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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Baby's best toy, a sound proof room!!!! We have "INDESTRUCTIBELL and TUBULAR BELL" 9 of each of them, there grey't, Th Bells of St, Mary, all 9 at the same time!!! They only get them when some one we don,t like comes over,,,,LOL Ha-ha...The best toy!! straps of leather, 2 feet long with wood wheels and knots tied into them, then tied to the side of there cage. It teaches coordination and it's amazing to watch them untie a double knot...Jayd
  2. O God I'm sorry just to many tears when I hear this, I pray for you................Sit out by your door have your babies toys and food and call out repeatedly..........
  3. If damage is done then it' done already, all we can do is not cry or worry over what has been done, but to make the best of what we've caused. Our companions have never known their roots, but sometimes, I fell they feel a longings for something they can't quite touch...We must replace this need with our love and caring. Jayd
  4. Logan, please don't be upset with me asking these questions, but these things are sometimes missed in researching our Greys. Are you familiar with what you can't feed Grey's? Are you aware of the dangers of "Teflon"? Ptfe, Microwave popcorn? Candles? Household cleaners? Perfumes,aftershaves,powders etc. There's a post explaining all these potentially dangerous situations on this greyt forum. Please ask. Don't be afraid to ask for advice, opinions, etc. Everyone here has been in your situation (sometimes more than once) and there is a wealth of information for the asking. What a GREAT OPPORTUNITY you have!!! Again, I know I speak for everyone here...WELCOME!!! Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the rest of the flock
  5. Welcome and hello Logan, please ask some questions today you might be unsure of, adopting a older Grey is a challenge for even a experienced person. There's a lot of help to be found here.....Things that aren't always in a book, and things that are sometimes wrong in books.[or net] Jayd
  6. Hello, A Amazon mature anywhere from around 5 to 12 years old, when they do, sometimes it's good, sometimes it's over aggressive and rough. Like the Jilly said," someone is in love"!!! If this is hormonal, remember the rules: say I love you, thank you and walk away...No touching anywhere but head and neck... Thanks Jayd
  7. Always enjoy your posts!!!!

    Jayd, Maggie and Spock

  8. Yummy!!!! So Good....
  9. Steaming of Vegetables: Carrots (cooked slightly for better assimilation of beta carotene) Green Leafy veggies are a must [dandelion greens,collards, mustard,kale,carrot tops some swiss chard and spinach]. Birdie Bread [Yum], Corn meal muffin mix [Jiffy] 2 eggs. [shells and all, washed good], 2 small jars of organic baby food,[don't ad water] and what ever else you bird likes... Beak Appetite is a excellent brand of cooked food. Jayd
  10. Hot peppers are fine, really try hard to get him to eat his Dark green leafy veggies, really important food!! Some of are fid's we put a whole leaf and stem through the cage bars, others we chop, and some we mix in their Smash and Mash...Carrots are also important, slightly cooked... Jayd Bill harrison: http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww47eii.htm
  11. That's two of us, I couldn't take it, wow, thank you...Jayd
  12. Judy, that was the hardest thing to do, giving them back, we couldn't even name them. From feeding them 5 times a day to praising them and scolding them, each with a different personality, and not bonding with them....it was hard, and we loved every minute of it. Some times we'd have to work with them till they went to their new homes. The Leadbetter [Major Mitchell] didn't find a home for over a year....[Their expensive]. Jayd p.s. As I find the rest of the photo's we'll post them...
  13. His coloring is beautiful....Our eye's can see 256 shades of gray, I love it....Jayd
  14. These are the Fids we have helped fledge last year...We usually start about 15 to 20 days old until flying and fully weaned. Unfortunately, we have no say-so if they will be clipped when we return them. The hardest part is not bonding with them (too much). last year we always had up to 50 fids at a time,[including our] Jayd Spock and sister. Spock 7 weeks old. Skittles 4 weeks old Sunburst 4 weeks old. Skittle and Sunburst 5 weeks old. Keet 1 hr old Hawkhead [wow] 20 DAYold Greenwing Macaw 20 day old Ruby Macaw 15 day old scarlet Leadbetter We also fledged a Umbrella TOO, Green-Cheek Conures, Amazon's, all our 'Tiels ETC. This was volunteer work, owner supplied food etc. Jayd and Maggie
  15. Welcome to this Grey't Forum, This is the place with the best people on this great earth...Jayd
  16. A while back, Spock landed on Maggie's head and started to peck at her head. She told him, "Do you want a time-out Spock?" He replied "Hell NO!" and flew off. Yesterday, Spock got into something on the counter and knocked it off. When Maggie asked him, "Spock, what are you into?" he answered "Nothing!" Salsa sometimes gets loud and Joey says assertively, "Salsa, Shut up!". Joey (sad) when first rescued, would say things like "get a lawyer", "are you going to feed me?", "you can run but you can't hide!". He doesn't say these things anymore... Buddy, our Mitered Conure who we rescued from a really bad home, used to say "Wanna get some crack?", and numerous other (dirty) phrases. Now, he says "Good morning", "I love you", "good night"...plus other good phrases. He is an extremely good talker. He would still just as soon bite you as look at you. We have to give him a broccoli stem to chew on so we can clean his cage. We have accepted that he will never be friendly to us but we know he is happy now. Jayd
  17. Hi, Jayd here, Please stop by our Amazon Room, love to hear some story's and see some photo's Jayd

  18. Thank you!!! To lose one of our companions is to much to even think about, I've seen the heartache tears and pain from it......Your a good "paront" Jayd
  19. That,s great, such a pretty baby......Thanks Jayd
  20. So true Dave, not for the faint of heart....Jayd
  21. If your "breeder" did anything but a *Good Equal Wing Cut", then your bird in the slightest breeze can get lift and fly [glide] up into a tree, and as you said " he can't even generate enough lift to land somewhat gracefully" so when he would try to land from that high up, he would hurt himself or kill himself. A bird should be clipped [if at all] no more needed than for him to have a glide path that would safety get him to the ground....You'd better pad around his cage so if and when he falls, he won't split his breast bone or worst...A bird should never be clipped before he learns to fly...Your "breeder did a dangerous injustice to your bird by clipping him that short. If I were you, I'd make a Vet appointment to see if both wings were cut equal, so many problems can arise if there not. Jayd
  22. Enjoy your threads, they make a "wicker ball" in different sizes starting at about the size of your keet ball, most pet supply's sell them. Jayd
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