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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Our new rescue Jim, the first couple of days he did a little plucking on his chest and red tail.(pulled 2 red feathers) We showered him with attention, gave him treats and did a lot of talking to him, and sprayed him with aloe. He stopped plucking but it could have been a disaster..We have TWO other fids that weren't so lucky, they were damaged to badly when we got them, They don't pluck anymore and the few feather they have look GOOD...NEVER BE AFRAID TO ASK...<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/08/20 21:29
  2. B) Bullhead City AZ, Awh, balmy, nice, :evil: Nice temps, 117 TO 124 DEGREES, I could buy a birdie a month for the cost of our electric bill, Keep cool all,:silly:
  3. B) Beach Bum, we have plenty of sand but nooo beachs.What a nice baby...
  4. We all used to have so little, but now so much...
  5. LUV_EM, LUV_EM, LUV_LUV_EM.....{Feel-good-00020114}
  6. What a proud bird, WOW so beautiful...
  7. Poor Buddy....he is getting better about his cussing. They (Buddy and Pistachio) like their new area. They are currently residing in the cockatiel room. It is more humid and warmer and they really like that. They both come out and play around the cages...in fact, the other day, Buddy got out of his cage and got into the cockatiels' cage. I think he was not sure what he got himself into because he was staying in the corner watching all these other strange creatures...LOL When I opened the door, he came out and ran over to his cage pronto. He will let us feed him through the cage bars and he will now get out of the way when I have to clean out the cage (before, I had to hold him off to clean anything). His favorite toy is still a thick stalk of broccoli. He loves to demolish it and really gets excited to see it coming. When I close the cage after I am done, Buddy thinks it is his duty to lunge at me but I think it is getting to be more out of habit... Poor Pistachio can't grow any more feathers due to extensive follicle damage. He has not lost any more feathers though and the ones he still has have come in shinier and thicker. He takes good care of them and it is funny to see this huge conure bent over, preening this tiny Ring-Neck. Pistachio is still the boss though and he lets Buddy know when he gets out of line by squawking and snapping at him. Sometimes we sneak a peek and Pistachio will be bent over Buddy protecting him/her while they sleep. Too cute {Feel-good-00020114}<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/08/21 19:40
  8. B) Spock here,The only thing better than a Grey, is two Grey's and all there friend's!!!Here's a Karma for sticking around...Thank you for contacting my slave for a possible older Grey... Live long and prosper {Feel-good-0002006B}<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/08/19 22:19
  9. {Feel-good-0002006B} Spock here, Jim never shuts up!!!He's been here 24 days now, and he's opened up. He starts in at 5:30am with "Hello" and then he lets a stinker sound and a tinkle sound 3-4 times (oooohhhhh!!!!) Then he says Good Morning and Good Morning Jim. He goes on for about an hour and he and I whistle back and forth to each other. I will whistle the first half of a wolf whistle and he will answer with the second half, then we whistle back and forth for an hour. Then, my slave, Jay, tells us all that he is taking Maggie to work and Jim says "See you later". As Maggie goes by his cage door, he says "I want a kiss" and leans forward and touches her nose and makes a kissie sound. When Jay gets back, Jim says assorted Hellos and if Jay leaves the room, Jim asks "Are you okay?" and "How are you?". Jim sure knows what he is saying...I am so jealous...I am trying to talk but all I can speak is Vulcan...Yesterday, Jim told Jay "Hello!(to get his attention) I want to go outside". He sure knows what he wants...Wow! I can't even say my name...Besides the microwave sounds and whistles (which I can do!), he makes a sound like an energy weapon. I laugh when Jim does a full wolf whistle when my slave Maggie is bending over in front of his cage, cleaning!! (Hehehehe:evil: ) Spock Live Long and Prosper
  10. Jayd

    New Babie Photos

    B) Thank you all, It's so wonderful to be able to be around so many different kinds of birds all the time. {Feel-good-00020114}
  11. B) Here's whats feeding at the Feathered Friend, (ALL SOLD) 8 Weeks old, Harlequin Macaw, Ruby Macaw and Scarlet. A Major Mitchell cockatoo (Leadbetter) What fun, all pigs. Jayd:P<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/08/19 00:43
  12. B) Hi, Spock here...I was helping myself to my veggies and my slaves chased me away...If they didn't want me to help myself, they shouldn't have left them out. I have been pushing my limits lately, I wanted to see what I could get away with. My slaves wanted me to step up and I didn't want to so I made them ask me three times before I finally decided to get on their fingers. I heard my slaves say something about me going through the "Terrible Twos". It sounded awful...I just want to show my independence. And, no one will preen me!!!! I step up to Jim and lower my head but he just turns away. My Sun buddies will do it sometimes but they don't get out as much since they decided to re-enact the London Blitz and annoyed Jim and Salsa with diving on their cages. Salsa won't preen me, she just squawks and cries like a baby when I get too close to her. And another thing, when she (Maggie) is preparing our fruit and veggies, she covers them so I can't snitch them. I get around that though and eat off the plates she has ready...ha, ha, ha....I have been trying to teach my slaves Vulcan but they don't understand me. They think I am just making whistles and sounds...I tried the Vulcan Mind-Meld with Jim but he does not want to cooperate...I decided to explore Jim's abode...It was interesting...very different from mine and cool toys. Even the food tasted different even though it looked the same as mine...he doesn't have the refined palate that I do. My slaves had visitors but I don't like to interact with them. I will get on my slave (Jay's) shoulder but that is the limit. I will not get any closer and they can't make me! Yesterday, they tried to give me a bath. I HATE IT! They tried and I screamed loud enough for the neighbor to call on the phone. The indignity of it all...I preen...that should be enough. I guess I am calming down....I like to sit on my slave's leg and preen myself while I watch TV. They rub my head and give me pumpkin seeds. Sometimes, they forget when it is bed-time and I have to fly over and get into my cage on my own. I feel bad for Jim...he can't fly but he is coming out of his home more....He does understand Vulcan though and he and I talk back across the room. Well, it is snack time...peanut butter anyone.... Spock Live Long and Prosper;) :evil:
