial and he stays on his cage. He will perch and let you take him from his cage for a few moments only. We have a perch on the outside of his cage and he likes to spend most of his time looking out the window. He is extremely vocal and interacts with Spock and Salsa and lets both of them eat and drink from his bowls and he plays tail-chase with both of them on his cage. He is very insecure anywhere away from his cage. It is an ongoing process to try to get him comfortable enough to stay away from his cage. He has attempted to fly on four-five occasions to fly and they have been disastrous. This is definitely due to the fact that he was constantly clipped. (We have set out pillows on his common landing areas that is more often missed than hit.) At times, he will revert to something that triggers his bad memories and will pin his eyes and draw blood out of the clear blue. Once he snaps out of it, he is very affectionate and loving. The Future continues: On-going Progress: In the last couple of weeks, Joey has made some amazing changes. To everyone’s surprise, when you open his cage in the morning, he will hang from the top of the cage, wait for you to support him with your hand and involve you in beaky play. He will hang with one foot and grab your hand with the other (Yikes!) and play roughly while talking to you. (Non-Sexual) He’s molting and he’s also found out that a human finger is excellent for rubbing the pin feathers at the bend of the leg where it touches the body. In the few moments that he lets you hold him, he has leaned against our chest (on his own) and cuddled. Now and Beyond: Daily, you can still see the pain that he has endured. When he thinks we are not observing him, he reverts to his shaking and nail chewing to a lesser extent. His most recent trait that the past is still current in is memory is when we have to leave, he will let out a couple of loud contact calls and puff up to almost twice his size and stare and you and call while you are leaving. It is so sad… They NEVER forget…any abuse is a major and daily part of their lives and they live with it….it is always there to haunt them.
  20. Arizona law requires a doctor visit and license and costs $300.00 which we do not have. The stuff Jay has is Dronabinol and does not last long. We are going to try to get some way to get him a license. Thank you for the information. He has only slept an hour since yesterday due to pain. Thank you again!😁❤️ Maggie
  21. Thank you Ray....Great....
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