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Posts posted by Jayd

  1. 18 hours ago, Talon said:

    Yes, sadly, life does get in the way sometimes.   I have had some sad pet tragedies in the last few weeks.  A little on the depressed side, but I will get back here and contribute more in time.  Love to everyone ❤️

    Sweet lady....we will be here for you not just for a day, or a week, but for as long as you need us! Old friend, our prayers go to you, Ray, and to all those in need of them...

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  2. 22 minutes ago, Timbersmom said:

    Jayd mentioned a cardboard box earlier.  Cardboard is Timber's favorite thing (except his bells). He doesn't care much for wood, but loves shredding cardboard.  That's definitely worth a try. She's beautiful :)

    B|Fantastic toy, keeps them busy Cheap, easy too clean, Cheap..[Remove staples, tape and all glue]

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  3. 6 minutes ago, jjaura said:

    Her name is Aura!! 

    And thanks I have been but breaks my heart when she freaks out haha. She’s afraid of almost every toy. Balls, bells & water ..

    She's ok, things take time..Joe our 12 year old is the same way, put one toy at s time and leave it. Luvparrots has a Timmy, check her out....Have you tried a card board box for her to chew on?

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  4. 7 minutes ago, jjaura said:

    I’m two months into have my 6 month old timneh grey home with me! I’ve done plenty of research on owning a grey and understand how stubborn they can be. My poor girl is afraid of almost everything. Including water.. Any tips, advice or suggestions on getting her used to water for bath time would be much appreciated :)

    Welcome, Whats your fids name? I've had old old birds that never liked bathing..lol..Don't worry about it, get a spray bottle, room temp and have fun..[no drafts] Suggestion, Walmart has "Aloe Juice" spray it twice a week....

    • Like 2
  5. Thank you Judy, Dave, A grey breeder extraordinaire, check out the sticky's in the Forums rooms, need I say more...Your cage doesn't have easy access to the parents or clutch...As you've seen, breeding greys is quite complicated, Fledgling them is a nightmare...My strongest advice is to work with a known breeder from hatch to fledged, if you wish to breed parrots...I'm sorry I won't be able to help you, I'm too old and too tired... I did it before on the Forum, in my younger days...You can't believe the stress and fear in raising and fledgling a clutch. No book can prepare you for the actual physical time and involvement needed and all the problems you are not aware of unless you have raised several different types of parrots. A Grey is one of the hardest to breed...if your heart is set on breeding, I advise to get proven pair of cockatiels and an experienced coach They're one of the easiest to breed....that includes costs etc.....

    Here's some sample questions:

    • Are you going to use a syringe? A galvage tube? A Spoon?
    • What formula are you planning to use?
    • What temperature do you feed formula at?
    • You start by feeding 6 times a day (24 hr)...
    • When you pull them from the parents, what will you keep them in? Or, will you just remove them each time from the parents?
    • What will you use to heat the clutch?
    • What causes a crop impact and how would you attempt to cure it?
    • What is aspiration and how does it happen?
    • I won't even go into fledgling now....

    My reasoning for pointing this stuff out to you is death is only a moment away at all times with no emergency care or cure...A proven point is the chance of getting a wonderful parrot by letting the parents raise them or hand-feeding is the same. What good breeders do now is leave the babies with the parents until they are on three feedings a day and 95% of the problems are gone. That way, they already know how to eat, they have seen you because you visit every day, and feeding is all they are interested in and they don't care who feeds them....

    Whatever your decisions and choices are, we stand behind you....


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  6. Thank you very much...you are doing a wonderful job...Suggestion; when using a water bottle, it's advisable to wash with white vinegar daily (don't rinse with water after using vinegar, never soap or bleach). Since you are so creative, Go to Amazon, type in "food and water bowls for parrots". There are some bowls you can get. Bless you...keep up the good work...we'll check back.

    • Like 3
  7. Alex the parrot is the only non-human to ask the existential question- “What color am I”

    Nov 27, 2016 Tijana Radeska
    Featured image Alex the parrot

    Alex was an African parrot born in 1976. He became famous for being the subject of a psychological experiment at three universities – University of Arizona, Harvard and Brandeis University.

    His uniqueness not only regarded his ability to learn names of individual objects but also identify the objects and their colors regardless of their shape.

    In 1977, Irene Pepperberg, a scientist, animal psychologist and professor at Brandeis University and Harvard University, bought the one-year-old Alex from a pet shop.

    At the time; she wanted to test if primates with bigger brains can handle complex problems related to language and understanding – a belief that didn’t include birds.


    African gray parrots, three weeks old

    Pepperberg named the parrot Alex who is an acronym for avian language experiment or avian learning experiment.

    She was aiming to test the bird’s intelligence and the experiment lasted for thirty years, until Alex’s death.

    According to Pepperberg, Alex had shown intelligence of a five-year-old human and the emotional level of a two-year-old human, and he didn’t even reach his full potential by the time he died.

    In her research, Pepperberg argued that if the intelligence of a single bird can be compared to the ones of dolphins and great apes, then birds are animals with creative potential for using words.

    African gray parrot from Gabon. Photo credit

    Or maybe Alex was an extraordinary bird who learned over 100 words. Maybe he didn’t learn them mechanically but rather creatively with an ability to understand what he said.

    When asked about the shape, color or material of a certain object, Alex could give a precise description. After he had learned the name of a certain object, Alex’s understanding of that particular object was tested by being exposed to the same one but in different shapes and colors.

    For example, when he was shown keys in different sizes, shapes, and colors, Alex had no problems with identifying the object.
    African gray parrot from Congo

    When he was put in front of a mirror, Alex inquired the answer to the first existential question ever asked by an anima – “What color?” – referring to himself.

