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Posts posted by Jayd

  1. Thank you, Are they sitting the eggs? Most of the time a pet and a breeder are not productive...Are you running the lights longer? (longer days) Have you raised the temperature a little and are you feeding them more egg? (Higher protein)

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  2. A parrot even with clipped wings can fly and be lost. A proper clip is the same amount clipped from each wing, A small breeze with the fid flapping, can have the breeze lift her and deposit her on a nearby tree which they can then flutter from tree to tree...Before you clip, please do all the research you cam.

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  3. :D Hi, This is Maggie, Jayd's wife, and he asked me to answer this since I have the same problem...sweetheart, there is no cure (that I have found yet)...you have been selected...you are the CHOSEN one...:P you have a new BFF...unless your Poppy changes allegiance to someone else, this will continue. My BFF is our Salsa and Joey (Our Amazon and Grey)...when one is not on me, the other one is....I feel like I have a permanent rolling bowling ball attached to my shoulders and my clothes all have the same green stains and patterns...xD When it gets to be mating season (which is now), it gets worse unless they are napping...(Whew)...I use the excuse of going to the bathroom a lot and locking the door...LOL...No, seriously, I do love every minute of it because I know it will not last forever...Sometimes, I can get them to stand on a perch, counter, or bucket next to me while I do something if I talk to them the whole time and bribe with a treat such as a "Good nut" (Raw spaghetti pasta or pistachio)

    When we were breeding cockatiels, I had between 10-30 babies on me at all times...in my hair, hanging on my nose, picking at my ears, playing hide-and-seek under my clothes...

    I do not know how much this helps except that you are in an exclusive club....Maggie

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  4. Thank you Acappella, wonderful post...I feel this Grey is a little more wild than not..You are correct about whistling back, my recommendation is in the wild, parrots don't "talk" as we know it, their preference of communication is screeches and whistles which is how they greet us...A parrot will take the easy way out if they feel they can get away with it...Some parrots never talk.. By talking over whistling back, it's reinforcing speech communication over whistles. Unfortunately, a Grey reverts back to whistles with less or no talking at an early age

    An example: we teach poop stations to our flighted fids. We have small pieces of  newspaper and we watch the bird, find a poop pattern, and every time we find poop where we want them to poop, we show them the paper and place it on the ground. In time, this is where they poop besides their cage and play stand. As intelligent as a Grey is, they are still a creature of habit.

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  5. Thank you so much for joining the Forum..We would love to hear your  about your flock and see photos..With your Senegal, I'm going to do some research. For now I would put the fid in it's own cage, away from the others birds...

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  6. The batch numbers are listed, I've check stores that had food still over the expiration date...For a number of years now, Zupreem has ad recalls yearly...At  Walmart I brought to showed  a number of bags with Black powder on the peanuts...I'm sorry if I'm overly cautious about somethings, but most people haven't experienced a fid die in their arms or hand because of bad food or Telfon and not be able to do anything about it. Thank God  most never will... Record that batch # before you throw that box or bag away Please.....

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  7. Sorry I didn't post this sooner. Type "Zupreem" in your search...

    Information about the food batches: Zupreem, Large for macaws/cockatoos etc: 10287 865309107 Use By: 3/31/19 Zupreem, Large for macaws/cockatoos etc: 09137 862908047 Use by: 2/28/19 Higgin's Vita Seed Parrot Use By: 4/5/19 Lefeber's Tropical Fruit Nutriberries: Use By Batch: 122218B
    • Like 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, Joey's Sister said:


    I have actually been meaning to try her with boiled egg. She loves toast dipped in yolk in the morning. :D

    The hard boiled egg is a little better with the shell on for natural calcium and help replace any nutrients loss..Please don't feed supplements with out a vets approval...You know us old people, I hide my own Easter eggs and forget where I hid them in 5 minutes.....

    • Like 3
  9. :DWelcome Nick and Maxi! If I may suggest, with your rescue, you have accepted a long and winding road with Maxi.:o Since Rome was not built in a day, let's hope it doesn't take as long to rebuilt it...:P  A possible starting point...sit by her, read to her, sing to her, and talk to her. When you are by her cage, have her cage door open. At this point, don't try to have her step up. Since she is playing with a plastic fork, place a similar toy (a straw, a small strip of wood, a piece of safe leather) and go about your day as if she is an old member of the family. After a while (days, weeks, months), you can offer her a finger. (don't try daily, maybe every three or four days....) ¬¬ Remember the Beatles song, "The Long and Winding Road" or the phrase, "I'm in it for the long haul"? Talk about a woman who is set in her ways..xD Your patience will be well rewarded...Pick out one special treat and use only that treat once or twice a day only from you. Please keep us informed...

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  10. Okay, where have all the flowers gone? Do you of this Great Grey Forums realize that some of the most knowledgeable and caring Grey Parronts exist, to offer their knowledge, learning and help just out of their love of parrots?!!!!

    Okay, then start posting, Talon, Luvparrots,Judy, Ray and Accapella, Greywings, kittykittykitty, Timbersmom, and everyone else I didn't mention..Where's your posts, SRseedburners love your posts, Greytness and everyone I haven't mentioned. Please, if I didn't mention your name, I meant no slight. (Maggie's serving dinner)...

    Every member is a major and useful contributor to

    The Grey Forums!




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  11. Parrots cannot digest lactose which includes milk, cheese, ice cream, etc. Cottage cheese and yogurt do not contain lactose so they can be tolerated.
    Remember my subject on moderation and accumulation? The way lactose affects our parrots is that the bird's gastrointestinal tract sets off basically an allergic reaction to lactose. In moderation, it can lead to mild inflammation with no signs. A steadier diet can can result in diarrhea and in diets with large amounts of lactose, total blockage/enterotoxemia can be the result. Often, symptoms are excused as just being normal for our Fid or misdiagnosed altogether.
    As lactose accumulates,  the inflammation in the bird's gastrointestinal tract can lead to secondary bacterial/fungal infections, decreased gastrointestinal motility or complete functional/foreign body obstruction, toxemia and death.
    In this case, it is best not to give dairy or lactose products. Think of your Fid as being lactose-intolerant...
    Remember your two best friends....Moderation and Accumulation


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  12. 15 hours ago, Timbersmom said:

    Oh Maggie, my heart goes out to both of you.  As I've learned myself, getting older takes guts, prayer, and perseverance.  Prayers for you both.

    Thank you Karen...I just realized I am having a birthday on the 28th and realized I am OLD....LOL....Thank you for the kind thoughts and prayers.

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