  13. B) CRAZY BIRDS,I know Spock likes doing tricks in his cage...
  14. B) Thank you all..:laugh: Some new storys coming in the next day or two....
  15. B) OK, I'm older than you,(1 DAY) and all I can do is Whistle...Your probably making Ecko's !!! Spock... (Oh well, here's a Karma)
  16. :laugh:Up/down, He don't care... :laugh: {Feel-good-0002006E}
  17. You do so good, Do what your doing, say Thank You, and walk away... A Karma to you...
  18. We found out that when Jim makes the sound of running water, he wants a bath!!!We were misting him and after we were done he started bathing in his water bowl and making his running water sound (DUH). We put a pan of water in his cage and he started bathing and making the water sound, smart bird's these Grey's:laugh:
  19. "TIME" That's the key...It all takes time, Step-up, try a perch, just be patient. Food, try every thing, with all our fids, no two eat the same thing, we do "Abundant Feeding" put a little of a lot of different types of food in his cage, not just for one day but for a week, then try something different...Example: one week try a little zucchini, collard greens, lightly steamed carrot, one type of pellet, (each couple of weeks try a different brand of pellets) birdie muffin (Jiffy corn muffin mix, 2 egg's and shells, peanut butter, crushed pellets, 2 jars of organic baby food such as carrot, apple, no milk.) and a couple pieces of fruit like sliced apple, cantaloupe, nectarine, orange, apricot, pears etc, or warm or cold Smash. All our Grey's, Amazon's and Conure's love it.(baked soft sweet potato, organic peanut butter. mashed banana, or pears.)We serve this each morning warm. You can get you baby to step up and perch when you feed him Smash. It takes time,
  20. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Tears... HAPPY HATCH DAY, Beautiful... :P {Feel-good-0002006E}
  21. Really good and helpful post...Spock first, Don't say a word, maybe says Spock, 6 months old. Since Jim moved in Spock started experimenting with sounds. He mimics some of Jim's sounds and makes up his own, combining sounds all day long. Jim, around 2 years old, rescued and mentally abused. We have had Jim for 11 days, 1st day he whistled a couple of times, 3rd morning his caged still covered he said "hello" like you said, it was a question, later that day he said when I left the room "Where are you", again as a question. Also as questions he says: Where are you going, Can I have a kiss. He says Jim, and Hello. Around 15 minutes before we uncover the cages each day,Jim says "Hello".Were trying to get him to not only say new things but to say what he already knows and to keep a look out for "negative" words...
  22. It appears that Jim didn't have much of a social life, he doesn't come out of his cage much, (twice a day now), and when he does, he doesn't stay out long. When we first brought him home, we saw that he had plucked quite a few feathers but that has stopped and his feathers are getting more sheen to them. We have put a few new toys in his cage but he doesn't like too many changes. He likes to be covered for 12 hours a day. He has a hanging ball in his cage and he occasionally bops the ball as he goes by it...whether it is out of nerves or not, we don't know. He will now eat pumpkin seeds (white and shelled) handed to him, yogurt treats and he also likes popcorn (plain popped corn). He is finally beginning to eat a few veggies but is not yet crazy about any fruit (Or I have not found the one he likes). He does not like his face to be wet or have anything on it. (which might explain why he does not like fruit). When we give Jim (and Spock, Salsa and the Suns) Smash, he enjoys it but can't stand anything on his beak. He will let us wipe his beak now, and we tell him "Let me wipe your face" and he stays still while we clean him (too cute). Jim really likes Spock and perks up when Spock is around. Spock is really learning from Jim (and never shuts up LOL). He is imitating whistles and sounds that Jim makes. Jim does NOT like the Suns at all. Whenever the Suns come near his cage, Jim fluffs up and opens his beak. (It is funny because the Suns have never met anyone they don't like and they can't understand why Jim doesn't like them). He pays no attention to Salsa and the one time that she went on his cage, he ignored her and she left for another cage right away. When Jay leaves the room, Jim yells out "Where are you?" When Jay or I leave, we always take the time to explain to Jim (and the others) that we have to leave but we promise to be back. Jim's vocabulary now includes "Hello", "Hi", "How are you?", "Where are you?", "Can I have a kiss?", "Where are you going?", and a number of whistles. He also makes the sound of running water when you change or touch his water dish. If you hold a glass of water to his beak, he will beak it and make the sound of a water drip. Every morning around or approximately 15 minutes before we uncover him, he says hello... We are encouraged, he has accomplished a lot in a little over a week and he does not chew his nails nearly as often as he did. <br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/08/07 00:55
  23. :blink: OK OK,how about a break, I've been eating seeds for almost two years,now I'm given a tad of seed and all these veggies and fruit, (Spock, your a Vegan, oh, sorry, Vulcan) Fine, see I ate all most all you gave me, It's true about the Tribble's???(Thanks Dan;)) Jim out
  24. We'll ok, I'll try, I know they won't quit offering the exotic foods, and even the tribbles eat it, Thanks all, I'll let you know as my word list grows... Jim B)
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