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Everything posted by Supernova

  1. Great minds think alike.
  2. I feel daft asking this, but why are there so many Guests and so few members on line at any one time, there are allways more guests, why do they not join? any ideas?
  3. I cant beleive this spel check Question has moved on so much, I think we are going a bit orf topic, so I think we need to open a new one in the-- off topic discussions section so meet you there if the norf lady has finnished cleaning her step and making the wrong pastie for her bloke,
  4. The Toy, Did not get wet this week/end because we are having 102 conifer trees removed from my garden and the stumps as well, so no update sorry, lotts to do. A very tired Bernie.
  5. I cant say anything yet but it involves TV and soon.
  6. WOMAN cant drive so why try to put them in a boat ??????????? Go for it Jill------------------------------------------
  7. I have some great news but you will have to wait
  8. Ben Her says ; Thanks everybody Daddy spolt me today, I had all day in the garden and now I can speak a bit of Black birdy and do the motorbike from down the road too. What with that and the fire engine,
  9. If my prams rockin dont bother nockin
  10. Ben Her is 5 years old Tommorow. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BEN HER.
  11. YEP from a big drop down the mine and splattered all over there pudding at the other end naaaaaaaaaaa Try a bit of straw when step cleaning.
  12. Can she clean the front step ???????????????
  13. The pasty originally came from Devon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT NORF The traditional Cornish pasty is filled with beef, sliced potato,sweed and onion, and baked. Pasties with many different fillings are made; some shops specialise in selling all sorts of pasties. In a proper pasty, the filling ingredients must never be cooked before they are wrapped in the pastry casing So how the hell can you put a fruit in there it would go manki QUOTES FROM YOUR POST so I win HA HA HA HA :-)
  14. JILL I know there are not many schools up Norf but the pastie was invented down here!! It is a roast beef dinner with vegies and no gravy in a pie for the farmers. How the hell can you put fruit in the same pie??? that would make a flippin mess in his lunch box if he droped down a mine!!! Also a man chewing on a straw, it a sign of intellegence, he is contemplating the meaning of life, and things to complicated to explain here. Pasties is a drink from France a bit like Pernod, or if you say it backwards Donerp hehe ahem, so up Norf the wives are to busy polishing the step like Nora Batty to know how to nock up a real pastie for a straw chewing intalicutal. I need a spel choke. Rebnie.
  15. IT IS FRIDAY WEEEEEEEEEEE I am orf till Tuesday so sod work and the bottle is out OOOPS!!!!!! Sorry hic.
  16. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at the mouth of Guanabara Bay ?????
  17. What is happening to us? are we going bonkers? he looks a right----------- copper, well with the helmet and all. wot a t#t head.
  18. Well down here in the south we have NO!! Nora Batties with wrinkled stockings to fight off so, well, being nice, is ok here, go polish yer step.
  19. Elaine collects dolls from times past, she has loads of them from babies to, well babies a bit older, ahem and the pram is one of 6.
  20. Here is Tiggs doing what comes naturaly but not with my baby grrrrrrrrrrrrr
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