    He had learned that his color is gray after being told six times. Until today, Alex is the only animal which posed a question about itself.

    Or, as it has been assumed by some scientists, he was just lucky to ask “irrational” question at the right moment.

    Here is another fun read from us:Medieval animal trials in Europe – A pig sentenced to death by hanging for murder

    Alex died suddenly in 2007, at the age of 31. African gray parrots live an average life of sixty years, so Alex’s death was a surprise for everyone, particularly as he was in good health at the time.

    Pepperberg stated that it is a huge loss, but it wouldn’t stop the research. On the contrary, she claimed that it would be a setback. The lab has two other birds, yet not as comparable to Alex.

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  8. My friend, you need to set rules for yourself and stick with them.. Don't introduce anything that you don't want to be forced too do in the future. Your Grey is already training you well.....Give time a chance to work....

    • Like 2
  9. Thank you...I am only offering suggestions. More suggestions; :D you should have more than one feeding dish, one for seeds, one for pellets if you wish, one for fruit, and one for vegetables. The fruit and vegetables should be removed after 2 hours. Another suggestion; :oyou should remove the rabbit water bottles and replace them with water bowls. The reason is it's a proven fact that drip bottles can harbor bacteria. You have a beautiful set-up but it's not really a breeding set up for a Grey. A Grey breeding cage should be approximately 2'x3'x6' cage, a "L" shaped nesting box with an entrance hole on the top large enough for the two of them . As a minor tip, a few chunks of safe wood should be lined around the cage to ensure they can chew up their own bedding material. A calcium block would not hurt anything either.

    We also have a reef tank, an African Shell dweller tank (Tanganyika) and a live Shrimp/Plant tank and they all operate on only foam filters (all natural filtration)

    All the best wishes...

    • Like 2
  10. Everything is beautiful...one of the nicest aviaries I have ever seen...

    Again, this is just suggestions...I would definitely try to reduce the lights to 10 hours a day. I feel a most definite would be a more austere practical breeding cage, a more barren and less distracting, (small}  just a cage, perch and food bowels...Another point, the greens and wood might be safe, but they might hinder breeding.....

    • Like 2
  11. Hi...All Greys, regardless of being a breeder or a pet, need the basics of a proper diet. Whether this alone will ensure all aspects for a successful breeding will be met is not always so. In your case, BEING THAT I AM NOT A VET, it appears that the eggs are not accepting fertilization. So, this can be a medical problem with either of the pair. If this is the case, no matter what you do, it will not help.

    A major point is all conditions have to be right. Diet, weather and temperature, day/night cycle, and time of year:

    • Breeding season; we fake this by how long we leave their lights on, the temperature, and humidity.
    • Diet; Above and beyond the standard normal healthy diet, we offer them stimulating foods and a food-bearing calcium supplement (au natural)
    • Day/night cycle; increase the daylight...11 to 12 hours a day
    • Temperature; In the low 80s
    • Humidity; They like their humidity...Set a gallon water jug with a fish tank pump and airstone and bubble the water in the room or set up a small 10 gallon guppy or goldfish tank with a bubbler.
    • Feeding while breeding; Volkman's Sunflower seed diet is excellent..A normal diet that you would feed year-round...add to this a washed, hard-boiled egg a week, shell and all, cut egg and shell in half and give half an egg at a time. If they won't eat that, grind it up and put it in a bowl daily and remove it when they are done. While breeding, they need protein. Another good choice is boiled chicken legs. (drumsticks) Remove 98% of meat ...not only will they get protein but also calcium and bone marrow.
    • Just because we put two parrots together does not necessarily mean they will mate nor does it mean they will mate and produce good clutches.

    I never bred more than twice a year...it depletes their calcium and nutrients. Question: What kind of breeder box are you using? What kind of bedding are you using? The only person who can tell you if the problem is because of the birds will be a VET.

    (The reason for the sunflower seeds is the breeders need extra oils, nutrients, and calcium...including the calories involved will help keep the birds healthy and properly maintained. Sunflower seeds are great for our non-breeding Fids but ONLY in moderation.)


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  12. Thank you DiabloGrey...Have I ever told you my feelings on pellets? (LOL) :D They have yet to discover any pellet trees in the Congo :P In all seriousness, if you like pellets, that is fine. The majority of pellet ingredients are fillers and are processed hot which destroys almost 2/3rd of the nutrients. But, besides pellets regardless, they need green leafy vegetables, pieces of this and pieces of that. If you wish to check, I have recent posts regarding diet on the forum. Giving a washed hard-boiled egg, shell and all helps their calcium as well. Go to the "FOOD BOWL FORUM" and check out "Abundant Feeding" .. What's in yor food bowl?

    Just the fact that you are asking for suggestions You're doing a GREAT job! Remember, the final decision is yours...we are only here to offer our opinions...

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  13. 6 minutes ago, Erfan said:

    Sure , I’ll act normal, but my reason for laying was that he wants to see everything from  higher height , if He sees me in his level he  screams, and screech.


    Thank you my friend..laying down is not natural for you or him. If a person continues to do something like this, the only time a Fid will calm down is when you are in this position. A Grey is extremely literal; another important point along the same reasoning is that is you are upset at your Grey, you talk to him in an upset tone of voice and a happy voice when you are happy with him.

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  14. Erfan, Greys time is counted in weeks and months  and years, he need to be back in the room, it might take a year to realize anything,,Please don;t lay beside him, it;setting a bad example, be fluent with him, raise his cage ad leave it alone...Puffed feathers are normal, he's acting normal...You have to live on parrot time.....It could take years before you get the reactions you hope for...Act normal around him....

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